In the people, the appearance of a pip on the tongue was associated with the utterance of bad or false speeches. In fact, the appeared sore on the tongue is a disease of glossitis, which is caused by non-observance of oral hygiene. The main reason for the appearance of wounds in the tongue is reproduction of pathogenic bacteria that get into your mouth because of dirty hands.
What makes the pip come about?
Pathogenic bacteria enter the wound, thereby forming a pip. Very often the occurrence of glossitis triggered by influenza or acute respiratory infections, since after the transfer of these diseases, the immune system is weak, which leads to the appearance of sores in the tongue.
Oddly enough, such a harmless disease can be a signal of more serious problems occurring in the human body. Should know that glossitis may indicate the appearance of:
- Diphtheria.
- Tuberculosis.
- Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
- Helminthiasis.
People with a weakened immune system are also in the risk category for a pip on the tongue, and this disease can eventually become a chronic form.
There are cases of pips in women during pregnancy, as well as with lupus erythematosus, rheumatism and various blood diseases.
Factors provoking the occurrence of glossitis:
- Burn the mouth.
- Drinking sucking candy.
- Overly spicy spices in dishes.
- Alcohol abuse.
- Allergic manifestations caused by poor hygienic means.
- Damage to the oral mucosa by bone from fish, nuts or seeds.
- Dental diseases such as periodontitis, as well as crowns and prostheses that were installed incorrectly.
- Lack of vitamins.
- Smoking Abuse. Salts and heavy metals contained in cigarettes irritate the mucous membrane of the tongue.
Symptoms of the disease
Pip on the language can be seen in the photo. His appearance is accompanied by burning pain and numbness of the tongue. Swallowing and chewing can be painful. On the tongue there is whitish plaque and swelling. Bumps can form in the form of papillomas.
It is necessary to treat glossitis. A frivolous attitude to this problem may lead to the fact that the disease takes a chronic form, the treatment of which will be much more difficult. To properly complete the course of treatment, you should consult a good dentist.
Since the occurrence of a pimpun has various causes, the symptoms of its occurrence will differ among themselves.
With superficial manifestations of glossitis characteristic swelling and plaque in the language. Also, the patient's taste buds are disturbed, there is increased salivation. It becomes difficult to talk because of painful sensations.
If the disease occurs with complications, the inflammatory process can spread from the tongue to the throat.
Foci of glossitis appear on the sides and back of the tongue in the form of red spots surrounded by a halo. They heal within three days and after a short time appear again, but in a different place.
The disease may be accompanied by certain signs. For example, in the middle of the tongue starting from the back wall, a reddish stain appears with a blue tint, in shape it resembles a rhombus, which sometimes appears on the tongue. On this site further papillomas may occur. Examples of pips in the language can be seen in the photo.
In some cases, the disease may be accompanied by the appearance of hardened shoots, in the form of 2 centimeter hairs. The color of these shoots is yellow and black. At the same time, the patient feels a sore throat, painful sensations on the tongue and quite frequent emetic urges.
Pips have various symptoms of hypovitaminosis. Lack of a certain vitamin gives its symptoms:
- Vitamin A - drying in the mouth, the appearance of painful cracks.
- Vitamin B - redness of the tongue, hypersensitivity and soreness.
- Vitamin C - blood vessels are visible on the tongue, which show up strongly.
Piping treatment methods
Glossitis disease, at first glance, is insignificant, but if not treated it can lead to unpleasant consequences. Therefore, consider how to treat a pip on the tongue.
- Completely eliminate the use of spicy and salty foods. Remove carbonated water from your diet. All these products irritate the mucous membrane.
- Need to eat more vegetables, berries and fruits. Most of all give preference to those that contain vitamin C.
- Is the pipon caused by injury from an incorrectly installed denture or crown? An urgent need to go to the doctor and eliminate all possible defects.
- Should refrain from smoking and drinking alcohol.
- You can conduct a comprehensive treatment of both folk and medical means.
- Take care of strengthening the immune system. To do this, drugs Immudon, Immunal, Imupret.
- Balance the diet by reducing the consumption of flour, salty and sweet foods.
Traditional medicine in the treatment of pips
The plant world is very rich in a variety of herbs that can help with piping, among them sage, basil and coriander.
Sea buckthorn, rosehip and peach oils are very effective. They are used as compresses on the tongue.
Good help rinsing, for this use herbal infusions:
- celandine;
- chamomile;
- nettle;
- St. John's wort;
- calendula.
Also for such procedures is suitable oak bark. Rinse should be done every 3 hours, no less.
To prepare the rinse, the grass must be poured boiling water and put in a water bath. After that, cover with a lid, give broth infusion for 20 minutes. Before rinsing you need to cool the infusion.
For the healing of ulcers in the mouth can use propolisby putting in your mouth for a long time.
The easiest way to treat a pip is to rinse your mouth with soda solution. A glass of water is diluted with a tablespoon of soda.
All these methods are very effective and allow you to quickly cope with the disease.
Medication Treatment
Despite the fact that this disease is quickly and easily treated, there are times when medical advice is extremely necessary. Therefore, in order to prevent the progression of the disease, you should consult a specialist. There is a huge amount of medical products that can cope with the pips in the language. This disease can be treated by rinsing. To do this, use drugs such as Furacilin and Iodinol. Oxolinic and Stomatofit ointment is also effective in helping.
If glossitis is caused by stomatitis, antifungal medications can be used. It is very convenient to use sprays. They not only heal the wound, but also anesthetize it. Such means is Geksasprey.
Used for anesthesia lidocaine, it has a local effect. The wound is treated with this drug every three hours.
If the patient has a fever during glossitis, it should be applied anti-inflammatory drugs.
Puffiness of the tongue can be removed by decongestants.
It is worth noting that congenital glossitis, called diamond-shaped, is not treatable.
To prevent the occurrence of a pip, you need to take preventive measures. The most important thing is hygiene and a healthy lifestyle.Maintain your immunity and regularly visit the dentist.
Do not allow the disease to progress, treat it immediately at the first manifestations.