How can you understand that the child is teething, photo

First teeth are cutAlmost all babies are born without teeth. But it will be only a few months, and the child will begin to erupt teeth. Many easily tolerate this period, and for some babies it causes great discomfort. Some teething symptoms are similar to signs of other diseases. The question arises: how to understand what teeth are being cut in a child? Try to figure it out.

When the first teeth begin to be cut

At what age will the first teeth begin to erupt, depends on many factors:

  • From heredity.
  • From proper nutrition. The child should receive the necessary amount of calcium.
  • From the climate in which the baby lives. Hot climate contributes to early teething.
  • From the floor. In boys, teeth begin to erupt later than in girls.

The very first appear the lower incisors, then the upper ones. This happens when the baby is 7-10 months old. But sometimes in the first place other teeth start to be cut. This is not considered a pathology, because every child is different.

Then by the year, the next 4 incisors appear. The first molars erupt to one and a half years. Closer to two years appear fangs. And finally, by three years, the second molars appear.

Symptoms of the appearance of teeth

How to understand that a child is teething, and not confuse this process with signs of other diseases? Teething often has characteristic symptoms:

  • Distinctive symptomsIn most cases begins active drooling. Excessive saliva can irritate the skin around the mouth and chin. It is necessary to wipe these places with careful movements and apply a softening cream, which is permitted by pediatricians. It is advisable to lubricate the face of the child before bedtime so that the cream is absorbed as best as possible.
  • Gums swell, blush, itch and hurt. In some babies, this process is asymptomatic, and many experience severe pain. Basically, this reaction occurs when the first teeth and incisors erupt.
  • Baby loses appetite. This is due to the fact that the gums become very sensitive. Any touch to them causes severe pain and discomfort. If a child misses several feedings in a row, this is a reason to contact a pediatrician.
  • The child has diarrhea may occur. This is due to the fact that the baby swallows a lot of saliva, and this relaxes the stomach. Doctors on this issue were divided. Some believe that there is a direct link between diarrhea and teething, others do not hold this view. In any case, with the appearance of loose stools, it is necessary to consult a doctor.
  • Temperature may rise bodies above 37 degrees. Many doctors also do not associate this with the appearance of teeth, but believe that ARVI begins, which occurs against the background of a general weakening of the body. If the temperature lasts more than three days, it is worth calling a doctor.
  • Puffy gums in babiesChild's sleep is disturbedbecause pain often occurs at night. The baby begins to act up and calm him down is very difficult, so you just need to go through this period.
  • Often formed on the gums small bluish tubercles - hematomas. You should not do anything to eliminate them, you can only apply a cold compress. Hematomas will pass by themselves.
  • Severe pain in the gums can spread to ears, cheeks, chin. This happens if the incisors begin to cut.But it is worth being attentive and it is better to consult a doctor, because children often rub these places if their middle ear is inflamed.
  • Severe salivation can trigger coughing, because the child does not have time to stroke it. If there are no other signs indicating the development of the disease, then there is no need to worry.
  • When teething often runny nose. It also occurs due to saliva in the nasopharynx. In order not to overlook in this case, the onset of respiratory disease, it is better to consult a doctor.
  • In addition, during this period the child begins all pull in your mouth and gnaw, to soothe the itching and pain in the gums.

How to soothe pain when teething

To ease the child suffering, you can do a massage with something cool. Some simply massage the gums with their fingers, but you should be careful that the child does not bite the finger.

Can give him safe products:

  • How to help your child with swollen gumsRaw Peeled Carrots or frozen banana. Their long pieces easily reach those corners of the gums that hurt the most. But one should not leave the child behind this process so that he does not choke.
  • You can offer your baby cold dessert spoon or frozen cloth, which he will gladly suck or chew. In addition, such unusual items for a long time will take the baby.
  • Also considered a good option cooled teether.

Pharmacies have a large selection of gels that help with teething. They remove the pain, because they are composed of lidocaine and menthol. But some children may have an allergic reaction to these components.

If gels and other remedies do not help, and the child suffers from severe pain, you can give him a dose of paracetamol. It effectively relieves pain. But it is better to be safe and consult a doctor in order not to confuse any serious disease with the process of teething.

Each child has a different teething process. But by two and a half years, 20 teeth should be cut. They will serve the child up to six years, and then begin a new stage - the loss of milk teeth and the growth of permanent.

The time when the first milk teeth are cut
Milk teethCutting first teethThe first teeth of the babyThe first tooth cut throughSwollen gums in infantsFirst milk toothHow to help a child when teethingTeeth cutBaby teeth and babiesItchy gumsHow to help babyWhat can be taken while teethingMilk teeth are cutFirst tooth cutSpecial toys for childrenCry and worry childrenHow to calm the babyWhat can be given to a childFirst teeth are cutTeeth in infants


