Various sores on the surface of the tongue can be both independent formations and symptoms of various pathologies. In most cases, such diseases do not lead to unpleasant consequences with health, but in certain situations they may precede serious illnesses causing complications.
Sore on the tongue - a concept implying a combination of various diseases affecting the oral cavity. Diseases can manifest in the form of ulcers, cyst bubbles, etc. Pathologies of the tongue can bring pain and discomfort, resulting in difficulty in speaking and eating food. But even if the disease is not brightly expressed, it is not necessary to ignore it.
Ulceration on the surface of the tongue - causes
In order for the treatment to be effective, it is necessary to find out the cause of the disease correctly. Basically, the disease does not present any special problems, but one cannot do without a correct diagnosis. In this case, doctors emit several main reasons ulceration
- Aphthous stomatitis forms, which are characterized by ulcers on the surface of the tongue and other parts of the patient’s oral cavity. At the same time, both single aphthae and groups of ulcers can be formed. The disease is accompanied by severe pain and discomfort.
- Allergic stomatitisthat is caused by chemicals or ordinary food allergies.
- A simple form of stomatitis is accompanied by the formation of single ulcers. In this case, in the central part of the wound, a film of white-yellow hue is formed.
- Herpes Stomatitis - characterized by the occurrence of many small ulcers, with a gray tint at the base and blurred boundaries. Often, such sores in the tongue affect its lower part or palate.
- Thrush - A disease accompanied by the appearance of white sores. A touch of white is formed over the entire oral cavity. Most often, children are affected by the sore, but often the disease occurs in adults.
- The recurrent form of necrotic periadenitis has its differences. In the tissue of the oral cavity, seals first form, which develop into ulcers. This is a very severe form of the disease in the course of the course of which the wounds do not heal for several months.
- Afty Bednara - childhood disease caused by the appearance of ulcers with a touch of yellow hue. The cause of the sore is improper oral hygiene.
- Sores in the tongue caused by mechanical injuries are not as painful as those caused by illness. Such an ulcer is often a single wound, which quickly heals and leaves no scars.
I would also like to note common diseases, at which ulcers appear in the language:
- in case of immunodeficiency or infections of a viral nature, as well as in the case of a banal hypothermia, a necrotic form of gingivostomatitis may be formed, which is accompanied by an unpleasant odor from the oral cavity, sore gums, high fever and increased salivation;
- oral tuberculosis caused by infection from the lungs;
- syphilis - infections that are accompanied by ulcers in the tongue;
- also 30% of those infected with HIV have mouth ulcers.
Ulcers on the tongue - when do you need to worry?
If during the self-test the patients are found any symptoms of the following, you should immediately seek medical help:
- if, in addition to ulcers in the mouth, bubbles form on the skin of the hands, legs or other parts of the body;
- feeling of general malaise, accompanied by an increase in temperature above 39 ° C;
- if, in addition to inflammatory processes in the oral area, there is redness of the eyes or inflammation of the genitals;
- with the formation of rashes due to the use of medicines;
- if the formation of ulcers is accompanied by headache, itching, rash, or difficulty breathing;
- unusually large ulcers in the mouth or a huge number of them;
- in the formation of new ulcers to the healing of old foci of the disease;
- the appearance of a single ulcer that does not linger over a long period of time.
How to treat a sore tongue
The first step is to find out the cause of education ulcerative foci on the surface of the tongue. At the same time, the treatment of such ulcers directly depends on the associated diseases that caused their formation.
- If diagnosed in a patient stomatitis, treatment depends on the specific species. The herpetic form of the disease is treated with antiviral drugs that dull the development of herpes. Candida stomatitis requires the use of antifungal drugs. Aphthous form of ulcers is treated with antibiotic therapy.
- There are and general treatments stomatitis of any shape. In all situations, they support the immune system with vitamin C, which also helps the body to resist various pathologies and has a local antiseptic and antibacterial effect.
- Necrotic form of gingivostomatitis treated with antibiotics. Also prescribed vitamin complex and restoring diet. Sometimes prescribed drugs to support the heart. Necrotic tissue is removed using local anesthesia, since the process itself is quite painful.
- Traumatic ulcerswhich do not cause severe discomfort and pain, in most cases pass without the intervention of doctors. In order for healing to take place as quickly as possible, local therapy may be prescribed.
- If found general pathologies in the bodyThe doctor may prescribe a specialized treatment. Tuberculosis and syphilis are treated only in a specialized hospital. In the case of HIV infection, the infectious diseases doctor deals with the treatment.
Local treatments for ulcers
Regardless of the reasons for the formation of ulcers on the surface of the tongue, methods of local treatment may be of the same nature, aimed at removal of the inflammatory process and pain in the oral cavity of the patient.
The mucous membrane is treated with drugs with antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. Vitamin complexes are prescribed for internal use, which contribute to tissue repair at the site of the inflammatory focus. With strong pain, anesthetic drugs are prescribed for local action. When this is approved by doctors use of the following tools for the treatment of sores in the language:
- the use of green has a good antiseptic effect, but the procedure itself is quite painful;
- the use of hydrogen peroxide allows you to process ulcers several times throughout the day;
- to relieve pain using lidocaine in the form of a gel;
- chlorinexidine solution is prescribed for rinsing;
- the use of soda solution is also effective;
- furatsilina aqueous solution is also effective in combating ulcers on the tongue.
Also good help calendula herbal infusions, marigold, pharmacy chamomile, oak bark, sage, St. John's wort or thyme. When detecting ulcers, you must immediately begin treatment.