Stomatitis in a child gives him discomfort and much trouble for his parents. When anxiety symptoms are detected, appropriate measures should be taken immediately to avoid complications and save the child from suffering.
The reasons
Stomatitis, that is, inflammation of the oral mucosa, is one of the most common dental diseases. Most often, this disease leads to:
- non-compliance with hygiene rules. Kids often lick their fingers and pull various objects into their mouths.
- infectious diseases, allergens and dysbacteriosis are capable of provoking the development of inflammation. So, there is an opinion that stomatitis is a reaction of the body to germs and viruses that the under-formed immune system of a child faces.
- According to recent studies, it became known that there is a connection between stomatitis and the use of pastes with SLS. Mentioned substance promotes active foam formation, but at the same time it dries the mucous membrane, which becomes vulnerable.
- An important role in the development of stomatitis is played by various mechanical damages. In the best case, the condition of the mucous stabilizes after a few days. Sometimes an infection gets into the wound, which contributes to the development of stomatitis. For this reason, after injury urgent need to rinse your mouth with herbal decoction or antiseptic solution. Undertreated caries and various gum diseases can increase the likelihood of the disease.
- one of the causes of inflammation may be an allergic reaction. It is caused by certain foods, toys, and toothpaste and rinse. Among the products, citrus fruits, cherries and apples are considered the most allergenic.
- Other causes of stomatitis can be various diseases, including diabetes and congenital syphilis.
Independently determine the exact cause stomatitis in a child very difficult. It is best to immediately visit the doctor and pass several complex tests.
Types of stomatitis
Today there are several types of this disease, which differ in their symptoms, course and methods of treatment.
Catarrhal stomatitis
This is the mildest form of the disease. Its main manifestations are inflammation, that is, redness and swelling of the mucous membrane. Child may complain of pain while eating and communication. With the development of catarrhal stomatitis, there is an unpleasant odor, fatigue and abundant salivation. For treatment, rinse with herbal decoction is usually used. Calendula and chamomile are best suited.
Allergic stomatitis
This form of the disease develops over a long time. The child has the main symptoms of swelling and redness, as well as the formation of erosions and sores, as seen in the photo. Most often, this form occurs due to the intake of antibiotics.
Aphthous stomatitis
Its cause may be:
- herpes;
- various infections;
- vitamin deficiency;
- mechanical damage to the mucous membrane.
Even with careful study of photos of such stomatitis, not every specialist will be able to notice the disease. Its course is quite heavy.So, in a small patient, there is an increase in lymph nodes, an increase in body temperature and the formation of ulcers with white bloom.
For treatment, special sprays, painkillers and vitamins of groups B and C are used.
Ulcerative stomatitis
This may be an independent disease or a complication of catarrhal stomatitis. This form is observed in children with impaired functioning of the digestive system.
With timely treatment, stomatitis will pass in 1.5-2 weeks. For speedy recovery appointed by rinsing with potassium permanganate or furatsilinom, as well as receiving fukortsina, which has a pronounced antibacterial and antimicrobial action. Additionally, it shows the enhancement of immunity with the help of vitamin complexes. In advanced cases, antibiotics are prescribed.
Infectious (herpetic) stomatitis
The most common cause of this form of the disease is the herpes virus, chickenpox or influenza. The first symptom is pronounced itching of the mucous membrane.
Herpetic stomatitis is very difficult. It often causes various complications. Within 1-3 hours in the mouth cavity, a lot of bubbles with a clear liquid inside. At the same time the temperature rises sharply. Literally in 2-3 hours the child can become capricious. He refuses to eat and drink. After 2 days, the bubbles burst, and a gray patina appears in their place.
With such stomatitis, complex treatment is very important. So, on the very first day, antiviral drugs are recommended. Oxolinic ointment or acyclovir is usually prescribed. After that, the child's condition usually improves: sweating goes away, and the temperature returns to normal. However, the pain remains, so the mucous membrane must be treated with lidocaine spray. All this time need to use antiseptic drugsas well as healing ointments and gels, including solcoseryl. For this, the wound is gently dried with a sterile cloth, and then a little ointment is applied to the bandage and applied to the wound. Means promotes rapid healing of ulcers and removes pain.
Candida stomatitis
Symptoms of this disease most often appear suddenly. The main symptom is the presence of cheesy plaque, as well as foreign body sensation. Many children complain of pain and change in taste. This form of stomatitis observed in newborns, although it can occur in more adult age.
The difficulty of treatment lies in the fact that small children are unable to do rinsing. Doctors usually prescribe fukortsin, which has antimicrobial and antifungal effects. Also considered cholisal effective. This ointment has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects.
General principles of treatment
Some parents when detected stomatitis child resorted to folk remedies. This should be done carefully. So, can not be used for lubricating wounds honey, because it contributes to a more active development of bacteria. It is best to give preference to herbal decoctions. For this purpose, suitable sage, calendula, St. John's wort and chamomile.
To remove the unpleasant symptoms recommended to drink plenty of water. It contributes to a more rapid elimination of viruses and bacteria from the body. Besides, saliva production increases, with the help of which conditionally pathogenic microflora is washed out from the mucous membrane.
Among the drugs most effective are:
- iodinol or molecular iodine. He has a pronounced antiseptic effect. After applying to the wound polyvinyl alcohol, which is part of the drug, protects the affected area through the formation of a thin film. You must use iodinol in accordance with the instructions. So, before using the product, 5 drops should be diluted in 250 ml of warm water;
- miramistin.It is intended for the treatment of mainly herpetic eruptions. It can be produced as a spray. This form of the drug facilitates the treatment of children up to 2-4 years;
- tantum verde. The tool has antipyretic effect. The drug is also sold as a spray.
To avoid the development of stomatitis in a child, you must follow the simple recommendations:
- Moms whose babies are breastfed need to regularly monitor cleanliness breasts and silicone linings that can be used when feeding. It is also important every day to wipe the baby’s mouth with a special soft sponge;
- older children should brush their teeth twice a day every day. Children younger than 5 years old are cleaned by their parents; older children do it themselves under the supervision of their mother or father;
- immediately after eating, the child should rinse his mouth and wash his hands before eating, after using the toilet and playing outside;
- at the first signs of caries or other dental diseases, you need to consult a doctor;
- Nutrition is very important for the health of the child. In the diet should be presented all the necessary micronutrients and vitamins. If they are not enough, the microflora in the mouth will change, which will lead to the formation of ulcers. In any case, children can not be fed too spicy or sour food.
It must be remembered that stomatitis is often a concomitant disease. Therefore, before choosing a drug or a folk remedy, you should visit a pediatrician and a dentist. Experienced the doctor will help determine the type of stomatitis and prescribe the appropriate treatment.