Teething is a very important event in the life of a baby. Parents are always anxiously waiting for this moment, because the child may begin to be capricious at this time because of discomfort in the oral cavity. Indeed, teething teeth in infants often accompanied by painful symptoms. It can be difficult to determine if this is really caused by the appearance of teeth or is it a sign of some disease.
When do teeth start cutting through?
Age, when teeth begin to erupt, depends largely on heredity, the climate of the place of residence, the ecological situation, how the mother ate during pregnancy and many other reasons. However, pediatricians allocate an approximate time of the appearance of teeth, which can be used to evaluate the development of a child.
By 6-8 months, the child should have first teeth; by the year they should be eight. By the age of two, the baby must have all 20 milk teeth.
Signs of teething in infants
Teething in infants characterized by the following features:
- general malaise. In this difficult period the child's body is under tremendous stressso lethargy and fatigue are only the least of all evils. The baby begins to sleep poorly, may even refuse to fall asleep in his crib and asks only for his hands. You can wake up during the night several times with a loud cry. At this time, parents should surround the child with their care and love to the maximum, not refuse to sleep next to him in the same bed, because he is in great pain. Care and mother's warmth will allow the child to calm down and relax. You should not be annoyed because of his whims;
- also the main symptom is copious salivation. This usually occurs in 5-7 months. At this age, the child does not know how to regulate the amount of saliva. This will happen a little later, when he learns to manage his reflexes. Excessive salivation occurs due to irritation of the sensory nerves of the gums, which means the first tooth will appear soon. Often there is so much saliva that a baby’s clothes get wet in a matter of minutes;
- pain is also a sign of teething. It is she who bothers the crumb and his mother, and all other signs can be transferred fairly easily. When a tooth begins to penetrate the surface of the gum, the body temperature often rises to 37.5 degrees;
- often there are symptoms of indigestion. It may be regurgitation, diarrhea and vomiting, and all because the child drinks plenty of fluids during the day. She begins to thin the stool. These symptoms should be alerted because it may be an intestinal infectionoccurring frequently in this period. The kid starts to drag everything into his mouth and not always these items are clean. Therefore, with signs of indigestion should consult a doctor;
- A common sign of teething is inflammation of the gums. They swell up and turn red. It's all first signs of tooth appearance, but it can cut through for a long time. As it grows, the sharp edge of the tooth begins to break through the gums and injure them. They begin to inflame and swell. Sometimes, when canines begin to erupt, a hematoma may form above the tooth. In this case, surgery is required;
- there may be a slight runny nose with colorless liquid secretions. If in this case there are no other signs of a cold, it means that the formation of a cold has provoked an increased secretion of mucus in the oral cavity. After a few days, everything must go by itself;
- sometimes from the mouth begins to smell unpleasant. It occurs because of the inflammatory process. Food particles accumulate on swollen gumthat creates favorable conditions for the reproduction of pathogens. This is where the unpleasant smell comes from. In this case soft brush to massage the gums and often water the child with water;
- the body may become covered with a rash. It mainly occurs on the chin, where it is constantly wet due to excessive saliva flow;
- sometimes there is a sign of teething, as stomatitis. It contributes to the occurrence of an infection in the mouth. The gums itch and itch and the baby, in order to relieve these unpleasant symptoms, begins to pull everything in the mouth, thanks to which an infection easily penetrates the body. The oral cavity is covered with painful sores. The child does not give himself look in the mouth, starts to refuse to eat, his body temperature rises;
- By the way, refusal to eat is one of the main signs of teething. Because of this, weight gain stops, immunity begins to weaken. A child can easily catch a disease.
Teething symptoms in infants
- the process of teething of milk teeth occurs in any infant and begins at approximately 4 months. The baby at this time begins to feel discomfort, teething symptoms make his parents worry too. Such symptoms can be lack of appetite, poor sleep, rash, fever, cough, vomiting;
- it is necessary to observe how often the baby asks for the breast, whether it sucks in the usual manner. If he takes a nipple or a breast and immediately spits it out, it means that his gums are swollen and sore. And maybe, and vice versa, the child begins to actively suck the breast, biting on it. By doing so, he wants to relieve the itching in the gums;
- with weakened immunity, malaise often occurs, the child can easily catch a cold. The throat becomes red, a cough, runny nose appears. If the cold is not treated, it can turn into bronchitis or otitis. That's why It is very important to distinguish cold symptoms. from the symptoms arising from teething;
- Often with teething, the baby develops an upset stomach, vomiting and loose stools. To exclude an intestinal infection, it is necessary to visually examine the baby’s tummy. It should not be swollen and should not "murmur." If you put your hand on your stomach, you can determine how the intestine works. If you put a little pressure on him, the child should not show anxiety, which means that his stomach does not hurt;
- if the baby vomits, you should carefully examine the appearance of vomitus and their consistency, and also follow how often vomiting occurs. When teething such a symptom occurs infrequently, while vomiting should be a day no more than two times. It mainly occurs when the body temperature rises above 38.5 degrees. In all other cases, this indicates a disease of the gastrointestinal tract or an infection, so you should consult a doctor;
- attention requires liquid stool baby. Diarrhea during teething should not be very liquid, without blood and mucus, and for the day it should occur no more than six times. If diarrhea is very frequent and fluid, with an admixture of blood and mucus, then there is a high probability of the presence of an intestinal infection or an abnormality in the functioning of the stomach and intestines. A visit to the doctor should not be postponed;
- if a runny nose occurs, it should be clear, not abundant and watery. In this case, there is no cause for concern, because it is a common occurrence when teeth begin to appear. It is enough to bury special drops in the baby's nose.But if the discharge from the nose is dense, yellow or green and it is difficult for the child to breathe - these are all signs of an acute respiratory disease. It is necessary to contact a pediatrician;
- A small, wet cough can also be a symptom of emerging teeth. It arises from the saliva that accumulates in the child's throat. With acute respiratory infections, the cough lasts for more than two days, it is of varying intensity, with wheezing.
Ways to alleviate the condition of the baby
In this difficult for all period of the life of the baby should pay him as much attention as possible, often take on their hands. To calm you need to put it to your chest upon request. There are also other ways to alleviate the condition of the baby.
- massage gums. Do it with clean hands very carefully. To do this, sold the fingertips made of silicone in the form of a brush, especially for children's gums. Besides, do not forbid a child to scratch his gums, most importantly, in his hand he did not have small items that he can swallow. Cooling teethers relieve pain very well. You can give him to chew a towel, dipped in cool water, as well as chilled cookies or a banana;
- local anesthesia. To eliminate the pain for a while use dental gelscontaining lidocaine, benzocaine or choline salicylate. It may be calgel, cholisal, kamistad. However, they are not harmless, they have side effects. Before use, consult a pediatrician. Apply a day gel should be no more than three times;
- antipyretic drugs. Infants can use only two drugs that lower the temperature - paracetamol and ibuprofen. In addition, these drugs help eliminate pain. Give antipyretic drugs 2-3 times a day strictly according to the instructions;
- homeopathy. To relieve inflammation, anesthetize and reduce fever, use homeopathic medicines. They have practically no contraindications, but it is better to consult a pediatrician. These funds may be in the form of drops or candles;
- Traditional medicine offers many effective remedies for alleviating pain and relieving inflammation. It can be decoctions, teas and solutions for lubricating the baby's gums from chamomile. Her can be used separately or together with mint, sage, lavender, melissa. Gums can be lubricated with a gauze pad moistened with a solution of tea soda (1 teaspoon per glass of water).
In order to cut teeth as quickly as possible, you can use vitamin D as a prophylaxis and give calcium-fortified foods, such as kefir and curd. In this period it is undesirable to do routine vaccinations, so as not to provoke a rise in temperature.