Why language is yellow: the most common causes of plaque

How to get rid of yellow plaque on the tongueOver the course of life, the tone of the tongue may change. So, people sometimes notice a yellowish bloom, and for some, furred tongue is a familiar state. In fact, the last option is a cause for concern, because the taxation is often a symptom of various diseases. Also, the presence of a thick bloom of bright yellow color can lead to complexes about the appearance.

Language inspection

When visiting a therapist, dentist, and ENT, the tongue is examined. To make this procedure truly informative, you need to follow these guidelines:

Folk methods of dealing with yellow bloom on the tongue

  • need good natural lighting. If it is not enough, you can resort to lamps in the white and yellow spectrum. The use of LED flashlights is not recommended, because they distort the shades;
  • During the examination, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the tip and body of the tongue, but also to its sublingual area, as well as the lateral surfaces. This may require a special spatula.

During such a procedure, it is necessary to take into account the size, shape, shade, humidity, "relief" and the mobility of the tongue. In the presence of plaque, the doctor will evaluate its density, density and color.

Causes of yellow bloom

Preparations for the treatment of yellow plaque on the tongueDoctors do not have a single opinion about the yellow plaque. Some experts consider it to be a specific symptom of diseases, while others argue that this phenomenon is associated with various human habits. At the same time, all doctors say that a healthy person without bad habits should not have a yellow bloom on the tongue. Normally, its shade is light pink or white, and when carefully examined it is ideally light and translucent.

Smoking and eating certain foods

Very often, a yellow bloom is formed on the tongue after consuming such products:

  • orange and yellow fruits and vegetables, including pumpkin, apricots, citrus fruits and persimmon;
  • various seasonings, namely curry and turmeric;
  • tea and coffee;
  • products that contain yellow dye, especially soda, yogurt and pastry.

To establish the fact that it was food consumption that led to a yellow patina, it is sufficient to brush the tongue immediately after eating. If 1-2 hours after this procedure, the raid reappears, then you need to look for another reason.

Smoking often leads to yellow bloom. It is known that the tongue and teeth turn yellow due to nicotine. Smokers with great experience have to forget about its clean surface.


When dehydration caused by various factors, the formation of plaque is often observed. If we are talking about hyperthermia, it has a white tint. The plaque becomes yellow or brownish due to vomiting, diarrhea and severe intoxication caused by intestinal infections.

Poor hygiene

There are many bacteria in the mouth. This is facilitated by the fact that after eating food particles stuck in the interdental spaces and grooves of the tongue. Microorganisms that accumulate here form plaque. It also consists of dead cells, leukocytes and saliva. The greatest amount of plaque is noticeable at the root of the tongue.

If the mouth cavity is not regularly or thoroughly cleaned, then thick white and yellow patina in the language. Its maximum amount is noticeable in the morning.


Many people who are interested in why the taxation appears, do not even think about glossary. This is an inflammation of the tongue, to which the following factors lead:

  • Causes of yellow bloom in the tonguedental diseases;
  • the presence of tartar;
  • tongue injury;
  • chemical as well as thermal burns;
  • smoking;
  • poor oral hygiene;
  • allergy;
  • chronic diseases of the digestive system.

It is known that plaque is one of the signs of glossitis. Depending on the form of the disease and the prevalence of certain microflora tint may vary from yellow green to reddish.

To establish the exact cause of the raid, it is necessary to remember that mouth pain and drynessas well as swelling of the tongue.

Liver disease

Changes in the surface of the tongue are often observed with liver damage. Possible causative factors:

  • jaundice of different origin. Thus, bilirubin enters the bloodstream, due to which the skin, mucous membranes and sclera get a yellow tint;
  • severe liver damage, including liver failure and cirrhosis. In this case, patients have a yellow-gray bloom, as well as a decrease in pressure, confusion and nausea;
  • functional liver overloads caused by drinking alcohol, fried foods or smoked meats, as well as overeating. In some cases, the cause of this overload can be antibiotics and antidepressants for a long time.

It should be remembered that the increased load on the liver during pregnancy is quite normal. Accordingly, after the birth of the child yellow bloom will disappear.

Diseases of the digestive system

Many people know that in the presence of gastrointestinal diseases, the surface of the tongue always changes. Most modern doctors consider plaque a non-specific symptom, therefore need to pay attention to other signs diseases. So, with gastritis and ulcers, there is a tendency to apply the tongue, bitter taste in the mouth, nausea, and also heartburn. In colitis and enterocolitis yellow plaque is combined with diarrhea, the presence of mucus or blood in the feces, pain in the lower abdomen.

Why does yellow patina appear in children?

In healthy babies, the tongue has a light pink hue. Even with insufficient adherence to the rules of hygiene, almost no plaque is formed. For this reason, its presence always indicates health problems.

The most common causes are:

  • common infections, as well as infections of the oral cavity, including sore throat and stomatitis. In this case intoxication may occur, which is manifested by lethargy and fever. Other signs include inflammation of the tonsils and sore throat, which is worse during the meal;
  • diseases of the digestive system and liver;
  • physiological jaundice;
  • serious chronic diseases, including diabetes.

If you noticed a baby yellow patina on tongue, urgently consult a doctor.

Plaque and modified taste sensations

In some cases, patients complain not only on the coated tongue, but also on the appearance of unpleasant taste sensations. In this case, we are talking about diseases of the stomach. To avoid unpleasant symptoms, patients should follow a special diet. So, it is necessary to exclude irritating products, namely, smoked meats, spices, various pickles and pickles. In this case, after each snack you need to carefully clean the tongue. If such measures do not help or other symptoms occur, complex examination will be required to establish the cause.


How to remove yellow plaque on the tongueTo completely get rid of yellow plaque, it is necessary to cure the disease. Attempts to clean the tongue are ineffective.So, after 2-3 hours after such a procedure, the patina will be noticeable. This also applies to smokers. Their tongue will be laid until they give up the addiction.

If the cause of the plaque is a disease of the digestive system, you must follow a special diet. In the diet should not be spicy and fried foods, fatty foods, smoked meats and alcohol. It is best to visit a gastroenterologist, who will select a special diet.

For glositis, antiseptics are prescribed. This may be chlorhexidine, furatsilin or trypsin solution.

Teeth with tongue need regular care. To the remnants of food stuck in the interdental spaces, should after each snack, rinse your mouth, and in the mornings and evenings immediately after brushing your teeth, clean your tongue. For this purpose are used:

  • brushes with a rubberized relief surface;
  • special scraper spoons;
  • ordinary brushes with a soft nap.

To disinfect the oral cavity and get rid of yellow bloom, you must use simple home remedies:

  • honey and propolis;
  • herbal decoctions;
  • weak baking soda solution.

If a yellow plaque is detected, an urgent need to visit a doctor. This may be a therapist or a gastroenterologist. The specialist will help determine the exact cause of the taxation of the tongue and select the appropriate treatment. Anyway it is important to avoid coloring products, stop smoking and regularly brush your tongue and teeth.


