Bad breath is mainly due to diseases of the digestive system. But this problem can be dealt with, since the methods for its elimination are fairly simple and effective - it is only necessary to correctly diagnose the cause of bad breath. As a rule, it occurs in connection with the reproduction of anaerobic bacteria on the tongue, in the space between the teeth, around them.
Causes of stale breath
Why is there a bad smell? The main cause of bad smell is white substance, which covers the root of the tongue, it is home to bacteria. Along with this, the unpleasant smell is caused by the accumulation of microorganisms in other parts of the oral cavity.
What determines the intensity of the unpleasant smell? It is usually associated with the following factors:
- The activity of bacteria that live in the mouth.
- Conditions that stimulate growth and the number of these microorganisms.
- Poor hygiene of the oral cavity, because of which there is a congestion.
Spicy food
Among other causes of bad breath is the consumption of strongly smelling foods. Some of them, such as onion or garlic, enjoy the glory of the culprit offensive smell. During digestion, their molecules are absorbed by the body, then are derived from it by blood.
Some with a characteristic odor, with the flow of blood into the lungs. From there, they erode as you exhale, which becomes the problem of bad breath. Usually, the smell caused by pungent-smelling foods leaves itself after some time, as soon as these particles leave the body. To exclude stale breath, you only need to not use these products or limit their consumption.
Surely each of us had to communicate with smokers whose breathing is different. specific smell. The main causes of bad smell in people who smoke are nicotine, tar, and other substances that make up cigarette smoke. They tend to accumulate in the mouth and fasten on the teeth, gums, tongue, cheek tissues. To completely get rid of this exposure to tobacco smoke you need to quit smoking.
It is worth noting that smokers suffer from dehydration of oral tissues, which is why the moisturizing and disinfecting properties of saliva become weaker, and this is fertile ground for the vital activity of bacteria. Smokers are also more susceptible to periodontal diseases. Gum disease occurs due to the proliferation of bacteria.
Dry mouth
Surely you have noticed that in the morning, as soon as we open our eyes, our breath is not fresh. This is due to the fact that at night the body produces less saliva than during the day, from this dryness occurs. Overdried mucous membranes are often found in people whose work is related to speech, for example, teachers or lawyers have to say a lot, because of this they often feel dry mouth.
This is with regard to professional dryness in the mouth, but there is also a disease called "dry mouth", which causes a chronic lack of moisture. Sufferers of this disease have difficulty fighting for fresh breath. Because moisture promotes natural cleansing of bacteria. Saliva consists of special substances that have antiseptic properties, therefore, leads to the death of microorganisms and neutralizes the remnants of their vital activity.
Cause xerostomia side effects from some drugs. The occurrence of the disease can provoke antidepressants, antihistamines, diuretics, narcotic substances. Dry mouth can increase with age, as the salivary glands are no longer able to work with the same strength, changes occur with its composition. Cleansing properties weaken. Those who suffer from xerostomia more often than others have gum problems, so it must be treated.
Periodontal disease
Why else there is an unpleasant smell? Diseases of the gums also provoke a bad smell in the mouth. Paradontal diseases are the second most common cause of its occurrence after bacteria. People after 35 years are subject to them, and the more age, the higher the risk. Periodontal disease occurs due to infection of the soft tissues surrounding the tooth.
If time does not cure them, it may damage boneto which the teeth are attached. With the progression of the disease in the space between the teeth and gums tissue departs, forming pockets in which bacteria multiply. The deeper the pocket, the harder it is to clean it, so a large number of microorganisms that cause a putrid odor inhabit it.
Other diseases
Allergies and diseases of the upper respiratory tract lead to the formation of mucous secretions, which descend from the nasal cavity into the mouth, causing an unpleasant odor.
Sinus diseases, accompanied by nasal congestion, force the mouth to breathe, which leads to drying out of the mucous membrane and unpleasant smell from the mouth. With it, patients often take antihistamines, which also cause the mouth to dry.
Often the causes of putrid odor from the mouth are diseases of the oral cavity. Any inflammatory process caused by an infection may be the cause, for example, such a situation is observed with a tooth abscess, cutting through a wisdom tooth. If there are untreated carious teeth in the mouth, many bacteria and food debris accumulate in them, causing bad breath. Oral diseases must be treated promptly.
Diseases of the internal organs can cause a putrid odor from the mouth. If the patient has tried all means of removing bad breath, but there was no effect, then a visit to the therapist should be made. The doctor probably has an idea of your state of health and may indicate a possible cause of bad breath. For example, a bad smell can be associated with diseases of the liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract.
The main source of putrid odor from the mouth are sulfur compoundssecreted by microorganisms that live in the oral cavity. To reduce the risk of developing diseases of the oral cavity and get rid of bad breath caused by uninvited guests, it is necessary to carry out treatment, which consists in good hygiene. It consists in the following:
- Bacteria do not have the opportunity to eat.
- Reduce their number.
- Do not create conditions for their development.
How to deprive microorganisms of nutrients?
Bad breath is caused by wastes that secrete bacteria when digesting proteins. Therefore, vegetarians are less likely to suffer from lack of breath than those whose diet consists mainly of protein foods - meat. After each meal, between the teeth and at the root of the tongue, food particles remain that provide anaerobic bacteria with nutrition. To deprive them of this opportunity, it is necessary after each meal to thoroughly clean the oral cavity by mouth rinsing.
To remove the waste products of bacteria that settle in the form of plaque on the teeth and along the gum line, you need to use a toothbrush and floss. For the eradication of bad breath should be daily quality clean the space between teeth using dental floss, as it is inaccessible to the toothbrush.
Visit the dentist
Appeal to the dentist will help in the case of the ineffectiveness of independent measures to combat bad breath. This must be done for the following reasons:
- Not everyone can effectively brush their teeth with a brush and thread. At the consultation, the doctor will necessarily hold a master class on the manipulation of these objects.
- To effectively brush your teeth, you need to remove the formed dental calculus, which the dentist will remove.
- To detect periodontal diseases that cause damage to the teeth and surrounding bones. If the disease is present, the doctor will prescribe treatment. In addition, in the advanced stages it is impossible to effectively clean the pockets formed.
- During the examination, the doctor may detect other diseases that provoke bad breath and prescribe treatment.
- If the doctor doesn’t find any problems in his specialty, he can refer him to the therapist for examination, explaining possible problems.
To clear the surface of the tongue from accumulated bacteria, use a toothbrush or a special item for cleaning. Move from the root of the tongue forward. For effective cleansing of the tongue, use a toothpaste that neutralizes sulfurous secretions. Breath freshness will give pasta with chlorine dioxide or zinc.
Use rinses
Liquid mouthwashes can have an effective fresh breath protection effect when used with regular use of a toothbrush and floss, as well as language cleansing. Their following properties can be used as a treatment for bad breath:
- Antibacterial.
- Neutralizing volatile sulfur compounds.
Conditioners contain substances that can neutralize bad smell:
- Chlorine or sodium chlorite dioxide.
- Zinc.
- Antiseptic action.
- Cetylpyridone chloride.
So, the main reason for the appearance of stale respiration is the accumulation of microorganisms that feed on protein particles, leaving waste from their livelihoods. In order to expel uninvited guests and reduce their population, one should carry out a high-quality cleaning of the teeth and tongue with the use of dental floss and rinses.