Cause of Bad Breath

We make home remedies for rinsingMorning breath is a physiological manifestation of our body and is eliminated with a simple toothbrush. In addition, certain foods, such as garlic, cabbage or onions, also cause bad breath. All these manifestations are attributed to the halitosis of a physiological species. More than a quarter of the population of our planet suffers from pathological halitosis. At the same time, neither mouth sprays, nor a mountain of chewing gum, nor tons of peppermints do not help; an unpleasant smell still remains. Halitosis is a medical term for bad breath. Why it arises and how to deal with it and will be discussed in this article.

We check breath

You can check breathing with a disposable mask.

What is the smell from the mouth corresponds to the diseaseTo determine the smell of breathing, you must bring the palm to the face in such a way as to simultaneously close the nose and mouth. Take a deep breath out with your mouth. If you can’t correctly determine how much it smells and what, buy a disposable mask at the pharmacy and exhale into it for one minute. Under the mask, the smell will be similar to that felt by others from you during communication.

Pharmacies sell special indicators of your breathing, they determine the level of breath freshness using a five-point system.

In hospitals and clinics use the device - a gas analyzer. The device determines the chemical component of the air exhaled by you and on the basis of the analysis determines the cause of the unpleasant smell.

Causes of bad breath

The main causes of halitosis:

  • no hygiene;
  • diseases of the gums and teeth;
  • dry mouth - a bad level of moisture of the oral mucosa;
  • inflammatory processes in the oral cavity.

In the cases considered, the main the reason for the foul smell are the remnants of recently eaten food and bacteria in the mouth. To fight alone at home will be very difficult and unlikely to achieve results. Halitosis of this type is cured only in dentistry under the supervision of a doctor.

But you need to understand that halitosis occurs not only because of a disease of the oral cavity.

Causes of bad breath:

  • ENT diseases: sinusitis, tonsillitis, rhinitis;
  • diseases of the stomach and intestines;
  • lung disease;
  • endocrine system malfunction;
  • all sorts of diets;
  • drugs;
  • smoking.

What disease corresponds to bad breath?

Bad breath, why?The smell of hydrogen sulfide or in the common people - the smell of spoiled eggs. An unpleasant smell is due to the process of protein decomposition. If an unpleasant smell occurs along with painful symptoms in the intestine after eating, nausea and belching, then this maybe gastritis, ulcer, diverticulosis of the esophagus or stomach, etc.

Quite often, the smell may occur due to overeating at the holiday table. In this case it is easily disposed of using activated carbon or Smekta, as well as enzyme-based drugs: Festal, Pancreatin, Mezim.

The smell and taste with sourness in the mouth indicates the presence of gastritis with high acidity, esophageal disease, ulcers.

Mouth odor and bitterness in the mouth as well yellow patina on tongue talks about liver and gallbladder disease.

The smell of feces from the mouth tells us about dysbacteriosis, dyskinesias (neurosis of the intestine itself) and about the obstruction of your intestines.

The sweet smell of acetone can trigger diabetes and pancreatic disease.

The smell of urine from the mouth speaks of kidney problems.

Disease treatment methods

Cleaning the surface of the tongue and cleaning the floss between the teeth.

Causes of Bad BreathFirst, you need to add to the daily two-time cleaning of the teeth the process of cleaning the tongue. In the evening take a teaspoon and with a light smooth movement from the root of the tongue to the tip, clean the surface of the plaque that has formed in a day. The procedure is unpleasant, but very effective.

Cleaning the surface of the tongue will save you from microbes, the multiplication of which in the mouth during the night would increase significantly. Believe me, this evening procedure will very well reflect on the freshness of your smell the next morning.

With the help of floss - dental thread, perform cleaning between the teeth. If you do not have a thread on hand, use the old folk method: tear off a strip of polyethylene, then stretch the polyethylene into a string and remove plaque and leftover food between your teeth.

After meal be sure to rinse oral cavity. It is not necessary to use tea, the tooth enamel darkens from it.

Home Remedies

  1. A tablespoon of chamomile, mint, strawberry or sage is poured with one glass of boiling water. Broth must be filtered after cooling. Apply to rinse after every mealabout three times a day.
  2. Pour a tablespoon of oak bark with 200 milliliters of boiling water and heat in a water bath for half an hour. After cooling, strain and rinse the throat and mouth. The bark of the oak has an astringent effect on the gum and clears tonsils from plaquewhich can be a source of unpleasant smell from the oral cavity due to the large accumulation of bacteria.

The irrigator provides the best cleaning of the oral cavity at home. This is a toothbrush-based instrument that cleans interdental spaces with a fairly strong jet of water, and also massages the gum surface and activates blood circulation.

Types of Oral Cleaners

Causes of halitosisMouthwash, if used along with regular cleaning of the tongue, flossing and brushing your teeth, will also effectively help in getting rid of bad odor. No need to rely only on the rinse and do not trust the rest of the above types of struggle. The ability of rinses to effectively deal with the fetid odor from the mouth is directly related to its properties, namely:

  • antibacterial component. If the agent has the ability to destroy bacteria, it is very help reduce anaerobic microbial population in the oral cavity. Since these microbes emit sulfurous volatile compounds, they form a bad smell from the mouth, it follows that the smaller the number of bacteria in the mouth, the better the smell;
  • ability to neutralize volatile sulfur compounds. The rinse formula contains ingredients that have the ability to neutralize volatile sulfur compounds and the substances that form them. To make it clear, volatile sulfur compounds are bad smelling compounds that form a fetid odor. Since the cleaner can reduce their concentration in your expiration from the mouth, breathing will of course become fresher.

Substances that neutralize bad odor

How to rinse your mouth with halitosisThese substances are part of the rinse:

  • conditioners which contain chlorine dioxide or sodium chloride (antibacterial, neutralize sulfurous volatile compounds).

Most dentists believe that rinses, which contain chlorine dioxide or sodium chloride, play a very important role in combating unpleasant odor from the oral cavity. Research results tell us that chlorine dioxide has a varied effect.

Chlorine dioxide is an oxidizing substance that releases oxygen. Since most microbes that produce a nasty smell, are anaerobic, most of them live in places where there is no oxygen, the effect of the oxidizer helps to destroy their population, and thus the unpleasant exhalation will become fresher.

Chlorine dioxide also adjusts the level of volatile sulfur compounds in the oral cavity. It breaks the connections of bacteria that they have already been able to isolate and at the same time destroys those substances from which these compounds will form in the future. At the same time, the concentration of volatile sulfur compounds in the oral cavity drops rapidly, and breathing, respectively, becomes more pleasant.

  • conditioners which contain zinc (neutralize sulfurous volatile compounds).

Scientists say that the rinses, which include zinc ions, also reduce the concentration of volatile sulfur compounds. This is due to the ability of ions to destroy those substances from which microbes form sulfur compounds.

  • rinse antiseptic (antimicrobial).

An antimicrobial cleaner, such as Listerine, is also considered a suitable odor neutralizer.

The effect of these funds is related to their ability to eliminate microorganisms that produce volatile sulfur compounds. But the compounds themselves, antibacterial rinses can not eliminate. Some dentists believe that antibacterial rinses are not the best way to eliminate the problem. They are based on the fact that in antiseptic rinses contains a large amount of alcohol, up to 25 percent, which dries soft tissues in the oral cavity.

  • conditioners that contain cetylpyridone chloride (antibacterial).

Chloride Cetylpyridone (chloride cetylpyridinium) - a substance that is sometimes included in the rinsing liquid type. With antibacterial action, the rinse reduces the population of anaerobic bacteria.

Choosing toothpaste

In case of halitosis, it is necessary to choose toothpaste for teeth, the content of which does not contain alcohol. Alcohol dries the oral mucosa, as a result, the smell increases.

Pay your attention to the types of pastes in which includes chlorine-based products with antibacterial properties.

The rinse is selected on the same principle as the paste. They contain in their composition chlorine and zinc compounds, which greatly reduce the effect of halitosis, due to its chemical reactions.

A quick way to refresh your breath

How to get rid of halitosis

Like rinses, peppermints, pills, drops, chewing gum and sprays alone are ineffective means eliminate bad smell. However, if these tools are used in combination with regular and thorough cleaning of the tongue surface, tooth brushing with a thread and a brush, their effect on the final result will be positive. In addition, mints, pills and chewing gum stimulate salivation in the oral cavity. Saliva well cleans the oral cavity from microorganisms and their secretions and helps to neutralize the unpleasant odor.

Chewing gum rather quickly eliminates the bad smell, but the effect itself will not last long.

There are a huge number of different means of quickly eliminating unpleasant odors from the oral cavity: aerosol means, candy, chewing gum, etc. They differ both in fast effect, and low stability due to short-term action.

Products that help get rid of bad smell

There are a number of products that can neutralize bad breath:

  • strong tea. To begin with, drink it, then rinse the mouth and throat with filtered water;
  • carrots and apples.The aroma of garlic or onion can be removed celery root or parsley;
  • coffee beans. With their help, you can neutralize the unpleasant taste and smell in the mouth.

Often the smell from the mouth suffers from people who talk too much during the day. This is due to the drying of the oral mucosa, as the formation of saliva is reduced.

Saliva is a natural remedy for cleansing the mouth. The composition of saliva is lysozyme, which is an antibacterial enzyme, it ensures the destruction of microbial cells. In addition, saliva dissolves food debris and toxins secreted by bacteria.

To avoid such a situation, you should just drink more. Even some liquid will save the mouth from drying out, will relieve from unpleasant taste and will freshen your breath.

A few recommendations to eliminate bad breath.

  1. In the morning, you can cook oatmeal porridge, which is well activates the secretion of saliva.
  2. If there is no toothbrush on hand, you can use your finger and rub the gums, teeth and tongue. So you get rid of the bad smell and massaging your gums at the same time.


It must be understood that bad breath is a problem that interferes with your healthy and normal life. Halitosis is a direct threat to personal self-esteem and social status of a person.

If after oral hygiene, the smell is left, you need to go to the dentist. In most cases, your problem will be resolved within a few sessions. If, however, the mouth and teeth are healthy, and the smell continues to bother you, then you need to look for causes in the body.

Start bypassing doctors with an ENT specialist. Diseases of the throat, nose and ear quite often provoke an unpleasant smell from the mouth. If everything is normal with these organs, it is necessary to register with a therapist. Perhaps the cause of the smell from the oral cavity is an exacerbation of the disease, which has assumed a chronic form.


