By stomatitis means inflammation of the mucous membrane in the mouth, which is a protective reaction of the human body to various kinds of irritants. It was noticed that in most cases children suffer from stomatitis, but due to environmental problems and a massive deterioration of immunity in people, the disease became common in the adult population, whose treatment is associated with certain features.
Causes of stomatitis in adults
The presence of bacteria, viruses and other pathogens of infectious diseases, of course, also affects the formation of mouth ulcers, but other concomitant, favorable factors are necessary for their development. This is because pathogenic bacteria always on the mucous membrane in the mouth, which is considered normal. Also, the risk of developing the disease increases dramatically with unbalanced or inadequate nutrition, which is especially important with insufficient intake of B vitamins and other trace elements in the body.
It should be noted that injuries obtained by thermal, mechanical or chemical means in the oral cavity also provoke the development of stomatitis. Very often, the development of the disease can be caused by a cheek bite during chewing, scratches caused by sharp edges of the prosthesis, after injury from eating solid foods, or after chemical burns with acidic or alkaline solutions. In most cases minor injuries heal quickly, but with certain concomitant factors, stomatitis can develop.
- In case of violation of personal hygiene - dirty hands, unwashed food, old toothbrush, etc.
- Prosthetic designs or crowns of inappropriate quality.
- Frequent use of toothpaste, which includes components containing sodium lauryl sulfate - a substance that can significantly reduce the separation of saliva, thereby causing oral dehydration and the development of stomatitis.
- Use of medical drugsthat affect salivation, reducing it, as well as the use of diuretics.
- Alcoholic beverages and cigarettes also contribute to the appearance of ulcers in the mouth.
- Diseases provoking a decrease in immunity.
Also, the development of stomatitis, may indicate the presence of various kinds of pathologies in the human body. Simply put, it is dysfunction various human systems that accompany the occurrence of stomatitis:
- frequent manifestation of the disease in the adult population, may indicate the presence of oncology of the nose or mouth;
- also stomatitis may be due to treatment of oncology, by chemotherapy;
- gastrointestinal tract pathologies - various forms of colitis, gastritis, as well as helminthic invasions that promote ulcers on the surface of the tongue;
- in the case of severe dehydration due to prolonged vomiting, loose stools or with significant blood loss, as well as due to fever;
- in people with HIV infection, the risk of developing stomatitis is also very high;
- hormonal failure in women during pregnancy or during menopause;
- anemia also refers to concomitant factors in the development of the disease.
The main symptoms of stomatitis
In most cases, regardless of the form of manifestation of stomatitis, disease progression has the same symptoms. Only in isolated cases, in adults, the development of stomatitis is acute with high fever. But regardless of this, when detecting the first manifestations of the disease, it is necessary to visit the clinic for an accurate diagnosis. This is due to the fact that in case of untimely or incorrect treatment of stomatitis, the risk of recurrence increases in future.
- In most cases, the disease begins to show insignificant redness of the affected area, after which swelling, burning sensation and pain appear around the focus of inflammation.
- In the case of conventional bacterial stomatitis, single ulcerative formations of an oval or round shape are formed at the site of the disease focus. Subsequently, redness appears around the ulcers, and in the center is a thin film of white color.
- In addition to ulcerswhich are very painful, the patient may be disturbed: a strong salivation, an unpleasant odor from the mouth and bleeding gums.
- Very often, pain from stomatitis has a strong form, which makes it difficult to eat food.
- In the acute form of stomatitis, high fever and swollen lymph nodes are possible.
- Most often, ulcers in the oral cavity are formed on the inner side of the lips, cheeks, tonsils, as well as on the surface of the tongue and palate.
Treatment of stomatitis in adults
Treatment of stomatitis in the mouth, causing a violation of hygiene, with its light form, perhaps independently at home. It uses antiseptics for rinsing, as well as a balanced diet without the use of solid, salty, spicy, cold or hot food.
But in the case of a massive lesion of the oral cavity with stomatitis or with certain serious forms of it — phthalic, herpetic, ulcerative, you need to consult a doctor. The treatment of this kind of disease consists of complex of certain procedures, helping to get rid of discomfort, pain, as well as helping to avoid possible relapses in the future.
- Application for treatment medication with anesthetic effect, allows the patient to lead a normal life, that is, to quietly eat. For this reason, many dentists recommend the use of anesthetics with a local effect to eliminate pain.
- Drugs with antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. In the treatment adult stomatitis categories of the population, apply the mouthwash, ointment, spray, gel, lozenges and lozenges - drugs that prevent the development of microbes.
- Drugs with antiviral, antifungal and antihistamine effect. Their use is prescribed by a doctor depending on the cause of the disease. In the case of herpetic stomatitis, antiviral drugs are prescribed in the form of ointments or tablets. If we are talking about fungal stomatitis - thrush, use antihistamine or antifungal agents.
- Various drugs aimed at accelerating the healing of the epithelium.
I would like to immediately clarify that there is classification of stomatitis, which depends on the causative agents of the disease, as well as the form of the severity of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. Therefore, further will be considered the main types of stomatitis and methods of its treatment.
Allergic form of stomatitis - how to treat?
Based on statistical data, today approximately 30% of the population is allergic to irritants, which are harmless in appearance - fruits, plant pollen, animals, medicines, and much more. Also in the case of contact of the oral mucosa with low-quality prostheses or other allergens, a particularly sensitive category of the population suffers allergic stomatitis.
This kind of stomatitis is not considered a separate form of the disease, for the simple reason that it is part of the general allergic reaction of the body and therefore all treatment comes down to taking medicines with an antihistamine effect: Tavegil, Suprastin, etc., while in some situations they are used as applications.
What is the treatment of herpetic stomatitis?
This form of stomatitis is considered to be one of the most common viral manifestations of the disease, of which there are many. Wherein herpes simplex leading in the frequency of education in the oral cavity. The adult category of the population in most cases is a carrier of the virus, the first manifestation of which occurs in childhood.
It should be noted that in the event of a decrease in the body's immunity, hypothermia, frequent stressful situations, overwork, exacerbation of chronic diseases, along with damage to the mucous membrane in the mouth, the virus is quickly activated in the recurrent form herpes stomatitisthat covers cheeks and tongue.
In the case of herpes stomatitis in the adult population acute reaction of the body is not observed. The appearance of bubbles occurs in groups, after which they burst, turning into a rather painful form of erosion. In this case, the treatment of the viral form of stomatitis is reduced to a certain number of activities.
- Pain relief with anesthetic drugs.
- Removal of inflammatory processes through the use of anti-inflammatory drugs.
- The use of drugs with antihistamine effect, topically or orally.
- Taking antiviral medications in the form of ointments or sprays. The use of which is possible only on prescription.
- Vitamin therapy, the main indication of which is an increase in immunity. The treatment is prescribed by a doctor with the help of immunomodulators.
What is the treatment of aphthous stomatitis?
At the moment, the exact reasons for the formation of aphthous stomatitis have not been established. Due to the fact that pathogens are considered adenoviruses and staphylococciThis form of the disease belongs to one of the varieties of herpes stomatitis.
In the case of the occurrence of a chronic form of the disease, periodically formed rashes in the mouth, both in the form of single ulcerative formations and groups of vesicles. The main difference of this form of the disease lies in the formation of round plaques whitish-yellow shade. However, due to frequent exacerbations of the disease, it can last for several years.
If a for 10-15 daysIf ulcerative diseases heal, stomatitis can turn into a necrotic ulcer, which is considered the most severe. This type of stomatitis may indicate that the patient has immunodeficiency, various leukemias, radiation exposure, or a complex form of poisoning with heavy metal salts. Wherein treatment of aphthous stomatitis due to certain activities.
- Treatment of disease foci infusion of chamomile and boric acid. In a decoction of chamomile, with a volume of one cup, add 4 grams. boric acid. The resulting composition caressed the oral cavity.
- A solution of potassium permanganate and hydrogen peroxide in proportions of 1: 1 with water. Also used furatsilin diluted in water.
- For local forms of treatment, sea buckthorn or peach oil is used.
- In the case of detoxification, sodium thiosulfate is prescribed, which is administered intravenously or for internal administration in the form of an aqueous solution.
- An important role in the treatment of stomatitis is played by vitamin therapy, especially vitamins C, B1, B6as well as folic acid.
- In the case of aphthous stomatitis, drugs with antihistamine and sedative effects are also prescribed.
- Be sure to exclude from the diet of spicy, salty, solid foods, as well as alcohol and tobacco.
The formation of aphthous form of stomatitis in adults, caused by various pathologies of human organs and systems - is the endocrine and nervous system, as well as the gastrointestinal tract. For this reason, preventive measures to prevent relapse are concluded in the treatment of comorbidities.
Candida stomatitis in adults
This form of stomatitis occurs in people with very weak immunity - patients with diabetes mellitus, HIV-infected, as well as patients with tuberculosis. Considering the fact that the fungus is always in the human body, it begins to develop rapidly with the occurrence of concomitant favorable factors.
A distinctive feature of candidal stomatitis is that on the mucous membrane in the mouth, at the first stage, a thick scurf and patches of white color are formed, when removed, a swollen hearth occurs. At the same time, with the development of the disease under a dense film, painful erosion can form. In addition, this form is accompanied by dry mouth, cracks in its corners, burning sensation and pain in the process of eating. In this case, treatment of the candida form of the disease is accompanied by complex of certain activities.
- As prescribed by the doctor, antifungal drugs are used topically or orally.
- Treatment of the affected surfaces with gel, ointment or other solutions with antifungal effect.
- If the patient has dental prostheses, they, together with the oral cavity, are treated with soda solution or Lugol.
- A diet that excludes foods containing easily digestible carbohydrates.
It is important to remember that the cause of such violations in the microflora of the mouth must be determined together with relevant doctors - Gastroenterologist and endocrinologist. And in no case can not resort to self-healing.