Causes of the smell of acetone from the mouth of a child and an adult

Medical description of acetone breathSuch a completely unusual aroma from the oral cavity in people, like the smell of acetone, always made it wary. To confuse a steady acetone aroma, it is impossible with any other odors. At the same time, it does not come from the mouth, but from the lungs of a person, and therefore it will not be possible to get rid of him simply by brushing his teeth.

It should be noted that today there are not too many pathologies of the body, which are accompanied by acetone breathing. However, some of them do not cause human health, no harm, while others, on the contrary, are the reason for the immediate visit to a medical institution.

Why does acetone form in the human body?

List of reasons for which acetone appears in the bodyThe human body receives most of the energy from glucose, which circulates with the blood through the body and penetrates into all its cells. In the case when the glucose level for any reason has greatly decreased or it is not possible to penetrate into the cells, the body’s defense reaction is to search for other energy sources and in most cases they become fats.

In the process of splitting fat deposits, various third-party substances enter the blood, including acetone. Once in the bloodstream, he begins stand out in the kidneys and lungs. A test for acetone in the urine gives a positive result, and breathing is accompanied by a strong acetone aroma, resembling the smell of a wet apple. In this case, doctors distinguish the following reasons for the formation of acetone:

  • under strict diets, fasting or dehydration;
  • with diabetes;
  • with pathologies associated with the liver and kidneys;
  • genetic predisposition in young children.

Acetone aroma in the mouth during fasting

Description of diseases that cause acetone aroma from the mouth

Fashion trends of various diets have covered a large part of the female population and even some men. At the same time restrictions in food are due to non-medical indications, and the commonplace desire to lose a few extra pounds. It is because of these "non-medical" diets often greatly deteriorating health and begins to smell acetone in the mouth.

A diet in which carbohydrates are excluded can lead to an increase in the breakdown of fat deposits due to lack of energy, which is a cause acetone formation. The result is an overflow of the body with harmful substances that cause intoxication and failure of all organs.

Acetone odor, sagging skin, brittle hair and nails, nervousness and a feeling of weakness are only part of effects of diets, excluding from the diet carbohydrates. Therefore, the preparation of a diet for people who want to lose weight should be done only by experienced professionals.

Diabetes mellitus is another reason why it can smell acetone from the mouth

Most adults with diabetes know firsthand the unpleasant smell of acetone when breathing. This is due to an excess of sugar in the blood, which due to insulin deficiency is not able to penetrate into the cells, which can lead to diabetic ketoacidosis, the main features of which are the following:

  • a sharp acetone aroma from the mouth and a positive test for the content of ketone in the urine;
  • dry feeling and overwhelming thirst;
  • sharp pain in the abdomen and gagging;
  • strong suppression of consciousness, up to a coma.

If any of the above symptoms are found, it is urgently necessary call medical attention, because without timely measures taken, this can lead to coma and even death. Especially careful should be people having the following risk factors:

  • the initial stage of diabetes, which was discovered for the first time;
  • secondary stage of diabetes, caused by the untimely use of insulin;
  • infectious diseases, surgery or pregnancy in people with diabetes.

At the same time to combat diabetic ketoacidosis apply the following measures:

  • the use of insulin, which for treatment is administered by drip in the hospital;
  • prevention of dehydration;
  • control of the kidneys and liver.

As prophylaxis, patients with ketoacidosis must use insulin and watch out for any warning signs.

Thyroid disease is the cause of the smell of acetone in the mouth

The list of causes of the smell of acetone in thyroid diseaseThe formation of the smell of acetone due to pathologies associated with the thyroid gland is an alarming sign. Hyperthyroidism leads to a sharp increase in hormone levels, which can lead to a significant acceleration of metabolism in the body. In this case, doctors distinguish the following causes acetone aroma with thyroid abnormalities:

  1. The combination of hyperthyroidism with surgical intervention in the thyroid gland.
  2. In case of pregnancy and thyroid pathology.
  3. With improper examination of the gland.

Due to the sudden occurrence of a crisis, all its symptoms can also occur simultaneously:

  1. Harsh acetone aroma from the mouth.
  2. Irritability or lethargy.
  3. Heat.
  4. Abdominal pain and jaundice.

The occurrence of a thyrotoxic crisis is quite dangerous and one cannot do without a doctor's help. Patients put a drip to prevent dehydration, arrest the hormonal release of the thyroid gland, while maintaining the functioning of the liver and kidneys.

The smell of acetone due to pathologies of the liver and kidneys

Description of the appearance of acetone aroma from the mouth due to the pathology of the kidneys and liver

One of the main organs that are responsible for the purification of the human body are the kidneys and the liver. Thanks to them, the blood is filtered from harmful substances, and toxins are also taken out. Moreover, in the case of chronic pathologies of the kidneys and liver, their excretory function is disturbed and in the body acetone accumulates.

In severe cases, the aroma of acetone emanates not only from the patient’s mouth or urine, but also through the skin. At the same time, it is possible to get rid of the unpleasant odor only by medical treatment using hemodialysis.

For self-monitoring of the presence of acetone in the urine can use testswhich are sold in any pharmacy. A person just needs to dip the indicator in the urine and in the case of the presence of acetone, the color of the dough will change its color, the intensity of which depends on the concentration of ketone bodies.

What does the child's acetone smell mean?

The occurrence of acetone aroma from a child’s mouth has its own symptoms. Often this is due to acetonemic syndromeoccurring in children. In addition to the unpleasant aroma, it may be accompanied by gagging and a high content of ketone in the urine. In this case, doctors distinguish the primary and secondary stages of the syndrome.

In the case of the primary stage, it occurs with poor nutrition or fasting. The second stage may indicate diseases caused by infection. This is due to the fact that the elimination of ketone bodies is much slower than in adults.The syndrome occurs due to insufficient protein breakdown in a child.

Predisposition of acetone syndrome occurs even in the womb inside the mother when the diet of a pregnant woman is supersaturated with proteins and is limited in fruits and vegetables. Also, a child can often suffer due to genetic predisposition to the disease. The smell of acetone in children can appear for various reasons, of which doctors distinguish the following:

  • Symptoms of the formation of the smell of acetone in childrenif the child is very tired;
  • in case of strong over-excitement;
  • with frequent stress;
  • with pathologies of the nervous system;
  • in case of disorders of the endocrine system;
  • with the wrong diet.

In addition to the cases discussed above, acetonemic crises may occur during climate change. In this gagging can be easily confused with poisoning. Therefore, treatment should be administered only experienced doctor after carrying out all necessary analyzes.

Thus, an unpleasant acetone smell from the mouth is a problem, very serious and to deal with self-medication is strictly contraindicated. It is possible to make an accurate diagnosis and, as a consequence, to assign the correct treatment only in the conditions of a medical institution.

Predisposition to acetonemia in a child - what parents should do

If a child predisposed to acetonemia has a bad breath, do not panic. First of all, it is necessary to conduct a series of checks to find out the cause of the smell of acetone and, as a consequence, the measures for its treatment.

  • Recommendations of experts how to act to parents when detecting the aroma of acetone in childrenIn the primary case of the detection of acetone aroma, it is necessary to check the level of glucose in the blood, which will allow you to find out whether the child has diabetes.
  • In case of an infectious disease, poisoning, teething, it is necessary to water the baby with sweet teas.
  • Reduce the amount of high fat foods.
  • If the acetone odor from the mouth is not brightly expressed, then it is better to use the pharmacy test to determine the level of ketone in the urine.
  • In case of bad breath, accompanied by gagging or diarrhea, you can use the solution for oral rehydration.

With the onset of puberty in a child, acetonemic crisis and the smell of acetone accompanying it completely disappear. But children still have the risk of diabetes, cholelithiasis, hypertension, etc. In this situation it is necessary annually conduct surveys and do an ultrasound of the internal organs.


