When children start to get teeth cut - what mothers need to know

When the first teeth are cutThe family has a little man. For parents it is a great joy, but at the same time a big concern. And the most important thing in the first year of a baby’s life is his health, which to a large extent depends on the condition of the child’s teeth.

When do teeth start cutting?

According to statistics, the first teeth begin to cut, starting from the seventh month of life. But, generally, the time when they are cut teeth in children, individual enough - it can happen at four and ten months.

On what time the first teeth start cutting, many factors affect, among which:

  • general physical condition of the child;
  • diseases that the child suffered;
  • baby food quality;
  • the nature of the nutrition of the child (breast or artificial feeding);
  • the nature and quality of nutrition of the nursing mother;
  • complications of childbirth;
  • climatic conditions in which the child lives (it is believed that in hot climates, teeth appear earlier).

The timing and condition of the first zubikov a child to a large extent also depend on the course of the mother’s pregnancy, namely from the following factors:

  1. How the future mother ate.
  2. Did you have enough vitamins and essential trace elements in your diet?
  3. She led a healthy lifestyle.
  4. What were the diseases.
  5. Were there any complications during pregnancy and their nature.
  6. What drugs did the expectant mother take?

The order of appearance of milk teeth

Baby's first milk teethAt about three years old, the baby should have cut through all the milk teeth (a total of should be 20 teeth). The first appear two lower front teeth, and after about a month - two upper front teeth.

By 12 months, the baby already has 8 teeth - 4 lower and 4 upper incisors. In the next 6 months, another 4 teeth are cut and these are already the first molars - 2 lower and 2 upper ones. The next 4 teeth will appear in two months - these are the upper and lower canines, and when the child is between two and three years old, the last molars appear - two upper and lower.

How much can a tooth cut? Usually a tooth is cut 2-3 days., but sometimes this period increases to a week or even more.

On a note. These terms are quite approximate, and they can be considered only as a kind of guide. Shifts terms in one or the other way in no way affect the condition of the teeth.

Milk teeth have one characteristic feature - they are so close to each other that between them there is not even a small gap. Gaps between baby teeth appear over time, when permanent teeth begin to erupt. It is not without purpose that nature intended it - permanent teeth are larger than milk teeth, and, therefore, they need more space on the gums.

Features teething milk teeth

The very first tooth of a baby can appear both in splendid isolation, and together with another tooth. Similarly, with subsequent teeth - they can appear one at a time and in pairs and even four at a time.

Often changing the order of eruption teeth, for example, the first indigenous appear later than the canines. This is also a normal phenomenon and parents should not worry about this.

Parents should be worried when the child is one year old, and not a single tooth has cut through him yet.The cause of such a delay can be any disease, including rickets. We must immediately contact your doctor to send the baby for examination.

Signs of teething in a baby

Main features quick start teething:

  1. Teething symptomsGums become swollen and reddened.
  2. The child becomes restless and irritable, his appetite disappears, and in some cases the temperature may rise.
  3. Abundant salivation appears.
  4. A child may have a runny nose and ear pain for several days.
  5. Your baby may have a fever and diarrhea.

According to the state of the gums, it is possible to determine approximately when the teeth start to be cut - two or three weeks before this, the gums swell a little and turn red.

During this period, the child becomes irritable and restlessShe often cries, pulls various objects into her mouth and rubs her gums, in which painful and itchy sensations appear. The baby saliva is abundantly released, which can cause irritation of the skin around the mouth. To prevent this, you must regularly wipe saliva.

A runny nose is another one of the possible concomitant signs of the beginning of teething. It appears due to the enhanced functioning of the nasal glands, with the result that watery, transparent mucus is released from the baby’s nose. Such a runny nose usually passes quickly, and does not require treatment with nasal drops, you only need to periodically clean the child's nose from mucus so that it does not interfere with breathing.

Pain in gums can give to the ears - the child tries to shove his fingers into the auditory hole and scratch inside the ear.

During this period, almost all children have decreased or no appetite at all. Do not try to feed the child, it is better to give him more to drink.

Often, a baby has diarrhea during the appearance of teeth with a frequency of no more than three times a day, which usually lasts a maximum of two days.

Why may be diarrhea? Doctors call these probable causes of diarrhea:

  • profuse salivation in a child, which causes weakening of the stool;
  • the acceleration of metabolic processes in the body of the baby, which causes a change in the intestinal microflora;
  • weakening of immunity during the period when teeth are cut.

During this period, the baby may have a fever. If the temperature has risen no higher than 38 degrees, then you should not worry, and at a temperature of 38.5 or higher, you should already contact the doctor. Such a high temperature can be the result of not only teething, but also any infection. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Help the child when teething

How to help the childThe easiest way, if the child is very worried about pain and itching in the gums - take the baby in your arms, talk to him, feel sorry, caress, in every way distract the child from unpleasant sensations. We must try to switch the attention of the baby to something interesting and new.

Relieve pain and relieve discomfort in the gums can be in the following ways:

  • mechanical effects on the gums.
  • medication.

Mechanical effect on the gums

Teethers for teeth

it rubber or plastic rings or toys, chewing on which the child is scratching the gums, thereby reducing itching. For greater effect, the child is allowed to chew a teether with liquid inside. It is recommended to pre-cool the teether for teeth in the refrigerator - in fact, as you know, cold acts as an anesthetic. However, the teether for the cloves can be replaced by regular drying or dry bread crusts.

Chilled Dummy

Sucking a cooled dummy - This is an old folk way to relieve painful and unpleasant sensations in the gums. If for some reason the child does not want a pacifier, then it can be replaced with a cold metal spoon. The main thing is not to forget about the rules of oral hygiene - during the eruption of teeth this is more important than ever.

Massage gums

Massage gums do with a special brush.This brush is worn on the index finger and gently soft movements massage the gums of the baby.

If there is no massage brush, then the child’s gum can be massaged with the index finger wrapped with a clean gauze pad. Before the massage, the tampon should be soaked in cold clean water, and then pressed.

Massage soothes itching and other discomfort in the gums.

Important. Before the massage, you should thoroughly wash your hands and treat them with a disinfectant solution. Cannot reuse tampons. The massage brush must be thoroughly sanitized before and after the massage.


Soothing gels

How to calm a troubled babySoothing gels are intended for external use - by them. smeared gums childwhen they start to disturb him during teething teeth. These drugs relieve and relieve pain in the gums due to the content of painkillers in them, such as lidocaine, for example. Menthol is also added to the gels (to cool the gums) and astringents.

The currently most popular gels are Mundizal, Kalgol, Dentinox. If you are allergic to lidocaine, you should use Dr. Baby. A method for applying soothing gels is to smear the gums four times a day for three days in a row.

Drug "Dentokind"

Teething - this is a serious burden on the still immature body of the baby. As already mentioned, the child becomes restless and irritable, his temperature may rise, diarrhea may begin, appetite may disappear and sleep may be disturbed. In order to reduce these negative phenomena, it is recommended to give the baby "Dentokind". This drug, which is specially designed for children, reduces pain, has anti-inflammatory effect, and also relieves a restless state in a baby and improves sleep.

To appoint "Dentokind" and to establish ways of its use should only the attending physician.


Teething is an event that inevitably occurs in the life of every child. The main thing for parents in the period when children have teeth - do not panic, do not fuss and accurately follow all the recommendations of the attending physician.

And then everything will go as it should, and mothers, fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers will forever remember that joyful day when the baby had its first teeth cut.


