Baby teething procedure

First tooth cutThe first tooth of a baby is a big event in the family. Some teeth appear earlier, others later. But do not worry if neighboring Alla has two teeth already, and your Ivan still doesn’t have any. Despite the fact that your baby is different in everything teething pattern children are the same.

When and how does the first tooth appear?

Teeth are usually cut in pairs, for example, a pair of canines. Eruption occurs at different ages equally. Sometimes on the gum in the place of the future appearance of the tooth a lump is formed, filled with fluid. In 2-3 weeks a tooth will appear. This is not a pathology, but still worth keeping control of. If the lump is big and interferes with the child, then you can visit the dentist to make an incision to remove the fluid. Himself in home conditions this can not be done because of the threat of infection.

Teething is accompanied by fever, coughing, loss of appetite, loose stools, the baby is restless and capricious. But some kids quietly tolerate the appearance of teeth. All children are characterized by increased salivation and itching.

Baby teeth

First baby teethFew people know that the beginnings of milk teeth begin to form long before the baby is born. During the period from 5 to 7 months of embryonic development their bookmark begins. The roots are formed on the fourth, fifth month after birth, after which they begin to cut through in a certain sequence.

The first teeth appear at the age of one and a half. By the end of the first year of life, the baby has eight of them, at the age of three - twenty. Teething sequence affects the correctness of the bite.

Tooth growth in children

  • The lower incisors appear first, the duration of their appearance varies from six months to 9 months of the child's life.
  • Almost immediately we can expect the two upper incisors. They should appear at the age of 7 to 10 months.
  • To celebrate the year of life, the baby should have 4 side cutters.

Permanent teeth

The growth schedule of teeth in children is as follows:

  • From year to 1.8 months, the upper small indigenous ones grow,
  • Almost immediately from 13 to 19 months old, the lower, small, indigenous ones begin to hatch,
  • Fangs also appear on the 16-20 month and 17 - 21 months, respectively,
  • In the twentieth month of life, the second lower root will appear,
  • Completes the process of erupting the second upper root, it happens on the 20th month of the baby's life.

Permanent teeth

Dairy change to permanent once in a lifetime. The growth pattern is:

  • What are permanent teethChildren of six and seven along with dairy ones are already permanent. They are called "sixes" or molars. First, the central incisors change, then the side ones.
  • Behind them are the "fours" premolars.
  • Then there is a change of canines, second premolars of the “fives”.
  • "Sevens" - the second molars grow from 11-13 years. The most recent "wisdom teeth" appear after 16 years. The order is such that at first there is a change of teeth in the lower jaw, then in the upper one. Premolars can break this scheme.

Breach of teething

Adentia is the absence of one or more teeth in the formed jaw. Such adentia is called partial. Complete adentia (absence of all teeth) is extremely rare. The reasons lie in rudimentary developmental disorder in the postnatal period of development of the baby.

Violation of the term eruption of a normally developed tooth is called retention.It occurs when the upper canines appear, as well as when the milky is removed prematurely. At the same time, the free space is occupied by the neighboring, already grown, permanent one. There are cases of eruption of the front incisors in the womb - this is also a violation. Retention occurs with teething "teeth" wisdom. "

Premature growth sometimes depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. Belated eruption, along with individual characteristics may have more serious reasons. Most often, this development occurs after an infectious or other disease, with a metabolic disorder.

Help child

How to help the child with teethingOn sale are available anesthetic gels, they are lubricated gums. Rubber rings that can be previously held in the refrigerator can also help. But many children do not like cold toys and those that are intended for gum massage, but prefer to choose the appropriate item themselves. No need to insist on special rings, but just make sure that the object that the child has chosen for this purpose does not have sharp corners and small details.

Ordinary hard drying can also save the situation, her crumb will be bored with great pleasure. True, it should be monitored so that the baby does not choke, accidentally bitten off by a large piece. Breastfed babies should not be weaned during this period. So the child is easier to calm.

In children occurs frequent mood swings. A newly sobbed child can immediately laugh. Therefore, a distraction from her will be the best way to alleviate pain. Find interesting activities for your child, for example, play with him or take a walk, so he will quickly forget about discomfort. Do not assume that if when you feel bad you relieve pain while lying on the sofa, then you can do the same with your child.


The first teeth are cutAbove was said about teething symptoms. If a child has such signs of illness as frequent diarrhea, fever, severe rhinitis, or others, and lasts more than 2 days, be sure to show it to your doctor. If he does not find anything serious, then it can be attributed to eruption. But sometimes these symptoms indicate the presence of a serious disease, for example, inflammation of the middle ear, a viral infection, food poisoning and others.

Therefore, it is not necessary to immediately attribute the symptoms to eruption, as you can lose sight of a serious illness that can lead to unpleasant consequences. The body of the baby has not yet learned to cope with many diseases, so it is worth contacting a specialist if symptoms are present, it is better to be safe than if it will be too late.

Of all the above symptoms of teething, only elevated body temperature needs correction, and then only in cases of its increase. above 38.5 degrees. The remaining symptoms, such as coughing, diarrhea or runny nose do not need treatment.


