Baby teeth in a child: how many of them should be

Baby teeth careWaiting for the teething of the first teeth in babies for parents is always an extremely exciting process and associated with a lot of questions: when will the first tooth appear, will it be unpleasant for the child during teething or how many baby teeth should the child have in general and when will they all appear.

Naturally, parents want to help their children survive this difficult period of the appearance of milk teeth in children, and sometimes they have more questions than answers, in particular, about the number of milk teeth in children. Today we will tell what are the baby teeth in babies, how many baby teeth have children there must be everything and when they must erupt.

The concept of milk teeth and how they look

How many baby teeth have a child

Milk teeth are the first teeth, which eventually fall out and are replaced by permanent ones, approximately from six years. At about six months the process of teething milk teeth begins and ends by three years. Growth and loss, as a rule, coincide with the schedule, sometimes there are minor deviations, but this is normal. If the milk tooth is erupting earlier or much later than the schedule, then this is a reason to visit the doctor and find out what the matter is.

Often parents believe that children have no roots and nerves on their teeth, because most often when they fall out, the child does not feel much pain. He does not feel it if the tooth is pulled out from the doctor, at a time when tooth extraction in an adult can cause severe pain.

All milk teeth have, but the fact is that they tend to quickly collapsetherefore, by the time they fall out, they are already very shaky and fall out almost painlessly.

The mineralization of milk teeth begins during pregnancy, and their condition depends directly on the characteristics of its flow. Further, during the eruption of the crown of the milk teeth, salts are filled, the roots of the milk teeth grow. Then, when growth stops, there comes a certain quiet period, and then the roots begin to dissolve, and the milk teeth fall out.

A few years later, when it comes time to change the milk teeth to permanent ones, the latter, when they grow, begin to push apart the milk teeth and provoke the destruction of the roots, as a result of which they are easily loosened and fall out. If a tooth is to be treated, then it will fall out harder, sometimes there are times when it needs to be removed using anesthetic, as when removing adult teeth.

In their structure, children's teeth are almost indistinguishable from permanent ones, they do not differ even in the number of roots. However, there is a difference, and they are the following:

  • crown is smaller than normal;
  • the roots diverge because of the rudiments of the permanent teeth that are between them;
  • enamel is more subtle;
  • the pulp in children is larger;
  • wide root canals.

Features of the process of teething

When the crown is fully formed, the tooth gradually moves from the point of its insertion to the place of appearance, then, after eruption, it actively develops and grows. Dental tissues that are located next to it also change:

  • root develops;
  • periodontal disease develops;
  • there is a change of tissues that covered the tooth;
  • alveolar bone remodeling occurs.

Teething processAfter the eruption of the crown grows further until such time as it takes a position next to other teeth.

Eruption is always considered one of the indicators of proper and timely development of the child, an indicator of the health of the baby. Highly it is important that teeth cut through on time, only slightly deviating from the accepted dates of appearance. The process of loss of milk teeth and the eruption of the permanent occurs simultaneously.

Milk teeth have a special structure, which can provoke penetration of harmful microbes and toxins, which is why often teething is accompanied by pulpitisperiodontitis or caries.

It is impossible to let this problem out of sight, referring to the fact that teeth in children and so about to fall out themselves. The fact is that the premature destruction of a milk tooth by caries can cause abnormal development of the bite or jaw, therefore monitor your teeth and their hygiene regardless of whether they are temporary or not. They also help the child in the formation of speech function, correct speech, as well as chewing food and its proper digestion.

The timing of the appearance of milk teeth in children

Order of appearance of teethSo, as we have already mentioned, the appearance of the first tooth in a child at about six months is considered normal, with minor deviations from the schedule. Distinguish the rapid appearance of the tooth can be on the appearance of a mound in the area of ​​the gums. So, pressure on the gingival mucosa from the side of the growing tooth. Then the shell begins to squeeze, it becomes thinner and breaks under the pressure of the milk tooth. When his crown appears over the gum completely, it is considered the completion of the eruption.

So, the first teeth of a child grow up to about the eighth or ninth month of life, but it is considered normal and when they appear by the end of the first year. The roots of the incisors in children are finally formed approximately at the end of the second year of life, the molars are formed by four years, and the canines by five.

First, the child teeth cut central teeth at the bottom, and then at the top directly above them. After about a year, the side teeth begin to cut, first at the top and then at the bottom. The appearance of the first molar usually occurs by one and a half years, and by two years the canines appear, after two the second molars appear.

How many baby teeth in children should just appear?

Most parents are often interested in how much should the first teeth appear in children. So, by two years the child usually grows up to 20 pieces:

  • eight incisors;
  • four fangs;
  • eight molars.

Sometimes it happens that the teeth appear in the wrong direction, but usually by three years the whole dentition is formed and the child can actively chew food, the teeth occupy the right position.

Completely form a dentition in a child should be three years old. Sometimes there are a number of deviations during eruption. These include the following:

  • strong early or late appearance;
  • violation of the pair of incisors;
  • violation of certainty of appearance.

Sometimes there are cases when a child is already born with the lower central teeth. But too late their appearance indicates that the child is malnourished or often sick. It often happens that some milk teeth do not appear at all. This is because their rudiments died during pregnancy. There are also precedents for the appearance of excess zubikov, which have an awl-shaped form and grow to the side.

Terms of loss of milk teeth

The process of loss of the first Zubikov and their subsequent change by constant ones begin at about five to six years. In most cases, the process of changing baby milk teeth does not bother you at all. Sometimes there are cases when a constant eruption is effected, while the milk one does not want to fall out, then you have to remove them from the dentist.

The formation of a permanent dentition continues until about 14 years.Milk teeth change in the same order as they erupt. Thus, the incisors change from dairy to permanent approximately from six to nine years, the first molars up to ten years, the canines to eleven, and the second premolars appear last to fourteen years. If you do not keep special records of loss and growth of new teeth, it may seem that they grow less than dairy ones. But it is not. As a rule, twenty of them fall out and then the same amount grows, just the process of growth of permanent teeth, as compared to dairy ones, is too long and difficult to trace.

So, we have learned how many milk teeth a child should appear by two years old - these are twenty teeth. Do not be discouraged if your baby has less teeth at a certain age than the neighbors' children. If the deviation is not very significant, It's not a problem and sooner or later all the put teeth will still appear.


