White and yellow bloom on the tongue: what does it mean, reasons

What can indicate a tongue tartPlaque on the tongue is a frequent occurrence that does not necessarily indicate serious problems in the body. The intensity, localization, color and regularity of appearance can tell about the state of health. In a healthy person, the plaque appears light, translucent, this is due to the fact that food particles remain on the tongue, in which bacteria actively proliferate. However, if the patina takes on a different shade than whitish, for example, yellow, then this is a cause for concern and should be referred to the doctor for clarification.

Yellow patina on the tongue: causes

The causes of the appearance of yellow bloom can be various internal diseases.

Liver pathologies

The most common yellow on the tongue appears in connection with the pathologies of the intrahepatic bile ducts and the liver. Bilirubin metabolism is affected. Therefore, the mucous membrane of the tongue and other soft tissues become yellowish. This condition is called hepatic or parenchymal jaundice. It becomes a consequence of the following diseases:

  • Hepatitis A. The liver is inflamed due to an attack of viruses, toxic substances or alcohol. When this happens, the liver cells are damaged, the process of binding direct bilirubin, which is toxic to the body, is disturbed. Gall pigment, getting into the blood, stains urine yellow. The patient feels a general weakness, decreased performance, fatigue. Pain appears in the right subcostal area, which appears due to stretching of the enlarged liver capsule. Jaundice can be recognized by the color of the whites of the eyes, tongue and bridle, skin, they become lemon-colored.
  • Cirrhosis of the liver. During the disease, liver cells die, knots are formed. They put pressure on the bile ducts, causing a violation of the production and outflow of bile. Liver tissue is not restored properly, liver function is deteriorating, in particular, detoxification. At the initial stage of the disease, the liver is enlarged, at the later stages it decreases. Products of protein metabolism are absorbed into the blood directly, poisoning the nervous system. The patient is worried about dark yellow staining of the skin and tongue, pain of dull character in the right side, itching of the skin, insomnia, impaired memory.

Note! Liver cancer is quite rare. Usually her cells suffer from metastases, which appear in connection with a tumor of the mammary and pancreas glands, also due to colorectal cancer, lung.

Diseases of the biliary tract

What diseases can be determined by the color of the tongueThese include gallstone disease, inflammation of the gallbladder, swelling of the bile duct and the Vater nipple. These diseases also lead to jaundice, in particular, to the appearance of a yellow plaque on the tongue. They impede the flow of bile, since the lumen of the paths along which it passes narrows.

Diseases appear yellow in color with a greenish tint of the skin, mucous membranes; yellow green shade. Patients have complaints of pain, which can be constant or periodic, bitter taste in the mouth, nausea, vomiting of bile, sometimes the temperature rises. These states, as a rule, appear in connection with the intake of fatty foods, shaking during the trip, physical exertion.

Yellow plaque on the tongue also appears as a result of hypomotor dyskinesia of the biliary tract. This condition is characterized by sluggish activity of the gallbladder or biliary tract, which causes a decrease in the rate of bile evacuation. Yellow plaque on the tongue occurs as a result of a violation of the diet, when the patient takes foods that enhance the production of liver bile, in particular, animal fats, fatty meats, and alcohol.

Adrenal jaundice

Yellow plaque on the tongue may be caused by adrenal jaundice. The reasons for its occurrence is the increased formation of bilirubin, the body with which does not have time to “say goodbye”. This state caused by the following violations:

  • In the bloodstream, enhanced erythrocyte breakdown occurs with hemolytic anemia.
  • Synthesis of red blood cells is defective.
  • In connection with extensive external or internal bruises in case of heart attack of internal organs.
  • As a result of poisoning with phosphorus, hydrogen sulfide, hydrocarbons and other elements.
  • Due to the reception or overdose of sulfonamides.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Yellow tongue is taxed if there is a stomach ulcer, duodenal ulcer or chronic gastritis. Since these diseases provoke throwing bile into the stomach. Patients experience sucking pains when they are hungry, in particular, night and morning, nausea, sometimes vomiting, heartburn, belching sour, unpleasant smell of the oral cavity.

  • Duodenal-gastric reflux. The yellow tongue appears when the duodenum is throwing the contents into the stomach, while in the output section of the stomach there is a deficiency of the obturator muscle. This state is caused by:
    • Treatment of plaque on the tongueInflammation of the duodenum.
    • Trauma.
    • Hernia.
    • Tumor (when mechanical compression occurs).
    • Fetal pressure during pregnancy.
    • Dissection of the pylorus of the stomach as a result of surgery.
    • Acceptance of antispasmodics or muscle relaxants. Yellow plaque on the tongue is associated with heartburn, nausea, vomiting of bile, and dull pain in the right side.
  • Acute pancreatitis. In chronic inflammation, the pancreas suffers from periodic exacerbations of the disease. In the biliary tract, a reaction occurs, sometimes such inflammation appears as a result of a violation of the outflow of bile. The patient feels herpes pains in the upper abdomen, which give in the back, he is also tormented by nausea with profuse vomiting, dryness is observed in the mouth, and the tongue is covered with a white dense bloom of brownish hue.
  • Acute intestinal infections. Any gastrointestinal infections are accompanied by abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and loose stools. Diarrhea and vomiting lead to dehydration, while the tongue becomes dry white with a yellowish bloom. Also, a dry, white, yellow-coated tongue at high temperatures may indicate the effect of toxins that originate from a staph infection.

Other reasons

Plaque on the tongue white with yellow can point to respiratory infection. At the same time there is a high temperature, dehydration. The inflammatory process provokes a thick and dark bloom.

Drugs such as furazolidone, acrin, enterofuril, cardiac glycosides are also able to color the tongue in white and yellow. In addition, the latter are drugs digitalis, which changes color perception. So, in the paintings of Van Gogh presented an abundance of yellow, because he took it in large doses on the occasion of his illness.

Change the color of the language may be associated with its inflammation. For example, a white tongue with yellow bloom indicates the bacterial or fungal nature of inflammation. Glossitis can be combined with ulcers, erosion, abundant desquamation of the epithelium.

The obstruction of the tongue, together with the difficulty of the outflow of bile, may occur due to parasitic infections of the liver, duodenum or biliary tract.

Yellow bloom on the tongue of the child

Unfortunately, children, like adults, suffer from diseases. However, if the child has a yellow patina on the tongue, you should first eliminate household and food causes of its occurrencewhich may include:

  • Yellow patina on tongueIntroduction of vegetable foods or cereals. A thin layer of yellow bloom may form in a child of the first year of life after eating.
  • Acceptance of coloring products. If the child’s diet includes carrots, which are rich in carotene, as well as apricots, pumpkin, persimmon, curry, the tongue may turn yellow.
  • Addiction to caramel sweets, sparkling water, chewing gum, which contain dyes, among the reasons for staining the tongue in yellow.
  • Licking a marker or paint while drawing can also make the tongue yellow.

Among the pathological conditions of children one month of age is most common hemolytic disease. It occurs as a result of self-decomposition of red blood cells in the bloodstream. It originates in utero due to the infant’s rhesus conflict with the mother’s blood. The baby suffers from jaundice, its liver increases, an increase in the amount of blood bilirubin is observed. As a result of toxication of unbound bilirubin on the nervous system, damage to the cortex appears. It is necessary to consult a pediatrician in time, who will make a correct diagnosis, since physiological jaundice differs from hemolytic disease.

If a newborn has jaundice of any consequence, then it is often necessary to apply it to the chest and add glucose solution.

How to treat plaque on the tongueOlder children most often suffer from a variety of hypomotor biliary dyskinesias. It is necessary to promptly show the child to the gastroenterologist, as well as to adjust his diet and the amount of water consumed. It should be remembered that young children are prone to giardiasis, as they often play in the sandbox, use common toys, put unwashed fingers in their mouths. When infected with giardiasis, blockage of the bile ducts can occur.

Among the causes of yellow language in children dehydration with infectious diseases, hematological problems and medication. Therefore, if your child has a yellow patina on the tongue, you need to consult a pediatrician.

So, yellow bloom on the tongue appears for various reasons, mainly, diseases of internal organs are a common cause. In order not to start the onset of the disease, consult a doctor in order for him to send you for an examination, after which he will be able to make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

White and yellow bloom on the tongue
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