Stomatitis in children: how to treat, photos of developmental stages

How is stomatitis treatedIn young children, a sudden fever can suddenly rise, they become capricious, turn away from food. More adult children complain of pain in the mouth. Parents, upon close inspection, can detect redness or sores on their cheeks, tongue, palate, or the inside of their lips. These are all signs of stomatitis. This disease can be caused by different types of pathogens, such as the herpes virus, ordinary bacteria, fungi. In addition, stomatitis can be toxic or allergic. So how to treat children's stomatitis? Let's try to figure it out.

Types of stomatitis

Interesting, but every kind of stomatitis is characteristic. for a certain age of a child.

  • Children under one year prone to candidal stomatitis, which is caused by a fungus. It is located on the skin and mucous membranes, but if the child has a weakened immune system or he takes antibiotics, the fungus begins to multiply rapidly. A white patina forms in the mouth, the mucous begins to dry. If the disease is not treated, then cracks appear.
  • A child aged from one to three years suffers from herpetic stomatitis. Passed through the common dishes from the parents.
  • Schoolchildren often develop allergic or aphthous stomatitis. Allergic stomatitis occurs when you use certain foods or drugs. In aphthous disease, the entire oral cavity is covered with painful lesions of a small size.
  • Children of all ages suffer from bacterial stomatitis, which is caused by thermal or mechanical trauma of the oral cavity, due to non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, due to eating unwashed fruits. In very young children, bacterial stomatitis occurs when they drag everything into the mouth when teething.


Causes of StomatitisThe causes of this disease are many. Mostly very tender oral mucosa easily injured, resulting in harmful bacteria begin their attack on the body. The immune system of the baby is still very weak to withstand them. In an adult, saliva perfectly protects the body from a variety of harmful microorganisms, but in young children it does not contain the right amount of enzymes that have antiseptic properties. Because of this, stomatitis occurs, causing inflammation of the mucous membrane in the oral cavity, which manifests itself in the form of sores.

In this way, children's stomatitis occurs for three reasons:

  • Due to traumatic damage to the oral mucosa.
  • As a result of the harmful effects of a variety of bacteria, herpes virus, measles, flu. Often develops after the use of antibiotics.
  • Due to allergies.

Symptoms of stomatitis

Symptoms of stomatitis in children are as follows:

  • Increase in body temperature, sometimes up to 40 degrees, if herpetic stomatitis. Weakness and malaise appear, the child begins to feel sick. The nose is laid, the mucous begins to slowly swell and redden.
  • The whole mouth is covered with white, gray or yellowish bloom, bubbles and erosion. It is important not to miss this moment and start treatment in a timely manner, otherwise stomatitis may turn into a more severe form.
  • Unpleasant, sour breath.
  • The baby begins to refuse food because of the painful process of swallowing.
  • Strongly increased salivation.
  • Often in the neck lymph nodes are enlarged.

As soon as the baby's mouth appeared white bloomurgently need to show his pediatrician. The disease progresses very quickly at an early age, and severe complications often occur. Only a doctor can determine the type of stomatitis in a child by the symptoms and prescribe the correct treatment.

How to treat stomatitis in children (general information)

Stomach ulcers in the mouthIn different types of stomatitis in children, symptoms and treatment is different too. As soon as the doctor makes the correct diagnosis, it is necessary to begin treatment immediately. Parents, having suspected this disease in their child, should give him to drink as much as possible. Water irrigates the mucous and promotes the elimination of products of intoxication from the body.

In addition to water, you can give your child fruit drinks, compotes, children's herbal teas. Sweet and sour is prohibited. Categorically it is impossible to give carbonated drinks and concentrated juices, which only begin to irritate the inflamed mucous.

So what treatment does a baby need so that everything goes quickly and less painfully for him?

To start the mucosa should be numbedso that the child can eat normally. Mostly used products containing lidocaine or choline salicylate.

Teething remedies, such as kamistad or dentinox gel, help well. It is best to use gels, because they quickly penetrate the mucous. Sprays with lidocaine can not be used for children up to a year, because they provoke bronchospasm in them. After that, all the sores must be treated with an agent against the causative agent of stomatitis.

If herpetic stomatitis, antiviral ointments help well. For bacterial stomatitis suitable creams and solutions with antiseptics or antibiotics. Fungal stomatitis treats antifungicides.

So that the infection does not spread further, except for the affected areas process and the area around them.

For the speedy healing of cracks and ulcers help funds that contribute to the rapid recovery of tissues. These can be actovegin gels and solcoseryl, as well as balsam vinylinum.

The most important thing in the fight against this disease is compliance with the rules of oral hygiene. Teeth should be brushed twice a day and rinsed after eating.

A child per year cannot yet carry out all these procedures. You must wind a piece of gauze on your finger and clean the baby's mouth.

If the stomatitis is allergic, use antihistamines, such as suprastin, fenistil, diphenhydramine.

Treatment of viral stomatitis

Viral stomatitisViral stomatitis effectively fight antiviral ointment with acyclovir, such as acyc, virolex, herpevir. Also use viferon and oxolinic ointment. If viral stomatitis is repeated very often, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system with interferon, immunal or Viferon in the candlelight.

The most remarkable means to combat this type of stomatitis is considered Holisal gel. It contains choline salicylate and tsetalkoniya chloride. This gel reduces inflammation, fever, relieves swelling, eliminates pain and destroys the causative agents of viral disease. Children under one year can also use it as part of a comprehensive treatment.

The gel is applied to a clean finger and rubbed into the oral mucosa with massaging movements 2-3 times a day.

Treatment of candidal stomatitis

Candida stomatitis occurs because of the fungus, so the treatment is carried out antifungal ointment. This may be Candizol, Candida, Clotrimazole. In addition, doctors can prescribe rinsing soda solution. It contributes to the creation in the mouth of an alkaline environment, which has a detrimental effect on fungi and pathogenic flora.The use of soda is particularly suitable for children under one year, because at this age many antifungal drugs are prohibited.

To make a solution, it is necessary to dissolve a teaspoon of soda in a glass of warm water. A piece of bandage is wound on a finger, dipped into the solution and the oral cavity of a child is wiped. Thus, the treatment is carried out after each meal. Older children rinse their mouths themselves.

Treatment of aphthous stomatitis

With this type of disease, it is necessary to begin the treatment of wounds as soon as possible and to anesthetize them. For this use methylene blue water solutionwhich in common is called blue.

It is necessary to apply an aqueous solution, because if you replace it with an alcohol solution, you can easily burn the tender oral mucosa of the child and cause poisoning. A cotton swab is moistened with a solution and the wound is treated with it 5-6 times a day.

Treatment of Traumatic Stomatitis

A 2-year-old child often becomes ill with traumatic stomatitis. Bacterial infection is a companion of this disease; therefore, treatment takes place with the help of wound healing and antiseptic.

Up to two years, children are prescribed. gel holisal, solcoseryl, actovegin, the oral cavity is treated with soda solution or chlorhexidine.

Treatment of bacterial stomatitis

Bacterial stomatitisBacterial stomatitis is well cured antiseptic, such as sprays Hexoral, Tantum Verde, osept, but for children under one year they are contraindicated. You can use medicinal lozenges, but they are contraindicated in children under 6 years of age because of the possibility of developing asphyxia.

It is best to use antiseptic gels with metronidazole and oral rinses for treatment. The most popular antiseptic solution is Miramistin, which effectively destroys microorganisms and promotes healing of the mucosa. It must be injected into the oral cavity three times and rinsed 4 times a day. Children up to a year miramistinom mouth is treated with a gauze pad.


While the wounds heal in the mouth, food should be soft and to the maximum gentle. It is best to give the child cooked pureed vegetables, omelets, soups, cottage cheese.

Children who are already more than 6 months, in the diet it is necessary to add yogurt or unsweetened yogurt. It is extremely undesirable to give sweet, because sugar promotes the reproduction of fungi and bacteria, and this only aggravates the situation.


To stomatitis does not occur, should follow the rules of hygiene. Small children should wash their hands more often and not let dirty objects be taken in their mouths. Older children should clarify why they need to wash their hands and brush their teeth. The child needs to improve immunity so that he is ill as little as possible.

Examples of stomatitis in children
How to treat stomatitisStomatitis in a childSores in the mouth of a childStomatitis treatmentSymptoms of stomatitisSevere stomatitis ulcersHow to treat stomatitis at homePreventive measuresTreatment of stomatitis at homeHow to help your child with stomatitis


