Baby teeth in children: the order and order of eruption

The appearance of milk teeth - the timing and scheduleAll newly-minted parents eagerly await the eruption of the first teeth of their children. But if they do not erupt in the established norms by doctors, in this case, adults begin to sound the alarm and worry about the little ones. These concerns are quite logical, as timely dentition is a sign of normal development of the child.

Also, these experiences can occur when replacing milk teeth with indigenous ones. Against this background, a lot of questions appear: what are the terms of teething the first teeth and replacing them with the root ones? What are the teeth and at what time are cut in children, to what age do the main teeth climb, in what order do they appear, how many should a child be up to one year old?

Symptoms and terms of teething in children

When the first milk teeth erupt

The first symptoms of eruption are increased salivation, which is necessary for disinfecting the oral cavity, slight swelling of the gums, fingers and toys of the child are all the time in the mouth.

Many parents indicate the appearance of high body temperature, chills and loose stools, however, these are the signs it is not necessary to determine exactly teething, since this process can not cause such symptoms. Most likely this is an infectious disease that can easily affect a child due to weak immunity during teething.

What is the sequence of cutting?

Quite often, young mothers are interested in what is the most correct order of teething in babies under one year old. No doctor will be able to tell the exact time of eruption, since everything happens on an individual basis for any infant. But still there are two basic rules that determine the order of eruption:

  • "Lower Revolution". The natural system of teething in babies up to one year implies that the first teeth in any case erupt first, and only then the germinating ones from the top germinate. Naturally, this rule has an exception with respect to the eruption of the lateral incisors (first the upper, then the lower grow);
  • Pairing. Teeth of the same name, as a rule, erupt almost simultaneously. If the left upper incisor germinates, then very soon it is necessary to expect the germination of its right cousin. In some cases, babies can erupt at the same time several pairs.

Even, despite the time of eruption determined by the doctors, adults most often rely on the practical time of their germination:

  • Lateral incisors;
  • Upper and middle lower incisors;
  • Fangs;
  • First molars;
  • Second molars.

When teeth are cut in a child - a visual schemeIn some babies, upper eruption may begin. Sometimes it is a sign of rickets, but, as a rule, it is an individual feature of the growth and development of the child.

There may also be cases when there are already several teeth on top, and even no symptoms of early germination have yet manifested below. You should not worry much in this case, if during the examination the pediatrician did not identify any violations, then the child in the near future will certainly acquire the missing teeth. Just this process will require a little more time and, most likely, you will need to increase the amount of consumed foods with calcium (milk, sour cream, etc.).It must be remembered that the compiled scheme and table of growth is only an approximate, and not an exact, eruption rate.

Growth time

Most often, only a born child has no teeth, but sometimes there may be cases when the eruption of babies is still in the womb and it comes to light already with several teeth. As a rule, the first teeth of babies up to one year old grow in pairs with an interval of several months. The middle lower incisors usually grow first, this happens at the age of 7–8 months, then the middle upper ones appear.

Approximately to the year, the upper lateral incisors are shown, and after a short time and below. At about a year and a half, the first molars appear., then - fangs, and when the child is about two years old, the second molars appear.

At this stage, the formation of the dairy bite is completed, the milk teeth in children is only 20. The replacement of milk teeth by the root begins most often at the age of about 5–8 years.

Growth not by the rules

Why may have a wrong bite in a childExplanation of growth can be explained from a genetic point of view or the time of birth of a child. For example, babies born in winter acquire baby teeth at a rather early age. But if at the age of one year, they never sprouted, then still need to be safe and consult a dentist, since such a delay can talk about a problem with metabolic processes or be a symptom of the development of rickets. But when milk teeth are the only drawback of a happy and healthy child, then, probably, adults simply induce unnecessary panic and rather want to see the appearance of the first teeth in their baby.

It is also very important immediately after they appear to begin timely care for them and to accustom your baby to constant cleaning. These activities will significantly increase the chances of keeping them healthy and beautiful.

Regarding the order or the order of growth, then in this case, too, everything goes on an individual basis and the order of eruption may differ significantly from that generally accepted by doctors. Many dentists are confident that all aspects of development are directly affected by the mother’s lifestyle, her illness, the passage of pregnancy and childbirth.

But nevertheless, when the eruption of a child goes completely out of place, you do not need to worry much and aggravate this situation. No one has yet made a drug that would cause teeth to erupt in a precise manner, and when they fully grow, it will be absolutely unimportant in what turn they appeared.

What influences the growth of molars?

A number of factors can influence the timing of changes in primary teeth:

  • Disruptions in the endocrine system;
  • Child sex;
  • Form of feeding and its duration;
  • Negative moments of pregnancy (for example, toxicosis);
  • Child genotype;
  • Transferred infectious diseases;
  • Violation of metabolic processes.

Lactation of milk teeth - the timing and features of teeth careIt is necessary to make sure that the time of the change of molars, which are indicated in the table or calendar, coincides with the schedule of loss of all milk teeth. Often it happens that dairy falls much earlier than the required time. This can occur as a result of mechanical deformation of the bone tissue, due to improper bite or excessive pressure of the indigenous ones.

The rapid time of loss of milk teeth is dangerous because the ones nearby are beginning to shift, filling, thus, the resulting void. As a result, by the time when the time comes for the eruption of the roothe simply does not have enough space and, most likely, he will be crooked.

In case of untimely loss, you need to go with the child for examination by the orthodontist, if necessary, he will install the plates to prevent the dentition from moving.

In the case when the baby teeth do not want to fall out on their own at the right time, when the molars are already obliged to replace them, this is fraught with the development of the wrong bite.It is imperative to visit a doctor to take the required measures. It is very important that adults pay attention to the age at which the child's teeth appeared and how they are in the dentition. Since the wrong bite can affect not only the aesthetics, but, in general, has a significant impact on the health of the baby.

The turn of the emergence of molars

When milk teeth begin to fall out, it is necessary to pay particular attention to oral hygiene.The eruption of molars in children has a special order, which makes it possible to properly form the bite. When should they erupt, and what is their order? For better understanding, the molars have a numbering that starts from the medial incisor.

According to the teething scheme, the first molars or lower sixes begin to appear first. The approximate age of the baby when they erupt is 5–8 years. It should be noted that these teeth do not change milk teeth, but are immediately indigenous. The place for their germination is provided in advance due to the growth of the jaw itself. Then lateral middle incisors grow, after the first premolars, upper sixes, second premolars and canines. The complete formation of molar teeth is completed by the age of majority.

Features of eruption:

  • Enamel Brownish Yellow most often associated with the use of antibiotics by the mother in the 2-3 trimester of pregnancy, or the use of them by the baby during eruption;
  • Incorrect row formation occurs for a number of reasons: genetic predisposition (very small jaw), congenital anomaly of metabolic processes in the connective tissue, injury;
  • The increase in the gaps between the teeth. This feature speaks about the active development of the jaws and during the interchangeable transition of temporary teeth to permanent ones is regarded as a normal state. An enlarged gap (usually between the middle upper front teeth) appears due to the deep location of the frenulum in the upper jaw. The orthodontist deals with the correction of this defect;
  • Formation of the wrong bite happens due to the prolonged sucking time of the pacifiers or due to the irregular development of the jaws;
  • Gray edging in the neck most often appears while taking soluble preparations with an iron content or with severe inflammation;
  • Very rarely, missing teeth by one year are symptoms of adentia. - absence of rudiments. This diagnosis can only be determined using radiovisiography.

How to care for your teeth?

To begin oral hygiene is necessary even during the introduction of complementary foods. Up to one year this can be done using a soft toothbrush or a napkin dipped in warm water.

Closer to the year you need to brush your child's teeth for the night without a paste with a special brush. It is necessary to change it at least twice a month.

You can start using special children's pastes without fluoride from the age of two years.

Instill in your child a sense of the need for periodic check-ups with a dentist for the purpose of prophylaxis at least once every 6 months. The first visit to the doctor must be carried out with the eruption of the first teeth, at the age of about six months.

Teach your child to brush their teeth twice a day, the more it should be done at night. To prevent the occurrence of caries, which is so susceptible to milk teeth, do not abuse the excessive use of sweets and foods with a lot of sugar.


