How teeth are cut in a child: photos and features of the process

How to be when cutting teethTeething baby teeth - an extremely important period in his life and the life of his parents, because he is often accompanied by a lot of anxiety. Today we will tell you when the first teeth of babies should erupt, which can usually be followed by eruption, and you will also see what the gum looks like. when teething on the picture.

Duration teething

Naturally, every parent of the baby will be actively be interested in approximate termswhen a tooth will erupt in a child, as well as with what symptoms this process will be accompanied. We hurry to inform you that every child does not have clear terms for teething, as there are no two different children having the same teething symptoms. One will have gums that hurt or fever, and another baby's teeth will appear completely unexpectedly without any symptoms.

In addition, the timing teething in children may differ due to factors such as:

  1. child's race;
  2. hereditary factor;
  3. maternal nutrition during pregnancy;
  4. climate and ecology in the place of residence.

These and other factors can provoke both the early appearance of the first teeth and delay this important event for a longer period. So, there are children who have the first tooth appears only after a year.

However, pediatricians still determined the approximate terms of teething. The appearance of the first teeth in a child from six to eight months is considered normal, while the number of teeth up to one year should reach approximately seven. And all the prescribed 20 milk teeth should appear in turn for up to three years.

If the first teeth begin to cut in a child since three months, worry about it is not worth it. As a rule, such early eruption occurs against the background of the active reception of the mother during pregnancy of vitamin complexes and dairy products.

Early teeth are more likely to develop caries, so you should regularly show your child to the dentist from six months onwards. If the teeth appeared up to three months - it speaks of pathology or hormonal disorders.

If even a year a child has not started to cut a single tooth, then you should consult a doctor with this. Perhaps this is an individual feature, and perhaps the manifestation of another disease.

Causes of delay in teething of the first teeth

  1. Causes of delayed teethingrickets and a violation of mineral metabolism;
  2. frequent illness in a child;
  3. poor nutrition;
  4. late feeding
  5. endocrine and gastric pathologies;
  6. prematurity;
  7. genetic factors.

Teething: photos and sequence

First of all, the child erupts central incisors below, and behind them the top. Next come the upper and lower side pairs in pairs, after which the first main ones are above and below. At last, the fangs and second molars begin to be cut. How the first teeth look in babies, you can see on the attached photo.

Often teething order can change, worry about this is not worth it, however, if the teeth are cut one by one, and not in pairs, it is still better to consult a doctor and find out the reason.

Common Teething Symptoms

As already mentioned, not all children have the same symptoms.Someone suffering pain in the gums, problems with digestion and other symptoms, and some of the children are not noticeable.

So, to understand that your child is about to have teeth, you can on the following grounds:

  1. Teeth Growth Symptomsloosened and inflamed gums;
  2. hyperexcitability;
  3. temperature increase;
  4. gastric disorder;
  5. cough and runny nose.

Let us now consider in detail each of the symptoms in order to understand whether it is related to eruption, or it speaks of some other disease in a child. And also we will tell how to facilitate a condition of the child at their occurrence.

Gum disease This happens because when teething the sharp edge of the tooth begins to traumatize the dental tissue, you can see in the photo what the inflamed gums of the baby look like when teething. During swelling, the child has a desire to scratch the gums, and this is connected with the desire to carry everything that comes to hand in his mouth.

Often during teething and against the background of other symptoms, the child becomes very moody and very excitablesleeping badly and crying a lot. To calm him down, take his hands more often and quietly sing to the child or speak calmly to him. Eliminate all loud noises in the house, turn off the TV, do not shout and do not swear, you can turn on quiet classical music or a lullaby for the baby.

When inflammation of the gums supplements begin to stand out, as a result, the baby's body temperature can increase. Thus, the temperature within 38.5 degrees for up to two days during eruption is considered normal. If it is higher and is accompanied by fever, then it also speaks of other diseases in the baby, this requires an immediate examination by a doctor.

A runny nose and cough on the background of the eruption are caused by the fact that the child gives off a huge amount of saliva, which, getting into the nasopharynx, causes irritation, hence the cough. Coughing during teething is characterized by low humidity, it is infrequent, with cough saliva is secreted. Nasal discharge has a liquid consistency and a transparent shade, nasal congestion during eruption should not appear. A runny nose and cough of a different nature speak of cold symptoms.

Often with teething baby may refuse to eator there are digestive disorders such as vomiting, frequent regurgitation, diarrhea, and poor appetite. After the eruption of the tooth, when the gum is stopped, the condition should be normalized.

If the baby is breastfed, he may refuse to breastfeed or request it more often than usual. because of abundant salivation diarrhea appears or the stool becomes stronger. Please note that in the stele should not be mucus, green and blood. Vomiting and regurgitation should not be too frequent, their appearance at high temperatures is permissible, but if they began to increase, and also "flown" vomiting appears, the child should be immediately shown to a doctor.

How to calm the child when teeth are cut

Causes of anxiety childThe main thing you can do for your child in this difficult period is give him maximum attention and carry more on hands, apply to the chest, massage the gums and, if necessary and in consultation with the doctor, give him this or that medicine for pain.

To massage the gums, it is best to use special teethers; you can also use wet coarse cloth, rubber toys. You can also massage the baby's gums with special brushes themselves. For older kids fit cookies.

If the doctor gives good, then you can smear the child's gums special gelshowever, they have an effect of only an hour, and they cannot be used more than three times a day. If there is a high fever, the doctor may prescribe an antipyretic agent based on ibuprofen or paracetamol, but it also should not be taken more often three times a day and only if the baby is very anxious.

In addition, after consulting a doctor can use homeopathic and folk remedies in the form of anti-inflammatory decoctions based on lemon balm, mint, chamomile or lavender.

When you need to immediately call a doctor

Symptoms of teething may escalate, then you should immediately call a doctor:

  1. First aid for teethingif the temperature has risen above 39 degrees;
  2. diarrhea often 6 times with pathological impurities such as herbs or blood;
  3. frequent vomiting;
  4. yellow or green discharge in the common cold;
  5. constant crying;
  6. the appearance of hematomas on the gums.

If the baby’s teeth do not erupt for a long time, the doctor may prescribe a vitamin complex or advise you to enter into the child’s menu foods that are rich in calcium. However, more often than not, doctors do not recommend introducing new products when teething, in order to prevent all sorts of body reactions.

First teeth should be cleaned. special baby brush and paste. In order to form the correct bite, it is better to wean the baby from the nipple and bottle as soon as possible. And most importantly - carefully monitor the symptoms during teething. If you see something unusual - consult a doctor immediately, this may signal the presence of diseases in the child, which should be cured as soon as possible.

How baby teeth are cut
The first teeth of a childCauses of Gum DiseaseBaby teeth growCutting teethHow to help a childCutting first teethThe first teeth are cutTeeth grow in childrenHow teeth are cutCause of Concern - TeethingFirst teeth are cutHow to help a child with teethingFirst milk teethPrimary teeth cuttingFirst teeth are cut


