Stomatitis is a lesion of the oral mucosa. The most characteristic sign of stomatitis is small, but painful sores on the mouth. Both adults and children suffer from stomatitis.
The most common forms of stomatitis include:
- aphthous;
- viral (herpetic);
- candidal or thrush oral cavity.
Symptoms and signs of stomatitis
Can highlight The following are common symptoms:
- Many painful sores appear in the mouth.
- The tongue becomes very sensitive and a lot of saliva begins to stand out.
- Redness appears on the oral cavity - in some cases it is pronounced.
- An unpleasant smell from the mouth appears.
- In some cases, body temperature may rise.
If the child has stomatitis, then this disease can be diagnosed by the following main features:
- The child is naughty and often cries.
- The child refuses to eat, his temperature rises.
- There is a strong redness of the mucous membrane and corners of the mouth.
- Small painful sores are formed on the oral cavity.
- The child's tongue is covered with white bloom - this is a characteristic sign of oral thrush (another name is candidal stomatitis).
Severe Stomatitis characterized by the following features:
- temperature rise above 39 ° C;
- blistering of fluid on the skin;
- severe inflammation of the eyes, the appearance of inflammation on the genitals.
In the case of a severe form of the disease, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible.
Causes of stomatitis
The most common cause of stomatitis is an infection that can be viral, fungal, or bacterial.
Causes of STD:
- non-compliance with the rules of oral hygiene;
- various injuries (for example, biting the tongue or cheeks, burns of the oral mucosa with hot food);
- weakened immunity;
- infection during teething u child
The source of fungal stomatitis is Candida fungus (hence the second name for this type of stomatitis - candidal). Fungus Candida is in the body of each person, but if its quantity does not exceed the norm, then the disease does not occur.
Causes of fungal stomatitis:
- weakened immunity is the main cause of fungal stomatitis;
- imbalance of microflora due to the use of medication;
- the presence of inflammatory processes in the mouth caused by mechanical and thermal injuries.
A child can become infected with fungal stomatitis from the mother if she was ill during pregnancy. Also, there are cases of infection of the child by the fungus Candida during childbirth.
The source of viral (herpetic) stomatitis is a virus that is transmitted by household or airborne droplets.
Often the cause of stomatitis can be various types of allergies.
The cause of stomatitis can be various diseases of the digestive, cardiovascular and endocrine systems, as well as metabolic disorders. Lack of iron, some trace elements and vitamins in the human body can also be the cause of stomatitis. In these cases, it is necessary to combine the treatment of stomatitis with the treatment of the underlying systemic disease.
Treatment of stomatitis folk remedies
Important! When symptoms and signs of stomatitis appear, especially in a child, it is necessary to consult a doctor, who will determine the form of the disease and the methods of treatment.
Stomatitis treatment methods:
- general medication - taking antibiotics and hormonal drugs in pills and injections;
- local drug - the use of solutions for rinsing the mouth and ointments for the treatment of the oral mucosa;
- treatment of folk remedies.
This article describes the treatment of stomatitis folk remedies, and special attention is paid to the treatment of this disease in children.
Important! In severe cases stomatitis treatment folk remedies may not give the desired result. In these cases, the best results can be given by a combination of drug and folk treatment.
Treatment of stomatitis folk remedies in children under two years
This section of the article describes the treatment recipes. using folk remediesthat are best for children under two years of age.
- Baking soda is the simplest treatment for stomatitis. In a glass of boiled water, dilute one and a half teaspoons of soda, moisten a piece of gauze (bandage) in this solution and gently wipe the child's mouth. This procedure, which must be performed at least five times a day, removes white plaque in the mouth and disinfects the oral mucosa.
- An infusion of chamomile, sage, string or calendula. Two teaspoons of flower collection pour a glass (200 ml) of boiling water and let stand for about an hour. To wipe the child's oral mucosa - this tool reduces pain and relieves inflammation.
- Rosehip oil, sea buckthorn, peach, flax. Rubbing the mouth with these essential oils greatly accelerates the healing of ulcers.
- Aloe juice or Kalanchoe. Processing the juice of these plants to the oral mucosa relieves inflammation well.
- Solutions greens and blue. These tools are well dried and disinfect the sores in the mouth, but at the same time can cause irritation of the mucous. So these solutions should be applied very carefully, especially when treating an infant.
Treatment of folk remedies in children over the age of two years
For reference. If the child has not yet learned to rinse his mouth, then rinsing can be replaced by wiping.
- A decoction of onion peels. Three teaspoons of crushed husk pour hot water (500 ml) and boil for 5 minutes. The resulting infusion should stand for 8 hours, then it must be filtered. Rinse the infusion mouth cavity at least five times a day.
- Carrot juice. Dissolve freshly squeezed juice in one-to-one ratio with boiled water. Rinse your mouth several times a day.
- Cabbage juice - similar to carrot juice.
- An aqueous solution of baking soda and salt. In a glass of warm boiled water dissolve a teaspoon of salt and a quarter of a teaspoon of soda. Rinse the oral cavity with this solution at least three times a day.
- In a glass of an aqueous solution of soda and salt, add three drops of iodine. Rinse your mouth with the solution at least three times a day.
- Yarrow decoction. Two teaspoons of yarrow pour a glass of boiling water and let it brew for 15 minutes. Rinse the mouth with the decoction four times a day.
- Oak bark. One tablespoon of oak bark pour 250 ml of boiling water, then cook over low heat in a sealed container for about 30 minutes. Allow the broth to cool to room temperature, then strain it. Rinse or rinse the child's mouth with this broth every three hours.
- Aloe juice To relieve inflammation and reduce pain, it is necessary to lubricate sores in mouth child aloe juice.
- Raw potatoes. Apply thin circles of potato or potato gruel to the gums to relieve inflammation and heal the sores.
- Sunflower oil and burdock root. In a bowl with 40 grams of chopped burdock root, pour 100 ml of sunflower oil and let this mixture stand for a day. Boil on low heat for about 15 minutes.The resulting mixture to wipe the sores at least three times a day.
- Four component ointment: chicken egg protein, novocaine ampoule, sunflower oil and honey - one teaspoon each. This mixture to smear the mucous of the mouth and gums.
- Propolis tincture is not on alcohol (aqueous extract). This tincture lubricates the sores in the mouth. But before that, we must carefully and carefully disinfect the wounds with hydrogen peroxide and allow them to dry.
Treatment in adults
All the recipes described above are certainly suitable for adults. But there are some recipes that may not be worth using for the treatment of a child, but they are quite applicable for an adult.
- Propolis alcohol solution. Rinsing the mouth with this solution reduces the inflammatory process and relieves pain. Rinse at least three times a day.
- Alum. They are diluted in warm water, and the resulting solution is used for rinsing. Alum can also be used as a lotion for sores in the mouth.
- Hydrogen peroxide - This is a simple and very effective way to treat stomatitis. Gauze moistened with hydrogen peroxide must be wiped with the mouth cavity 4-5 times a day and in a few days the condition will noticeably improve. But it is necessary to consider the following - this procedure should not be carried out for more than 5 days and a high concentration of hydrogen peroxide can cause a burn of the oral mucosa
- Garlic. During the treatment period of stomatitis, it is recommended to eat garlic, which, as everyone knows, acts as a strong bactericidal agent. To increase the effectiveness of the action of garlic, it can be used in a mixture with sour cream - 3-4 times a day.