Treatment for stomatitis in the mouth in adults

What means to cure stomatitisIn our country, stomatitis is one of the most common diseases. According to statistics, a similar diagnosis is made to every fifth resident. Moreover, the disease manifests itself in a variety of forms - catarrhal, aphthous, ulcerative, and others. In fact, much more people encounter this ailment, because even the bunnies observed in many corners of the mouth are also its manifestation.

Best of all, if you are ready for this threat and know what signs indicate stomatitis, what can trigger the development of this ailment and how to treat stomatitis in the mouth in adults.

What is stomatitis?

Stomatitis is a word of ancient Greek origin, which can be translated as “mouth”. Judging only by this, it is easy to understand that this disease affects oral mucosa. However, it is necessary to be able to distinguish stomatitis from glossitis (loss of the tongue), cheilitis (defeat of the lips) and palatinitis (defeat of the sky).

Experts do not include stomatitis as a contagious disease, but the vast majority of people on our planet probably had to deal with a certain kind of it in one form or another. And I would especially like to note that a person who has had stomatitis at least once is more susceptible to his relapses, the treatment of which becomes more difficult.

Causes of stomatitis in the mouth in adults

Despite the fact that scientists have long found out about such a disease as stomatitis, so far they have not been able to identify the factors that cause its development so that an effective program for the prevention of the disease can be made. Therefore, it is almost impossible to predict what can cause this disease.

To the list of potential threats You can include the following:

  • Causes of stomatitisimpaired metabolism;
  • weakened immunity;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system;
  • nervous disorders;
  • microorganisms that provoke inflammation of the oral mucosa;
  • avitaminosis.

In addition to the above reasons, stomatitis in adults may occur. due to the impact of local factors:

  • non-compliance with oral hygiene;
  • caries;
  • dysbacteriosis of the oral cavity;
  • poorly made or installed dentures;
  • result of treatment with medicines;
  • abuse of alcohol and nicotine;
  • allergic to some foods.

Also danger may warn person due to the use of toothpaste containing sodium lauryl sulfate. The reason for this are the results of numerous studies that were able to confirm that this substance may increase the risk of developing stomatitis and its exacerbations.

Symptoms of stomatitis

How to treat stomatitis in adultsAt the initial stage, this disease begins to manifest itself in the form of light reddening of the oral cavity. Gradually, the tumor is replaced by a burning sensation. If a person neglects these manifestations of stomatitis, then instead of redness on the oral cavity, small oval or round sores grayish or white, covered with red halo and film. Although the fabric around them will not have signs of damage.

Mouth ulcers will cause pain, which will cause every meal for a person to become a torment. Sometimes the ulcers can be found on the inner surface of the cheeks and lips, as well as under the tongue. But most often it is possible to detect a mild form of stomatitis by just one sore that appeared in the place characteristic of this disease.

If there are many ulcers and they have large dimensions and depth and can later merge into one, then this is a clear sign of the beginning of the development of a more severe form of stomatitis. Over time, not only ulcers begin to cause discomfort to the person. New signs make themselves known:

  • deterioration of health;
  • loss of appetite and constipation;
  • headache;
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes;
  • temperature rise.

Greater health hazard acute stomatitisduring which there is severe pain in the mouth, because of which it becomes difficult for a person to eat and speak. Therefore, it is important to start his treatment in time. Also, there is increased salivation, there is plaque on the tongue, there is redness of the mouth, irritability, signs of vomiting after eating.

Forms of the disease

Experts know quite a lot of forms of manifestation of stomatitis in the oral cavity, but we will dwell more on only the most common.

Catarrhal stomatitis

The disease in this form is most often diagnosed in patients. It manifests itself in the form of the appearance of puffiness and painful sensations in the mucous membrane of the mouth, which over time becomes hyperemic. In some cases, a yellow or white bloom appears on the surface. An additional sign of catarrhal stomatitis is severe salivation. Over time, bleeding of the gums begins, an unpleasant smell emanates from the mouth. The development of this form of stomatitis is usually associated with the influence of local factors:

  • tartar;
  • oral candidiasis;
  • caries;
  • poor hygiene.

Other causes of catarrhal stomatitis can be diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and worms, which can be treated even at home.

Ulcerative stomatitis

What is stomatitis?This form of the disease is dangerous because it proceeds with more serious complications, unlike catarrhal stomatitis. It may occur as a result of exposure to external factors or be the result of undertreated catarrhal stomatitis. The most susceptible to this disease are people with a diagnosis of gastric ulcer, chronic enteritis, diseases of the cardiovascular system and blood, as well as those who have recently had an infectious disease or poisoning.

Ulcerative form characterized by the following features:

  • Enlarged lymph nodes, causing pain discomfort;
  • Headache;
  • Weakness;
  • The temperature rises to the level of 37.5 ° С;
  • The affected area covers the entire thickness of the mucosa;
  • During each meal a person feels acute pain.

Aphthous stomatitis

Experts call several reasons that can cause this disease:

  • rheumatism;
  • heredity.
  • allergies in different forms;
  • viral infections;
  • violations of the digestive tract.

With this form of stomatitis, afta appear on the oral mucosa. ulcers 3-5 mm in size gray-white with a narrow red rim. Over time, new symptoms may appear, such as worsening of well-being, fever, and painful sensations at the location of ulcers. The disease first manifests itself in an acute form, but then it can develop into a chronic one, causing discomfort to the patient with frequent exacerbations. In such cases, a diagnosis of chronic recurrent aphthous stomatitis is made, and the treatment is adjusted for new symptoms.

Candida stomatitis

Stomatitis treatment methodsIt is a fungal disease that is most commonly found in young children and the elderly.The causative agent of candidal stomatitis is a fungus, whose activity is activated when immunity is weakened, caused by prolonged use of strong antibacterial drugs or by the occurrence of another chronic disease.

Candida form manifests itself in the form of a burning sensation in the oral cavity and larynx, the appearance of white plaque on the tongue and oral cavity, hyperemia and bleeding of the mucous membranes, as well as the appearance of unpleasant taste in the mouth or loss of taste. This form of stomatitis is among the contagious - they can get sick as a result of both the use of infected things and sexual contacts.

Herpetic or herpes stomatitis

Both adults and children are equally affected by this form. The causative agent is herpes simplex viruswhich can cause acute or chronic form.

In mild form, several small vesicles resembling aphthae are found in humans. In the case of the development of a severe form of herpetic stomatitis, the patient has a lot of lesions on the oral mucosa, which begins to swell and become inflamed over time, salivation increases, health worsens, signs of poisoning appear, the temperature rises, lymph nodes increase.

With long-term absence of treatment, discomfort causes burning and pain when eating. This form of stomatitis is distinguished by the fact that after penetration of the organism, the herpes virus remains there forever.

How to treat stomatitis?

Treatment of stomatitis at homeRegardless of what form of stomatitis was found in the patient, the first priority measures for treating the disease should include professional hygienic cleaningto remove tartar and soft plaque from the mouth. To carry out such cleaning can in any dental clinic. Do not disregard caries, which also needs treatment.

After the completion of the preparatory phase, they proceed to the main activities that involve rinsing with antiseptic compositions. To do this, use a solution and decoction of chamomile or calendula at room temperature, which rinse the mouth several times during the day.

Regular use of this tool allows remove symptoms of catarrhal stomatitisafter 5-10 days. In the case of progression of the disease and the onset of development of the ulcerative or aphthous form, in addition to local treatment, general therapy is carried out. To do this, the patient is prescribed antiseptic procedures carried out in the hospital.

In the event that signs indicating herpetic stomatitis were found, additional treatment with antiviral drugs should be carried out. To combat the candidal form of the disease, antifungal agents are treated. If it is assumed that the disease was caused by another disease, for example, the stomach or intestines, then it is he who needs attention.

For a speedy recovery is necessary stick to the right diet, which in itself is an effective measure for the prevention of disease. It is necessary to exclude from the menu spicy, hot, cold, sour and coarse foods. Sometimes as a result of long-term medication in the tongue a green color may appear.

Stomatitis in the mouth in adults and its treatment at home

Stomatitis MedicinesIn some cases, treatment of stomatitis at home can be quite effective. To do this, use a variety of herbal teas and infusions that provide immunostimulant, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. Sometimes even the attending physician can advise the patient. gargle with calendula, which is a potent home remedy. Its healing effect is due to its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, which can accelerate healing.

The extracts and decoctions of chamomile act in a similar way, with the properties of which not only traditional medicine fans, but also many doctors are well acquainted.

In order to quickly remove the unpleasant symptoms of stomatitis, it is necessary to combine folk remedies for rinsing with oral preparations. Well proven in the treatment of stomatitis rosehip decoctioncontaining many essential vitamins and substances. With regular use of this tool, immunity increases, inflammatory processes are reduced, and the activity of harmful bacteria is suppressed.


Stomatitis can not be attributed to diseases that can cause complications that are dangerous to human life. However, inaction is also undesirable. If you do not take treatment measures for a long time, then there may be some rather unpleasant symptoms that can seriously complicate a person's life. Moreover, even subsequent treatment in the clinic does not guarantee that the disease will not return after recovery. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the oral cavity and, when dubious formations appear, immediately go for an examination to a specialist who, when confirming the diagnosis, will quickly select an effective treatment.

Remedies for the treatment of stomatitis
Children's stomatitisWhat remedies for stomatitis is betterTreatment of stomatitis folk remediesHow to cure stomatitis at homeTreatment of stomatitis in adultsWhy does stomatitis occur?


