Why does the tongue ache like a burn and how to treat it?

Why does the tongue hurtThe tongue is considered the strongest muscle in the body, and it is quite difficult to damage its muscle structures, but it is quite simple to injure sensitive nipples. Hot liquid and spicy food irritate the mucous membrane and cause a burning sensation, the tongue starts to hurt.

But it happens that the burning pain at the tip of the body, without any physical effects, indicates hidden health problems. Painful symptoms in the form of a burning sensation or numbness of the tongue, dentists denote a glossy.

Disease most often occurs in women older than forty years and in persons suffering from metabolic disorders. Only by finding out the true causes of the disease, you can begin treatment. The feeling of discomfort often goes away by itself. However, after a short period, the painfulness reminds of itself again, and, quite possibly, its appearance on another part of the tongue. In this case, the consultation of the therapist and the dentist is important, as well as a conversation with a psychologist would be useful, as in some episodes glossalism is provoked by nervous overstrain and depression.

Local factors causing burning pain at the tip of the tongue

There are many reasons forcing a person feel burning the main spoken body. To diagnose the root cause of the lesion of the tongue helps familiarization with the patient's history and complete blood count, in the case of the complex nature of the disease - puncturing.

The main causes of violations associated with the action of local irritants:

  • Microtrauma of the speech organ
  • Non-compliance with standards of oral hygiene
  • Allergy
  • It hurts the tongue - it looks like a burn with something hot.Mucosal infection with fungi and other pathogens
  • Inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity

A person is often overlooked by a mechanical injury of the tongue. Being in a sleepy state, he imperceptibly can bite the tongue due to improper bite. In everyday life microtraumas are common with various food elements - seeds, sucking candies, fish bones. The cause of a burning sensation at the tip of the tongue may be an incorrectly inserted denture, or if the dentist has not properly ground the filling. As practice shows, this kind of injury does not lead to swelling and redness, but only exacerbate the sensitivity of damaged epithelial cells.

Insignificant aggravation reaction Allergies can occur due to components of toothpaste, certain types of drugs or food. Similar sensations are observed after eating acidic fruits, for example, pineapple and kiwi, as well as after smoking a cigarette or taking alcohol.

If the tongue is annoyed for several days, continues to hurt and on it are found small sores and a strong plaque, that is, the probability of the onset of a severe inflammatory process. One of these diseases is stomatitis, which develops due to the weakening of the local and general immune functions of the body, followed by the addition of the virus. Serve infection of the mucous membrane of the tongue can poor oral hygiene, long-term use of antibacterial and hormonal drugs.

Diseases that can hurt your tongue

Why the tip of the tongue starts to hurtas if burned? Why pain is not accompanied by other visible symptoms? Existing pathologies of internal organs and body systems may well be the answer to these questions:

  • Xerostomia A disease in which the secretion of salivary fluid is impaired. As a function of this, the mucous tissues are not sufficiently moistened; and Such a violation in the oral cavity appears on the background of diabetes or severe dehydration.
  • Tartar Hard limescale from the inside of enamel, saturated with pathogenic bacteria, may be one of the causes of burning and redness of tissues.
  • Candidiasis. The trigger for this fungal disease is reduced immunity and a lack of vitamins. The whole oral cavity begins to hurt.
  • Glossitis - language diseaseHerpes. Infectious disease, most often affecting the gums, palate and inner sides of the cheeks. Unfortunately, the language is also not immune from the insidious symptoms of herpes, the tip and the root will hurt.
  • Bruxism. Included in the list of possible factors of tingling and pain of the tip of the tongue. Uncontrolled squeezing of the upper and lower jaws, intense gnashing of teeth, mainly during a night's sleep or under severe stress. Attacks are not controllable, so a person can accidentally bite his tongue, which will let him know by burning.
  • Leukoplakia. Pathological changes in the epithelial tissues of the mucous membrane can provoke discomfort and cause the tongue to hurt for a long time.
  • Neurosis. Chronic stress and psychological trauma are accompanied by dry mouth, and the consistency of saliva is disturbed. The language becomes more sensitive. Patients complain of burning and pricking of the tip of the tongue when they are talking or eating. Symptoms disappear by themselves and bother again with increased nervous overstrain.
  • Cervical neuralgia. When structural and morphological disorders of the cervical nerves pain syndrome may radiate to the muscle fibers of the tongue. To diagnose a direct relationship is very difficult, especially if you have not previously identified damage to the vagus and glossopharyngeal nerves, osteochondrosis.
  • Hormonal disruptions. More common in women older than forty years. During menopause, women face hormonal changes and endocrine changes, which can cause glossalgia.
  • Hypovitaminosis. The lack of vital vitamins and microelements, especially B vitamins and iron, causes painful sensations around the perimeter of the tongue.
  • Diabetes. The burning of the tip of the tongue is caused by dryness of the mucous membranes of the mouth.
  • Liver dysfunction
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

The main symptoms of glossalgia as a cause of pain in the tongue

Food allergies can cause tongue painGlossary, mainly manifested by burning sensation the tip of the tongue. Other variations of painful sensations are possible, such as tingling or pain, as if the tongue is burned. With all this, the mucous membrane retains its integrity.

In the absence of injuries of the soft tissues of the oral cavity, the pathology has absolutely no external signs.

If this is really glossary, then her appearance will not be suddentherefore, many patients are not able to determine the time of the first symptoms, which makes it difficult to correctly diagnose. Symptoms that suddenly arise, then quietly disappear. The disease can accompany a person for many years, without causing him inconvenience due to mild symptoms. External irritants can cause aggravation.

Together with pain at the tip of the tongue the patient may complain of a dry oral cavity. Dryness becomes more when a person is worried or overtired. The yellow-white color of the tongue root is characteristic of some gastrointestinal problems and problems with the liver. Some have excessive saliva secretion.

Violation of diction, difficulty in pronouncing words and difficulty in chewing food, although rare, may significantly limit normal functioning.

How to help yourself when your tongue hurts?Pain syndrome is diverse. Aching pain, pain hurting characterpinching or burning sensation.Pain sensations tend to be localized in different parts of the tongue, and not just at the tip. Manifestations largely depend on the current state of the central nervous system and emotional environment. The pain often increases after a long conversation. Allergens can cause irritation of the mucous membranes of the tongue and cause edema.

By and large, glossary not recognized as a separate diseaseand its symptoms are nothing but a consequence of the underlying disease. Knowing the main signs of vascular, endocrine and diseases of other systems, it becomes easier to establish the exact reason for which the tongue began to hurt.

First Aid at Home

With minor pains in the language that do not cause health concerns, you can receive treatment at home:

  • If the patient has experienced stress and a strong nervous strain, the tongue is sick and numb, then the patient can take a tincture of motherwort, a drop of valerian or peony
  • If the patient knows about the presence of infectious diseases of the oral cavity or tissue damage, then rinsing with any antiseptics will help you: furatsilinom, sage solution and chamomile.
  • When severe pain does not subside for a long time, you can get painkillers and tranquilizers (analgin, paracetamol, phenazepam, ketonal) from the first-aid kit.
  • It relieves the state of local anesthetics - a solution of trimekain, anesthesin.
  • With a deficiency of vitamins and anemia, only multivitamin complexes can relieve pain in the tongue.

The main methods of treatment

Having diagnosed the exact cause of pain in the tongue at the on-site reception at the doctor, one can proceed to complex treatment.

Sore tongue from the side - diseases and treatmentStinging pain at the tip of the tongue vegetative genesis requires the appointment of vitamins of group B and sedative correction. For relief of severe pain, local analgesics and procaine blockade are recommended. Glossalgia, developing on the background of iron deficiency, often occurs with a decrease in the sensitivity of the receptors of the tongue. To eliminate iron deficiency anemia, appropriate medications are prescribed.

Improve microcirculation inside the capillaries help injection of nicotinic acid and no-spa. Transnasal electrophoresis has proven itself in the treatment of this problem. Positive dynamics is observed against the background of using an electroplating collar.

Tranquilizers and sedatives are prescribed for people suffering from nervous disorders and panic attacks. An important role in therapy glossalgia plays psychoanalysis. On its basis, autogenic training and even a hypnotic session are developed for the patient.

Effective method of treating this pathology is acupuncture, allowing to reduce the impact of neurological disorders that are not amenable to traditional treatment. The pain of the organ of speech, complicated by paresthesia, is treated with laser therapy.

Those who experience discomfort in the language due to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to clean the digestive organs to remove toxins and toxins. For these purposes, diuretics and short-term starvation are prescribed.


