Manifestation of herpes stomatitis in children accompanied by inflammation in the oral cavity and ulcers with a characteristic plaque. The disease itself is caused by the development of ordinary herpes, that is, in fact, it is a type of herpetic infections in the human body. Externally, the disease manifests itself in the form of a reaction of leukocytes, which, when activated, concentrate around the infectious agents forming ulcers, which are not so easy to treat.
Signs of herpes stomatitis in children
Herpes children's stomatitis accompanied by certain features:
- severe exacerbation at the initial stage;
- high fever, which is not lost by conventional medicines;
- the formation of ulcers and blisters on the oral mucosa;
- constant desire to sleep;
- an increase in salivary viscosity;
- the development of gingivitis.
I would like to immediately note that when infected with herpes virus, not in all cases, the disease is accompanied by stomatitis. The main cause of infection is considered weakened immune system organism. Often the disease manifests itself in the run-up to infection with infectious diseases, as well as on time or after them, therefore, in most cases, doctors prescribe a comprehensive treatment.
Often the root causes due to which herpetic stomatitis develops is not herpes itself, but various infectious diseases in the oral cavity: advanced stage of caries, gingivitis, periodontitis, etc.
Factors contributing to the development of herpes stomatitis in children
Herpetic stomatitis is a disease that can occur in a child or an adult due to the following factors:
- in case of mechanical damage to the mucous membrane in the mouth of a person: a burn, surgical intervention or other mechanical injury;
- drying of the oral cavity due to dehydration of the human body;
- lack of personal hygiene, especially the oral cavity;
- dental prosthetic design made of poor quality materials or improperly fixed in the oral cavity;
- non-compliance with the diet, which leads to avitaminosis and lack of trace elements in the body;
- hormonal failure in the human body;
- chemotherapeutic drugs.
And a whole list of associated diseases: gastritis, anemia, HIV and much more. Based on research by independent medical experts, herpes stomatitis may be provoked by toothpastes which include sodium lauryl sulfate.
Who is prone to herpes stomatitis?
Herpetic stomatitis is an infectious disease from which people of all ages are not insured, but newborns more often than the others suffer from the age of six months. This is due to the fact that up to the age of six months the infant fights against diseases through immunity received from the mother.
With age, maternal antibodies disappear, and the baby’s own immunity is still too weak and, therefore, herpes will need medical treatment.
Simply put, in the first year of a child’s life, the disease is caused by the entry of the herpes simplex virus into the body of a child, which develops into a primary infection of herpes gingivitis, stomatitis or gingivostomatitis. The risk of developing the disease is also greatly increased when they start to cut teeth, which is associated with injuries to the mucous membranes in the mouth.
In the case of adults, the occurrence of herpes stomatitis is most often caused by relapses caused by a herpetic infection that affects the oral cavity.
How the body becomes infected with herpes - the main ways
Due to the wide spread and high contagiousness of a viral disease, it is possible to get sick with herpes infection almost everywhere: in the cafeteria, public transport, child care facilities, in the hospital, in general, everywhere where contact with patients is possible. In this case, the virus is transmitted in the following ways:
- by direct contact;
- airborne droplets;
- hematogenous way.
Herpetic stomatitis can manifest itself when favorable factors arise for the disease. Risks of herpes infection are very high. by direct contact pathogens from the oral mucosa, which is especially important for children who are indiscriminately pulled in the mouth. In adults, this occurs during kissing, when using an infected toothbrush, etc.
Main features and symptoms of the disease
The incubation period of the disease herpetic stomatitis ranges from 1 day to a week. At the same time, the development of the virus may be accompanied: general malaise, headaches, lethargy and feeling of weakness. Children begin to be capricious and refuse to eat. Such symptoms accompany many different diseases, so it is very difficult to recognize a herpetic infection.
After a certain time interval sharply temperature riseswhich sometimes reaches 40 ° C. In severe cases, the disease may be accompanied by gagging and convulsions. On the mucous in the mouth appears puffiness as in the photo, and on the surface of the tongue characteristic white bloom. In this case, swallowing is accompanied by pain.
After a certain period of clinical development of herpes infection, the entire oral cavity becomes covered with rashes. Simply put, the development of stomatitis is due to a lesion of the tongue only. If the gums are involved in the process, then it is gingivitis, in case of extensive damage to the entire oral cavity - gingivostomatitis develops.
Rashes can be formed either singly or by groups of bubbles of different sizes, which are filled with a clear liquid. After a short period of time, the liquid begins to cloud and the vesicle bursts, leading to the formation of erosionwhose photo you can see. At the same time, the process of healing of erosion is quite long.
The entire inflammatory process may be accompanied painful sensations and pronounced burning sensation. Therefore, a child may cry and even scream, as well as lose sleep and appetite. Adults also suffer from the symptoms that accompany herpes stomatitis. Moreover, in most cases, greatly increases lymph node size and a rash appears on the skin of the nose or lips, as in the photo below.
In case of herpes simplex disease, in the process of the disease rash may appear on reproductive organs person If the virus is transmitted from an animal, it is accompanied by high intoxication and a pronounced joint pain. I would also like to note that the degree of severity of herpetic stomatitis is determined by its shape.
- Easy herpetic stomatitis in which appear on a single formed vesicles.The disease is accompanied by chills, catarrhal manifestations in the respiratory tract and slight edema of the oral mucosa.
- In the case of the average form of the disease manifested severe intoxication, accompanied by high temperature and an increase in the size of the lymph nodes. Vomiting, severe headaches, bleeding gums and a lot of rashes can occur.
- In severe herpetic stomatitis, which occurs infrequently, there is a severe headache, aching joints and complete apathy, sleep and appetite are lost. After that, the body temperature greatly increases, eyes and mouth cavity swell, and a runny nose appears. Starts off badly smell out of your mouth.
Duration of illness and as a result, the duration of her treatment is 9–15 days. In this case, half of the patients have a relapse in the future. But repeated herpes stomatitis is less painful and much faster.
Herpetic stomatitis - diagnosis of the disease
The first stage of diagnosis before treating herpetic stomatitis, as well as of most other diseases, is the patient’s interview and the symptoms identified by visual inspection. The later stages of the disease are accompanied by a bubbly rash that is easily detected. At an early stage, herpes stomatitis is easily confused with various colds.
Therefore, in the process of diagnosis for the subsequent treatment of the disease is important history taking. In patients or parents of children, the doctor finds out: there were no previous forms of herpes virus observed, were there contact with herpes infected, no rash on reproductive organs or other places that are hidden by clothes. In the case of their discovery is required careful examination by a doctor for the detection of genital herpes.
Also, for more in-depth diagnosis by the doctor, the following procedures can be prescribed:
- virological studies;
- immunofluorescence reaction;
- polymerase chain reaction studies.
Such a diagnosis, though effective, is very expensive and its use is possible not in all clinics of our state. In addition, research is prescribed:
- serological testing, which reveals the disease itself, but does not determine the type of virus;
- study of G-specific immunological glycoprotein - allows 98% typing of a viral infection.
How to treat herpes stomatitis in children
I would like to immediately note that self-treatment for herpetic stomatitis is contraindicated, especially if children are ill. To combat the disease, the doctor prescribes drug treatment antiviral drugs that are taken internally for a 5-day period. In severe form, the drug is administered by intravenous drip. In this case, the dosage is calculated by the attending physician.
Local rashes are treated antiviral ointments. Good results in treatment can be achieved using immunoglobulins. Symptomatic therapy is prescribed to reduce intoxication symptoms.
In the process of eating need avoid irritants: hot, very salty or hot. This is especially true if the child is sick. After eating, the mouth must be rinsed with water at room temperature.
Young children to speed up the treatment, you need to wipe the oral mucosa with cotton swabs dipped in herbal broth. Adults during treatment should stop smoking and drinking alcohol. In this case, an important part of the treatment is immunity uplift due to immunomodulators.
Preventive disease control measures
There are no specific preventive measures to combat herpes stomatitis. At the same time, to prevent the virus from entering the body, it is necessary to adhere to standard hygiene regulations: washing hands, using hygiene products and disinfecting creams if necessary.
To prevent relapse after treatment, doctors recommend adhering to a rational lifestyle. It is very important to monitor the level of immunity, as well as to strengthen it: to enrich the diet with vitamins and lead an active life. In the case of children, this is especially true.