Ways to quickly treat aphthous stomatitis

Treatment of aphthous stomatitisNot everyone knows about such a disease as aphthous stomatitis. Those who managed to get to know him can only sympathize. The fact is that this disease introduces serious changes, and not the best ones, to a person’s lifestyle. We are talking not only about painful sensations, but also about difficulties during the meal, because with this disease, many ulcers form in the oral cavity.

Faced with this problem, many will immediately try to heal with the help of popular methods, but this is undesirable. For the most part they are ineffectiveand if you treat them with stomatitis for a long time, then over time it will turn into a chronic form. Few know that this disease has various forms, and this is an additional reason for not postponing a visit to the doctor.

Causes and provoking factors

Although this disease was discovered quite a long time ago, specialists still cannot name the main cause of this form of stomatitis. Doctors can only tell about the reagents, which in varying degrees, can provoke a certain form of stomatitis.

Most people who are diagnosed in this way are often diagnosed with an infection in the body or they determine a failure in the immune system, because a viral disease was not completely cured. That they are called the main provoking factors. Among the infections that can create favorable conditions for this disease, the following are most commonly found in the body of the diseased:

  • Staphylococcus L-form;
  • herpes;
  • measles;
  • flu;
  • diphtheria;
  • adenovirus.

There are many cases where the development of this disease was due to the individual intolerance of certain foods, drugs, or microbes in the body. Aphthas often appear on the background of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

But the presence of any of the above factors is not enough for the development of the disease. For clear signs of aphthous stomatitis to appear, favorable conditions for its development, and as such are considered:

  • avitaminosis;
  • hypothermia;
  • weak immunity;
  • heredity;
  • trauma of the oral mucosa;
  • diseases of the teeth and gums.

If at least one of the above factors can manifest, the reagents present in the body can be activated, and this will lead to the appearance of the first signs of aphthous stomatitis. And here it is important for a person not to miss this moment and immediately begin treatment.

Disease classification

If we proceed from medical practice, then aphthous stomatitis is of two types: acute and chronic:

  1. How to deal with the diseaseThe first type also has a scientific name - acute gingivostomatitis. Usually, the mechanism of its development is triggered by a viral infection.
  2. Recurrent chronic aphthous stomatitis. It can be caused by staphylococci, adenoviruses. Sometimes it can occur on the background of allergies or immune diseases. The most susceptible to this form are people who regularly have problems with the gastrointestinal tract or have a hereditary predisposition to it.Judging by the name of this form of the disease, then it has a slow course and it is characterized by frequent relapses. In chronic form, patients experience symptoms of the disease in the autumn-spring period. This is explained by a deficiency of vitamins and a weakened immune system. In some cases, stressful situations can create a fertile ground for the onset of symptoms, and menstrual cycles are dangerous for women.

The specialists distinguish a number of types of stomatitis depending on the nature of the lesion of the oral mucosa.

  • Necrotic aphtha It looks like an accumulation of bodies of dead mucous membrane cells, which, when inflammation develops, become covered by the epithelium. Patients with blood disorders are most susceptible to the development of this aphthous stomatitis subspecies.
  • Granular stomatitis. Damage to the mucous membrane can provoke its development, and over time, bubbles appear first, and then after their breakthrough, painful sores.
  • Cicatrized stomatitis. During the course of this form of the disease, aphthae become covered with connective tissue. Early treatment allows you to eliminate this relationship, and over time, the tissue begins to dissolve.
  • Deforming stomatitis. Requires special attention due to severe leakage. This is due to the fact that in the process of development, the aphthae change the surface of the gums. After the tissue is tightened, noticeable scars appear on these sites.

It is necessary to start treatment of aphthous stomatitis with diagnostics, and for this the patient will have to pass the necessary tests. According to their results, the doctor will be able to determine the degree of mucosal lesion and the type of the disease. After that, the most effective treatment tactics are selected, which will help in the short term to eliminate the disease.

Main symptoms and duration of percolation

Each patient with aphthous stomatitis proceeds with various symptoms depending on its form.

Acute form

Methods of treatment of aphthous stomatitisAcute aphthous stomatitis is characterized by an unexpected appearance. At the initial stage, the person feels worse, in some cases there is an increased temperature. Over time, these symptoms mouth pain is added, which becomes especially acute during a meal or during a conversation. The mucous membrane is covered with bubbles, which soon break through, resulting in erosion of gray-white color.

The area of ​​the mucous membrane, located around the perimeter of the aphthae, with time begins to inflame, becomes friable. With further progression, the tongue becomes whitish.

As the sores get bigger, the patient begins to feel more and more acute pain while eating solid food. It forces to refuse it and to replace with softer - mashed potatoes and pastes.

This stage of aphthous stomatitis lasts no more than 14 days, after which the reverse changes occur and the mucosa returns to its original state. But sometimes there can be complications due to which small scars may remain after tightening the ulcers.

Chronic form

How to quickly cure aphthous stomatitisThe main symptoms that characterize the chronic form of aphthous stomatitis are swelling of the mucous membrane, the appearance of a pale hue.

Sores are found on a larger area — the inside of the lips, cheeks, and under the tongue. In more rare cases, they can be found on the gums and palate.

Usually the ulcers do not exceed 1 cm in size, and the affected area begins to swell with time, becomes red, a dirty gray bloom appears. In the event that necrosis develops, capturing a large area of ​​the mucous membrane, inflammation of the sores increases and they can protrude directly above the surface.

In patients with this form of the disease, an elevated temperature of up to 38-39 ° C is often observed, a decrease in performance is noted, lymph nodes increase, and general weakness appears.

The duration of this form of the disease is no more than 12-15 days. In the absence of proper treatment, the growth of aphthus continues, as a result, they penetrate into the deeper layers, causing damage to the mucous membrane.

With the progression of the chronic form of aphthous stomatitis sores begin to bleedthat causes even more discomfort. At the same time, there is a danger of infection penetrating through them. In place of the prolonged deep aftah remain scars.

What you need to know about the treatment of the disease?

It is possible to rely on a speedy recovery only with a comprehensive approach to the treatment of aphthous stomatitis. The patient should not be complacent, even if there is already no sign of illness. If at this moment to stop treatment, the disease can quickly return and become chronic.

Local aft processing

The most effective methods for the local treatment of adult aphthous stomatitis in adults are rinsing and the use of anti-inflammatory gels. In each case, the doctor may prescribe various drugs - it all depends on the form of the disease and the duration of the course. To select the most effective drug is necessary consult with an otolaryngologist or a dentist:

  1. Diagnosis of the diseaseUsually, Miramistin is prescribed for the treatment of aphthous stomatitis, which is offered in pharmacies in the form of a solution or spray. Treatment consists in irrigation of the oral cavity. The drug provides relief due to the antiseptic effect, it can also be used to combat the herpes virus. It is mainly recommended for the restoration of healthy oral microflora.
  2. If the disease was detected at the initial stage, then Cholisal gel can be used. They are treated with dried areas after rinsing. The desired effect is achieved if the procedures are carried out 4 times a day.
  3. Patients with a diagnosis of aphthous stomatitis may be shown anti-inflammatory ointment with an anesthetic effect. They are recommended because of their ability to relieve pain, which is the main symptom of aphthous stomatitis. The most famous of this category of drugs are Kamistad, Clobetasol, Trasilol.
  4. In the absence of contraindications for the treatment of aphthous stomatitis, anti-inflammatory and analgesic ointments can be used, among which the most popular are laxand and benzocaine. But you need to use them with caution - with prolonged use, side reactions of the body are possible. In order to avoid unpleasant sensations, it is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations for use.
  5. An effective treatment for this disease is Dimedrol suspension, which is used in case of predisposition to allergies.
  6. If there are changes that indicate a secondary infection, the main drugs can be supplemented with antibacterial agents - Oraseptom, Tantum Verde, Hexoral.
  7. For the treatment of stomatitis aphthous, you can use the balm Stomatofit-A. It is safe because it contains medicinal plants and anesthetic ingredients. Use it to treat sores with a cotton swab. With regular use with a balm, you can quite quickly reduce pain and inflammation.
  8. After resorption of the ulcers, it is necessary to make changes in the tactics of treatment by switching to the use of epithelial drugs that will help restore the mucous membrane. An example of such a drug is Solcoseryl-gel.

Antiallergic drugs

If aphthous stomatitis is accompanied by allergies, then antihistamines are used for treatment, among which the most popular are Suprastin, Tavegil, Claritin.

If approved by the doctor, it is allowed to use other medications that can relieve allergy symptoms.However, it is necessary to take desensitizing drugs for no longer than 10-12 days in order to avoid adverse reactions of the body.


How to quickly cure stomatitisAphthous stomatitis is a rather rare disease of the oral cavity, but it can also bring a lot of inconvenience to a person. Discomfort is associated with sores, which seriously complicate eating. But we should not wait for the transition of the disease to this state. It should be immediately at the first signs of deterioration to consult a doctor.

It is undesirable to use folk remedies, not knowing which disease to fight. This is not worth doing because it often does not bring the desired result. In the end, precious time is lost, which creates conditions for the transition of aphthous stomatitis to the chronic form. And then it becomes much more difficult to defeat the disease. Only a doctor can tell you how to treat aphthous stomatitis.


