The question of when the baby will have the first teeth, is interested, probably, every mother, as soon as the baby has time to be born. In the course of the anxiety, the mother begins to scoop information about the signs of appearance baby teeth, to ask friends moms - when their children began to appear teeth and what preceded it.
There is a lot of information on this topic, but not all of it is true. Yes, and worry, if in three months the baby does not have teeth, it is also not worth it: everything has its time. Let's see what signs may be that the baby will soon appear first tooth and what symptoms precede his appearance.
The main signs of teething in babies
The first signs of teething babies appear after about three monthswhen colic subsides and parents are just beginning to get used to quiet nights. However, not all signs can speak about teething, in some cases the restless behavior of the child speaks of viral diseases and it is better to call the doctor to explain the reason for the unusual behavior of the baby for sure.
So, the most frequent signs of a quick teething include:
- general malaise of the baby, fatigue;
- poor sleep, desire to sleep only on the hands;
- crying and anxiety, irritability;
- finger sucking;
- increased salivation;
- temperature rise to 37 degrees and above;
- disorders of the digestive system: vomiting, regurgitation, diarrhea;
- unpleasant smell in the mouth;
- refusal of food.
Naturally, the eruption of the first baby teeth associated with huge stress. It is very important at this time to be close to him and constantly take care of him: carry him around, sing a lullaby, calm down in every possible way.
Drooling begins to actively stand out, usually after five months. First, the salivation is very abundant, it is desirable at this time to put the baby on a bib, and then they become less abundant.
When the tooth approaches the exit to the surface, the body temperature rises as much as possible, the pain increases, it is desirable that at this time the child consumes the maximum amount of fluid.
It is very important that teething is not accompanied by infection, which often appears on the background of teething, as a rule, it causes gastric disorders and unpleasant smell in the mouth in an infant.
At this stage is very it is important to maintain hygiene oral cavity in a child: massage the gums with a soft brush and give water. Often the eruption is accompanied by stomatitis, which also appears due to infection. In this case, it is imperative to consult a doctor so that he can advise on the further actions of the parents.
Teething symptoms in children
Symptoms characteristic for the eruption of the first teeth in a child do not differ from signs. However, signs do not always indicate eruption, and the symptoms directly accompany the eruption process.
Active teething occurs between four and eight monthsHowever, these terms are rather relative. The most common teething symptoms are:
- gingivitis;
- itching;
- search for solid objects and the desire to crack them;
- sleep disturbance;
- body rash;
- vomiting;
- cough;
- common cold and characteristic cold symptoms;
- temperature up to 39.5 degrees.
You can help the child, giving drink more fluid and preparing for him safe items with which he wants to scratch his painful gums. For this purpose it is best to use special teethers filled with liquid and pre-cooled.
In no case should the child's temperature be reduced by anti-fever during eruption, unless this is accompanied by a real cold. For this purpose, it is better to call a doctor to determine exactly what caused the high temperature.
Tellingly, the temperature during baby teethingmay remain high for several days and then decline sharply.
How to distinguish teething from other ailments
As mentioned earlier, some of the signs and symptoms of teething are exactly the same as the symptoms of various diseases, in particular, catarrhal, digestive, infectious and others. Therefore, it is very important to learn to distinguish them from each other on their own, in order to take appropriate measures in case of indisposition from a child on time.
Be sure to carefully monitor whether the child did not ask the breast more or less often than usual he did. See if his breastfeeding style has changed, or the bottle, if the baby is on artificial feeding.
If a baby immediately drops it when it grabs the bottle or the mother's breast, then see if it has appeared in his mouth on the gums. red hillocks: these are places where the baby will soon appear.
Also, if he sucks a breast much more intensively than usually and even often bites him, it means that this way the baby tries to relieve the itching in the gums, characteristic of teething.
So, what measures can parents take to alleviate the pain and suffering of the child during teething? In the early months of life, the best way to do this will be rubber teetheras we mentioned earlier. The most effective is filled with water and pre-cooled in the refrigerator. And for a child from six months and older, a rusk, a raw apple or a carrot will help alleviate the teething meal. However, the intake of such food at the age of children under one year old should be carried out under the complete control of the parents so that the baby does not choke on small pieces of food. In addition, if the child is too nervous, you can apply special gels to relieve pain.
Differences between the symptoms of gastric diseases and the symptoms of eruption
Very often, teething is accompanied by nutritional problems, as well as vomiting and loose stools. To make sure that these symptoms are only a consequence of eruption, and not an infectious disease, carefully examine the baby’s tummy. It should not be bloated and not publish "gurgling". You can lightly press on the tummy, if the child does not cry, it means that he does not have gastric problems. If he reacts to the slightest pressure, it’s not just teething.
If you observe child vomiting, be sure to control this process: Pay attention to its frequency, conditions, quantity and appearance. As a rule, vomiting as an independent sign of teething, is extremely rare. If so, then it should not occur more than twice a day. Often vomiting is an accompanying symptom of teething at high temperatures of 38 degrees and above.
If vomiting occurs on the background of other symptoms and occurs more often twice a day, then it speaks of problems with the child’s stomach or the presence of an infection, therefore, it is necessary to consult a doctor immediately.
If we talk about indigestion as a sign of teething, then the feces of the child will not be too liquid. In addition, the number of disorders should not exceed six times a day. The feces should be srednegidkim, not contain blood and mucus.
If the baby is defamatory too often, with admixtures of blood and mucus, then it means that he has an acute infection or another serious illness.
Rash and catarrhal symptoms during teething
Rashes and reddening of the face in a child can be both symptoms of eruption and to signal an allergic manifestation on any food or drug. If symptoms do not go away for a long time, try to exclude the suspected allergen. If the rash disappears, then for some time exclude the product or the drug from the diet or the list of medicines.
Runny nose against teething It lasts no more than three days and does not differ in intensity. The discharge from the nose is clear and watery. Reception of special means at the same time to appoint the child is not worth it, it is enough only to regularly clean the child’s nose with a special pump and occasionally wash it with a solution of sea salt.
When the discharge does not stop for a long time and has a green tint, then most likely the child has a cold.
Similarly, cough can be said, which to a small extent can be a companion of eruption. But if the cough is strong and the child is wheezing, then you need to consult a doctor. This can be a sign of both a cold and an infectious disease.
If you think that the symptoms are not too dangerous and there is no need to go to the doctor and you want to alleviate the condition of the baby with antipyretic and other drugs, then carefully read the instructions for the medication and strictly follow the dosage for children of your child’s age, otherwise only aggravate his condition.
Doctors do not recommend to start baby weaning process during intensive teething, it is better to move it at least for several weeks. The fact is that during this period, the baby needs ever more attention and care, and what could be better for him at that age than his mother's breast. Moreover, this process can not only calm the child, but also relieve pain. When teething, it is better to move away from the feeding schedule and give the baby a breast on demand.
Drug Ways to Reduce Symptoms
If the eruption for your child is too agonizing, and he cannot calm down, consult a doctor to prescribe painkillers for him. So, depending on the symptoms, children under one year old. with severe pain and high fever may appoint:
- Nurofen (at a temperature of 39 degrees);
- Vibrocolat;
- Nimulide children;
- Paracetamol;
- menthol patch;
- efferalgan in candles.
If the child suffers from a cold, it can be assigned to:
- Nazivin;
- Phenystyle;
- Suprasitin;
- Derinat;
- green tea oil and other drugs.
Pain and inflammation in the gums reduce calgel, cholisalas well as special gels. But with strong diarrhea, you can give the child biform or lactic preparations.
However, all recommendations are only approximate, only a doctor can prescribe a treatment regimen and medications, this is especially important for the youngest children who do not have half a year, in no case do not self-medicate the child, it can be dangerous for him.
Teeth are cut in all children in different ways, someone suffers from pain and inflammation, while other kids tolerate the appearance of teeth quite calmly. Do not pursue deadlines. The first tooth can appear both in three months and closer to a year, you should not worry about it.