What is ulcerative stomatitis? Ulcerative stomatitis is an acute disease of the oral cavity. Ulcerative stomatitis additionally causes other diseases: necrosis, ulcerative disintegration of the mucous membrane. Usually, ulcerative stomatitis occurs in children who already have teeth. It affects not only the epithelium of the mouth, but all layers of the mucous membrane. Differently it is called ulcerative membrane stomatitis.
Study of stomatitis
Completely ulcerative stomatitis was not studied. Many specialists attribute it to a number of infectious. The causative agent is the fuzospirillary symbiosis - the fusiform bacillus and the spirochete Vincent. In 100% of cases of a healthy oral cavity, they are detected. Norm happens to the smallest number of people. The disease occurs absolutely when the pathogens prevail over the rest of the microbes. In most cases, such microbes are simply in sleep mode, they wake up with a small number of people. A fusiform stick can manifest itself, maybe only when certain drops in the body occur. For example, during the weakening of body resistance, changes in reactivity or trophic mucosa is disturbed.
On animals, studies were conducted that showed that ulcerative stomatitis occurs when gum trauma. In this case, the animals were on a diet, and they lacked vitamins.
In order to prevent the occurrence of ulcerative stomatitis, all rules and standards of hygiene in both personal and environmental areas should be observed. There must be proper nutrition, living conditions, and environmental factors. Frequent manifestation of the disease were in the war period.
Medicine knows that stomatitis often occurs in children with serious illnesses, such as the flu, stomach, or intestines. In addition, the possibility of manifestation of stomatitis occurs in violation of the nervous system, during vitamin deficiency, especially the lack of vitamins P, C and complex B. Poisoning with chemicals or food, pellagra and scurvy is also the cause.
Many authors who to some extent studied stomatitis concluded that hypovitaminosis C plays a large role in the development of ulcerative stomatitis. More observed outbreaks in the spring thaw season. This is usually May and April. It was during this period that children lacked vitamin C, which is not replenished by regular products.
Despite different opinions about ulcerative stomatitis, in turn, it is necessary to draw a conclusion. The conclusion still remains such that it is an independent disease, which is divided into different forms. Forms of stomatitis depending on the course of the disease:
- Chronic
- Acute;
- Subacute.
Forms of stomatitis depending on the severity:
- Easy;
- Heavy;
- Average.
Well-known experts in the field of studying ulcerative stomatitis
List of specialists - authors:
- B.P. Pashkov. In his book examines two sides of the coin: ulcerative stomatitis and gangrenous stomatitis. Then combines them into one together with angina Vincent.
- I. G. Lukomsky. From his statements it is clear that he is a supporter of the fact that the nature of the occurrence of stomatitis is the lack of vitamins in the body.
- S. I. Weiss. Author S. I. Weiss divides stomatitis into 2 parts: gangrenous and necrotic.
In most clinical cases, ulcerative stomatitis has the form of manifestation - ulcerative gingivitis. At first, stomatitis will cover the gum around one or more teeth and then gradually disperse around the entire edge of the gum. Ultimately, all the gum areas are covered, leaving only small gaps. It happens that both jaws are affected. There is no manifestation on the toothless areas, such as gum pockets or places where there are no gingival papillae.
In young children, stomatitis can begin in places where new teeth are about to appear. In adolescents, this happens in places of the lower wisdom tooth. In such places, the mucous membrane usually creates a “hood,” which means that they are easily exposed to the disease. There may be stomatitis in the area of manifestations of tartar, caries. As a result, it is not difficult to understand that the area of occurrence usually falls on areas where the most favorable habitat and development of such diseases.
Many patients complain itching, burning pain in the gumsas well as dry mouth. The gums in the initial period swell, there is swelling and redness. Stomatitis is also accompanied by pain. Severe pain enters the person during the chewing process, in other cases it is aching and penetrating pain. On the second or third day, the disease manifests itself as a gray-white bloom. Plaque is an unstructured tissue, which in its composition has a huge number of germs, inanimate leukocytes. The gingival papillae should have, as it were, cuts. On the inflamed mucous membrane is necrotic decay in a thick layer. If it is removed, the mucous will bleed.
The resulting inflammation can capture almost the entire oral cavity. it gums, tongue, cheeks and lips. They usually appear trail of teeth. In rare cases, the necrotic process can reach the periosteum. The ulcers are the color of gray mud. In this case, it is better to refrain from speaking with the interlocutors, as a very sharp disgusting smell will be heard from the mouth. The rotten smell of the oral cavity is obtained due to the breakdown of proteins provoked by the spindle-shaped stick and the spirochete Vincent. When the protein breaks down, the tissue releases hydrogen sulfide and ammonia.
During illness lymph nodes may swellthat cause pain when palpating. In addition, excessive salivation begins, sometimes it is 2-3 liters per day. Due to bleeding from the tissues, saliva takes on a pink hue. At the same time, saliva is thick, stinging, smelly. Any movement in the mouth causes severe pain.
Each person endures this pain differently. Sometimes it is a small body temperature, and sometimes from 38 and above. In severe forms of the disease, a person is often depressed due to constant anxiety, loss of appetite and sleep.
Acute period lasts from 10 to 15 days. With good and quality treatment, it decreases significantly. Usually after 4-5 days. With proper treatment, the disease retreats and the process of restoration of the oral epithelium begins. Usually epithelialization begins at the edges of the ulcers. At the same time it is necessary to continue the treatment. Retreat at the very beginning of the improvement is not worth it.
The main feature of stomatitis is the possibility of recurrence or chronic forms.
Complications are as follows:
- Inflammation of the middle ear.
- Pleurisy.
- Gastroenteritis.
- Disease of the genital tract.
- Rhinitis.
- Endocarditis.
Proper treatment entails a positive result. Of course, there will be incisors on the gums. It may even expose the root of a tooth or its crown. For young children, the prognosis is not so favorable. Sometimes the disease can take a long time.
Ulcerative stomatitis: treatment
When treating the main medications are antibiotics. Locally used drugs for the healing of oral wounds. In this case, topically used drugs that have an antiseptic effect. Preparations:
- Furacilin.
- Potassium permanganate
- Hydrogen peroxide.
- Chloramine, etc.
Irrigation with local preparations should occur under pressure.Moreover, if there is no special dental unit, you can use a regular syringe with a blunt needle. Careful treatment should expose the small holes between the teeth. Further, the treatment process includes: removal of tartar and necrotic decay. Decay need to remove the wholebut with great precision and accuracy. For acute manifestations, the treatment is transferred to the surgical hands. The surgeon must treat all affected areas. Conduct a similar treatment under anesthesia. Often enough to rinse your mouth with a 2% solution of novocaine. Novocain passes inward through the affected areas of the epithelium and has an analgesic effect.
Before you start taking an antibiotic, you need to check the microflora of the ulcer for sensitivity. According to the sensitivity, one or another type of antibiotic is used.
After treatment for 2 or 3 days manifestation of the first results begins. First, the gums stop bleeding. Secondly, the ulcerative foci are cleared of decay. Third, disappears smell from the mouth. Fourth, the pain is not so strong. On day 3 or 4, epithelium replacement begins. In severe forms, it begins on day 5. When chronic for 6-8 days. Children who can rinse their mouth should rinse with lilocim. This solution will allow wounds to heal faster. Soda rinses will also have a good impact. Soda boosts immunity and increases the output of white blood cells from the gums. After surgical treatment, hardening tissue is laid on the gum, which also contributes to the speedy healing.
For severe forms, doctors prescribe intramuscular injection of penicillin with novocaine for 100 thousand. Units every 4 hours. In this case, the treatment is 2-3 days. With the average form of the disease, it is enough to inject intramuscularly penicillin for 2-3 days. Penicillin in this case can replace tablets of tetracycline and biomycin.
Additional ingredients are also needed during treatment. It does not matter what form of the disease occurs.
Additional complex for treatment:
- Reception of vitamin C (0.3 gram 3 times a day). The course is 7 days.
- Reception of vitamin K (0,015 grams 3 times a day). The course is 3-4 days.
- Taking Vitamin B.
An analgesic for the treatment can be pyramidone with analgin.
During the acute period of the disease, doctors recommend comply with bed restand also need proper nutrition. Get plenty of liquid food with a high calorie content.