Aphthous stomatitis is considered the most common type of disease in young children. The disease is provoked, as a rule, by streptococci, diplococci, staphylococci. Also, one of the causes of its occurrence are transferred diseases: measles, whooping cough, diphtheria, influenza and similar illnesses. Treatment will depend directly on the type of infection that provoked the symptoms of the disease.
The main symptom of this type of disease is the appearance small yellowish gray ulcers. Aphthous stomatitis is not considered a contagious disease. Aphthae or ulcerative formations appear in the oral mucosa: on the larynx, on the inside of the cheeks, on the surface of the tongue, on the lips. There are very small or relatively large size (about 1 cm). As a rule, the rash has several ulcers, but large-scale lesions are also likely. Ulcers can combine to create a large area of the inflammatory process.
Most often, the disease affects young children, as they all pull in the mouth. Together with dirty fingers, the child may carry the infection into the oral cavity.
Causes of disease
Aphthous stomatitis has allergic or viral causes of education. The disease manifests itself regardless of age - both in newborns and adolescents.
The main reasons are:
- Poor immune system due to frequent colds.
- Heredity.
- Allergic reactions.
- The impossibility of the absorption of the stomach of some cereals.
- Lack of vitamins.
- Diseases of the digestive system.
- Use a hard toothbrush.
- Diseases of the teeth and gums.
- Depression.
- Fungi, viruses and parasites.
- Frequent intake of very hot food.
- Injuries to the mucosa.
- Lack of folic acid and phosphorus.
Varieties of the disease
Aftosis, taking into account the passage of the disease, has 2 types:
- Recurrent chronic.
- Acute.
According to the degree of affection of the oral cavity, aphthasis can be divided:
- Deforming.
- Necrotic.
- Cicatrized.
Acute aphthous stomatitis is characterized by strong painful manifestations of ulcers. The painful sensations become stronger during contact with ulcers of irritating food. This type of disease is often accompany viral diseases.
It is necessary to distinguish the acute form of aphthous stomatitis from similar diseases: herpes rash, candidiasis, whooping cough. The characteristic symptom can help diagnose the disease - aphthae begin to cause sudden and severe pain, have a bright red inflamed contour.
Recurrent aphthous stomatitis
This type of disease is considered a chronic form of the inflammatory process of the oral cavity. As a rule, passes in a simple form. A day or two before the formation of mouth ulcers, pain and burning sensation are felt.
Then a few small aft, yellowish-gray with red trim. Over the course of a couple of days, the ulcers become larger, and reach a circumference of 0.6-1.2 cm. Ulcers have strong pain, interfere with speaking, drinking and eating, often the temperature increases.
This type of stomatitis is not contagious, in some cases the ulcers disappear themselves within a couple of days. But the disease is prone to frequent relapses. The disease manifests itself again after a month, several years, or immediately after treatment.Once the disease will certainly return, because in the medical record it is necessary to record the entire case in order to determine how often and actively relapse occurs.
Children's aphthous stomatitis in this form is sometimes proceeds in severe form. Such a course of the disease is characterized by such symptoms as the appearance of large single or multiple aft, they are much more painful, deeper, heal longer. At the site of the former wounds often appear scars. To prevent severe illness, you should monitor the child’s condition and know the symptoms of the disease.
Symptoms of the disease
In the first stage, the symptoms of stomatitis are similar to the common cold virus, which complicates diagnosis and treatment. Often the child has symptoms such as poor appetite, high fever. Also aphthous stomatitis is expressed by tearfulness, bloom on the tongue, irritability, unpleasant smell from the oral cavity, high salivation.
The main symptoms of aphthous stomatitis can be easily noticed during a visual examination of the baby’s oral cavity.
Ulcers form on the moving parts of the oral cavity — cheeks, tongue surface, gums, lips. At first, aft look like small rounded tumor formationappearing throughout the day. Open ulcers are covered with a small layer of epithelium, have a red border. A mild degree of aphthous stomatitis is treated on its own, without needing a special approach. Aphthae are formed and overgrown, and the patient even notices the accompanying symptoms of the disease.
How to treat the disease in a child?
The treatment is best carried out under the supervision of a physician so that the child can bear the disease as easily as possible. Since stress often provokes relapse. With the initial symptoms of the disease, the child should be taken to the clinic.
After the examination, the doctor will determine the treatment. If necessary, prescribed vitamin complexes and antipyretics. Desirable eliminate outdoor festivities in the process of recovery. Stomatitis is not a contagious disease, but it is not necessary to expose the child on the street to other infections.
Medication, rinsing and dieting help to cure stomatitis. Also in the treatment of the disease are allowed folk recipes.
At treatment, rinses with antiseptic agents, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs are indicated.
- Iodinol. Great antiseptic, always used in the treatment.
- Hydrogen peroxide. Relieves itching, swelling and pain. To use you need to dilute 1 tbsp. in 120 ml of water. Rinse the mouth three times a day for 2 weeks.
- Chlorhexidine. Treatment with this drug helps to destroy harmful microorganisms in the throat and mouth. The tool is used immediately after a meal for 7 days.
Folk recipes
Stomatitis is treated and using folk recipes:
- Yarrow Add to 1 tbsp. a cup of boiling water, insist for 22 minutes. Then, when the infusion has cooled, decant, rinse the mouth.
- Broth oak bark. In one large spoonful of bark, add a cup of water, set on a small fire when it boils, hold for about 20 minutes, allow to cool, decant. For rinsing the mouth, the whole mass is applied.
- Chamomile. Need to brew 1 tsp flowers in one cup of boiling water, insist. Rinse your mouth three times a day.
Folk methods should be used only for auxiliary treatment. Such recipes are not a panacea for stomatitis. It is desirable to focus more on classical medicine. Such methods can be treated only when the child has no allergic reactions.
For testing you need drop a bit of composition on the skin and wait. If there is no reaction, you can begin treatment with caution. Popular methods can be carried out preventive measures to avoid relapse.
What should be a diet for aphthous stomatitis?
Treatment of aphthous stomatitis in a child, during which a special diet is observed, is a good way to improve the functioning of the digestive system and prevent recurrence. The diet should be soft for the oral mucosa and work to replenish the body with useful trace elements.
The food must be stewed, boiled or puree - so as not to damage the aphthae, and so that food is not stuck in the larynx. Because of the aft in the mouth, the child cannot fully chew food.
Complete elimination of salty, spicy, fried, sour foods and smoked meats. Eating this food can cause severe pain in a child. It is forbidden to use semi-finished products, mineral water and fast food.
Periodically, oral hygiene should be carried out, regardless of the patient's condition. In order to completely cure aphthous stomatitis in a child, it is necessary to exclude the probability of the occurrence of harmful microorganisms in the oral cavity, therefore, hygiene procedures are indispensable.
If your young child has symptoms of aphthous stomatitis, do not self-medicate. Show your baby specialist. He will prescribe an effective and safe treatment for the child.