Signs of stomatitis in a child, symptoms and treatment

Symptoms of stomatitis in childrenUlcers in the mouth of a child, swollen, reddened gums are bright symptoms of stomatitis. Subsequently, signs of disease may be fever and bad breath. To quickly defeat the disease, you must immediately and correctly begin treatment.

Symptoms and treatment of stomatitis in infants

Stomatitis in babiesincluding older children There are three main types:

  • Stomatitis in babiesherpetic acute stomatitis;
  • chronic herpetic recurrent stomatitis;
  • aphthous chronic stomatitis.

In addition, there is a huge number of other forms: erosive stomatitis, bacterial necrotic-ulcerative stomatitis, allergic-toxic stomatitis (it can be erosive, catarrhal, ulcerous-necrotic or ulcerative) and so on. Such a multitude of forms requires a correct diagnosis and creates a particular danger for self-medication.

Treatment of children's stomatitis will depend on the form of the disease itself, that is, depending on the causes of stomatitis (bacteria, herpes virus, immune pathology, allergies), therapeutic effects and prescriptions of drugs will be very different on an individual basis.

Herpetic acute viral stomatitis in children is a type of stomatitis that occurs during the initial infection of the herpes virus, for the first time in its life. Acute stomatitis occurs only in children of very young age. Herpetic chronic children's stomatitis - This is a repeated progressive form of the disease.

It should be noted that herpetic stomatitis in infants occurs only if the child is infected with its own mother or surrounding relatives who are near the child and come into contact with him through objects or kisses. Herpetic stomatitis in newborns develops in the same way as in most children, the symptoms and treatment will be correspondingly the same.

Herpetic acute stomatitis - primary infection of the herpetic type in children occurs between the ages of 6 months and up to three years. This is due to the fact that at a small age the child does not have antibodies specific to the herpes virus that were obtained with maternal blood. In many cases, about 90 percent of the symptoms are poorly expressed, and only 10 percent of children have herpetic acute stomatitis with complications.

How stomatitis looks in children

Treatment of stomatitis in childrenThe duration of the manifestations on average makes from 10 to 14 days. The first sign is a manifestation of weakness, malaise, headache and muscle pain, this is directly related to the intoxication of the organism itself. The manifestation of temperature, which depends on the severity of the disease. Body temperature by the end of the second day can be from 37.6 to 41 degrees. Lymph nodes, especially the submandibular, painful and enlarged.

Symptoms of stomatitis in a child's mouth:

  • the mucous membrane in the oral cavity acquires a bright red color and edema, and in the areas of the cheeks, lips, tongue and palatal arch, rashes of small-sized vesicles, approximately with millet grain, are formed. Usually the bubbles are arranged in one group.
  • bubbles at the beginning filled with clear substance, but then they begin to grow cloudy, and after two or three days they burst, many solitary or extensive erosions of bright red color are formed. These erosion quite soon become covered with a yellow fibrinous or whitish bloom.
  • numerous aphthae, covered with a bloom of whitish color, which formed after the opening of the herpes bubbles.
  • multiple aphthae on the inner part of the lower lip, which were formed after opening the herpes bubbles. Aphthae at the very tip of the tongue, at the bottom of the tongue.
  • quite often occurs redness of the papilla and the extreme part of the gums around the teeth, which is reminiscent of acute gingivitis. It can also appear rash in the red border of the lips, as well as near it on the skin.
  • gingivitis, which occurs after herpetic stomatitis, is accompanied by a sharp reddening of the marginal gum and swelling of the gingival papillae.
  • Herpetic stomatitis is a complication after suffering a primary herpetic virus that remains in the child’s body for the rest of its life.

Factors affecting periodic recurrence of the disease:

  • ARVI, hypothermia;
  • stressful situations, avitaminosis, allergies;
  • taking a drug that lowers the immune system (for example, corticosteroids);
  • exacerbation of diseases of a chronic type (antritis, tonsillitis, etc.);
  • injury of the red lip and mucous membrane;
  • foci of stomatologic infection (dental caries, stone, gingivitis).

Chronic form Herpetic stomatitis in the oral cavity is manifested in exactly the same way as the acute form. The difference is as follows: the general condition of the child does not suffer, the symptoms of intoxication are absent or minimal. Lymph nodes on palpation, as a rule, painful and enlarged.

Treatment of stomatitis in a child

Stomatitis in a child’s mouthWe now turn to the issue of treatment stomatitis in a child. The basis for the treatment of acute forms of stomatitis are antiviral agentsand recurrent chronic forms - immunomodulators and antiviral agents.

Antiviral agents include herpes ointments and creams, they are commonly used on the skin of the face and lips. Categorically they can not handle the oral mucosa. Treatment is allowed with the help of tablets, suppositories rectal (suppositories) or specials. gels for oral mucosa.

Viferon - This drug, which contains interferons, which have an immunostimulating and antiviral effect, as well as E and C vitamins. Age restrictions drug has not. Available in the form of candles, the view is especially convenient for children of very young age.

Viferon is also produced in gel form, which is used to apply the drug to the oral mucosa. Gel view is very convenient for children older age. Before you apply the gel to the affected area of ​​the mucous membrane, the oral cavity must first be dried with a swab of gauze, it must be applied three to four times a day for a week.

Acyclovir - It is also an antiviral drug, which acts on the herpes virus directly, and not secondary to the immune protection system. For a child from the second year, the regimen and dosage of administration is exactly the same as that of adults, namely, 200 milligrams (0.2 grams) approximately 5 times a day for five days. For a child under 2 years of age, the dosage must be halved.

It makes sense to use drugs only in the first two days, from the beginning of the symptoms of the disease, when bubbles form on the mucous membrane of the mouth, and if over time the bubbles burst and erosion has formed, then the use of these drugs will be ineffective.

For the herpes virus, which is formed only on the skin of the face and on the lips, it will be more effective to use drugs of local rather than general effect, in the form of creams and ointments, for example, Zovirax, Acyclovir, Viferon.Antiviral drugs are applied in a very thin layer on the affected area every two hours until the onset of recovery.

In the choice of rinses inefficient use of solutionswho cannot cope with the Herpes virus. That is, herbal infusions, chlorhexidine and other lotions are not suitable here. The most effective use of Miramistin.

Rinse the mouth is necessary four times a day. After a short period of time after rinsing, you need to perform the application Viferon-gel. Miramistin child should be used in this way: moisten the swab from gauze and treat the oral cavity with it or irrigate the oral cavity from the spray nozzle that comes with it.

Immunomodulators and their use

How to use immunomodulatorsImmunomodulators are used only with recurrent chronic herpetic stomatitis both for the prevention of relapses, and in complex therapy. They are local and general actions.

Amiksin, Immunal, Sodium Nucleate - Basic immunomodulators, they increase all chains of immunity.

Imudon - a drug to increase local immunity of the oral mucosa, is used in the form of tablets, used as an absorbable agent. Apply 6 tablets per day, 20 days. Therapy is carried out about once every six months.

They also use special toothpastes designed for children, serve to increase the immunity of the oral mucosa. These pastes consist of a complex of enzymes, such as lactoperoxidase, lactoferrin, lysozyme, glucose oxidase.

Vitamins effectively used for any type of herpetic disease, and various gels for the oral mucosa, painkillers and antibacterial agents are prescribed if necessary. This happens when a bacterial infection joins the virus, or ulcerative gingivitis is formed.


It is necessary to correctly distinguish herpetic stomatitis from aphthous, as the diseases are treated by various methods and preparations. Based on this, we strongly recommend treating stomatitis, referring to a doctor. This is especially true for the disease of moderate or severe forms.

Symptomatic remedies - This means antipyretic effects, are assigned to the child, if its temperature is not less than 38 degrees Celsius. At low temperatures, it is inefficient to take antipyretic drugs, as they reduce the production of their interferons in the body and interfere with the formation of the child’s immunity.

Aphthous chronic stomatitis in a child

How to help your child with stomatitisAphthous stomatitis is a manifestation in children single aft rash on lips and oral mucosa. The duration of manifestations of a little more than a week. In children, aphthous stomatitis causes such factors as:

  1. food, microbial and drug;
  2. Staphylococcus (microbe, which many in carious defects, dental plaque);
  3. immune disorders;
  4. chronic gastrointestinal diseases.

Signs of aphthous stomatitis in a child are exacerbations that are more common in autumn and spring. Often the disease can be observed in the front rows of the mouth (on the mucous membranes of the cheeks, lips, under the tongue and in the tongue), where the mucosa is most susceptible to injuries to the teeth or food. The condition of the child in most cases is not disturbed, but there may be a slight fever, weakness, enlarged lymph nodes.

In the oral cavity on the mucous manifest aphthae oval or round shape, measuring about eight millimeters. Aphthae are surrounded by a rim of bright red color, and themselves are painted with a fibrinous whitish-gray patina. Aphas, when touched, start to hurt sharply. In many cases, there is only one aphtha, less often not more than two.

How to distinguish aphthous and herpetic stomatitis

Herpetic stomatitis in a child manifests itself the emergence of a large number of small bubbleswhich then burst and form numerous aphthae of small size (aphthae can then merge and merge into one vast erosion). When stomatitis is aphthous, aphthae show up in small numbers and have a much larger size (approximately eight millimeters).

In case of herpetic disease, in most cases, swelling and redness of the gums occurs around the teeth, which is similar to acute gingivitis. When stomatitis aphthous, gingivitis symptoms do not appear.

With herpetic stomatitis, facial rashes occur, as a rule, accompanied by the appearance of rashes labial bubbles and the skin next to the lips. When stomatitis aphthous these symptoms are not observed.

Treatment of aphthous stomatitis in a child

Treatment of aphthous stomatitisChildren's aphthous stomatitis - during the treatment it is necessary to take into account the very possible cause of this disease, since there are a lot of causes themselves and they all require different treatment approach. On this basis, you need to eliminate from the diet allergenic foods as soon as they found aphthas in the child. You also need to exclude from the food spicy, spicy, coarse food.

Aphthous stomatitis often occurs as an allergy to medication. If the baby is taking medications, then it is necessary to take this into account and consult with your doctor, it may be possible to replace the drug with a safe, similar in properties, or the very cancellation of the drug.

Antiallergic drugs include Tavegil, Suprastin, Diazolin, Claritin and a large number of similar drugs, which are many in modern pharmacies.

Physiotherapy and local treatment with aphthous preparations

At the initial stage and in the middle of the disease, the doctor shows the rinsing of the oral cavity with Miramistin and the treatment with the anti-inflammatory gel aft with the effect of the anesthetic drug Holisal. Treatment with these funds is carried out at least four times a day.

After the patient went on the mend used epithelial substances, for example, spend processing mucous gel Solcoseryl. This drug, in turn, has an analgesic effect.

Excellent effect gives the ultraviolet radiation of the AFT themselves.

Aphthous stomatitis in some cases is caused by the microorganism staphylococcus, which is present in large quantities in carious places and dental plaque. Therefore, all defects of the oral cavity must be cured, and the baby is accustomed to oral hygiene.


