The appearance of the first tooth of a child is often accompanied by a mass of experiences, and all parents are worried about the main question, when will they appear? Naturally that baby teeth not cut in a situational manner, the process teething It has its own queue order and its approximate schedule.
It is also considered normal teething, when the teeth erupt in turns and in a pairwise way, that is, it means that the same teeth must erupt together for example, central teeth, lateral incisors, canines and others. The terms of eruption approximate and individual in each case, however, too much deviation from the generally accepted terms is considered abnormal and may indicate a particular impairment in the development of the child or the disease.
Let's consider the issues of timely teething, as well as related issues of teething in more detail.
Bookmark milk teeth in children
Baby teeth in children begin to be laid back in the womb of the mother, about 3-4 months of her pregnancy. The bookmark process takes about a month. That is why it is very important that at this time of pregnancy and until the birth of the baby, the expectant mother should use calcium in the form of tablets, as well as dairy products that are rich in this element. Thanks to this recommendation, baby teeth laid normallyand in the future they will be healthy and strong.
The teething process itself is completely different. in infants and older children and does not depend on whether they are dairy or permanent. First the gums swell, then the tooth itself begins to erupt.
Often there are cases when a few weeks before the eruption a bump appears on the gumwhich is filled with clear or blue hue liquid. There is no need to worry in this case: it is not a pathology or inflammation. The main thing is not to touch the lump, except when it grows too much, then it can be slightly incised and release the liquid.
But the indigenous already develop after the baby was born, this development lasts quite a long time.
Terms of appearance of the first teeth of the child
The first teeth of a child. Dairy, appear gradually, each in the order of their turn. First, there are incisors below, and then all the rest. As a rule, the child’s first teeth erupt by the eighth month of his life, but the timing may vary depending on the individual characteristics of the child, genetics and other factors.
In general, the norm is considered when the first tooth erupts at the age of four months and up to a year. Usually, boys have a teething laterthan the girls and do not worry.
There is a special formula by which you can determine the teething schedule for your baby depending on his age. So, from the number of months the child should take four. If the child is a year, then subtract 12 from four and get eight, but this schedule is still approximate.
If it is severely impaired, you should contact your dentist, because in some cases the child may not have tooth primordia.
Teething schedule up to three years
In total, a child under three should appear about 20 milk teeth. The eruption occurs approximately as follows:
- two central incisors down - 6 months;
- two central incisors from above - 8 months;
- two side cutters on top - 10-12 months;
- lower lateral incisors - 14 months;
- front molars on the sides of the jaw (4 teeth) - 16 months;
- fangs between the root and incisors - 2 years;
- rear molars (4 pieces) - 3 years.
About six years old starts process of changing milk teeth to permanent ones. In this case, the child's permanent teeth begin to form literally several months after birth. When a permanent tooth grows, it pulls down the milk root and pushes it out. The process of loss of milk teeth occurs in the same sequence as the eruption. In general, the process of changing teeth lasts from six to 12 years. But the third molars in the lower jaw, which is popularly called "Wisdom teeth"Erupt already in adulthood after 20 years.
As already mentioned, milk teeth are formed even before the birth of the child, when he is in the womb, and their development is influenced by the way moms feed during pregnancy and hereditary factors. Unlike permanent teeth, milk teeth differ in size, they are smaller, in addition, they have shorter roots. You should not worry if the milk teeth have an asymmetric position: this is quite normal and during the chewing process this is all corrected.
Child teething pain
Often the eruption of the first teeth of a child is accompanied by such symptoms, some of which are associated with pain:
- swelling and swelling of the gums;
- irritation;
- unwillingness to sleep, night crying;
- denial of breast or bottle;
- desire to drag everything into your mouth;
- increased salivation;
- irritation and rash on face and chest due to excessive salivation.
Naturally, in some cases, the process of eruption occurs absolutely painless, the child is calm and calm parents. But in most cases, this process in a baby is accompanied by crying, sleepless nights, high fever and vomiting, rejection of greedy and other symptoms.
If a child cries and screams, he should make a compress for the gums, for example, put gauze soaked in a decoction of soothing herbs or apply special anesthetic gel on the gums. In addition, in any children's store can be purchased teether. It can be simply rubber in the form of a toy, or it can be filled with water, this should be cooled beforehand, then given to the child’s mouth.
It is not recommended to give the child pain medication without the consent of the doctor, but aspirin should not be given to the child as a pain relief.
If a child has a runny nose during teething, the discharge should be liquid and colorless. If they have a yellow or green tint and thick consistency, it means that the child has a virus against the background of reduced immunity during eruption and should be treated additionally with the participation of a doctor.
When changing the stool consistency during teething, you need to closely monitor this process and track suspicious phenomena. Diarrhea is allowed, but if this happens often and a lot, we can talk about the appearance of an infection in the stomach and an urgent consultation with a pediatrician is required.
Since the eruption is accompanied by excessive drooling, watch the baby’s skin so that the rash does not appear. Drool regularly and wipe the skin to prevent inflammation.
The norm is considered to be a temperature rise during eruption up to up to 38, 5 degreesHowever, it is not worth bathing a child at a temperature; you can limit hygiene procedures using wet towels or wet tampons for intimate hygiene.
When there is no temperature - it is necessary to bathe the child, it will be for him the so-called therapy against the background of painful sensations. As a rule, all the symptoms disappear, one or another tooth erupts.
Possible disorders arising during teething
Sometimes teething can deviate strongly from the schedule or be accompanied by other unpleasant problems that indicate a violation of this process.
So, too shifted terms of teething can be if the child had suffered a number of diseases before this period, or the mother was sick during pregnancy. In addition, there may be deformation of the jaw or there is no space for the appearance of a tooth.
Also, in some cases, doctors note enamel hypoplasia - this pathologyin which the child’s barely formed tooth becomes stained, streaked, or even recesses appear. This phenomenon is a consequence of pathologies during pregnancy.
Disruption during eruption may be due to Such factors:
- toxicosis during pregnancy at mom;
- mother's kidney disease during pregnancy;
- colds and infectious diseases suffered by mom during pregnancy;
- frequent stress during pregnancy;
- prematurity or late maturity of the child;
- sepsis;
- frequent colds in a child;
- non-breastfeeding;
- cramps in a child.
To avoid this, the health of the child must be taken care of in advance, even at the planning stage of pregnancy. And in her time, future mom should not "indulge" bad habitsto eat right and not be nervous. She is also obliged to cure in advance all serious diseases.
The child should receive the amount of vitamins necessary for his age, which he needs for normal development. For the youngest, this is well-established breastfeeding and the right diet for a nursing mother, and for older children, it is a diet rich in fruits, vegetables and dairy products.
The process of teething you just need to go through and in every way help the child to overcome the pain at this time. Very soon you will forget the night crying and the temperature is like a bad dream, and your baby will please you with your smile.