In dental practice, inflammation of the oral mucosa is considered one of the most common diseases. Diagnosis and treatment of stomatitis in adults causes some complications due to the fact that its manifestations can be easily confused with signs of cheilitis (lip damage), glossitis (tongue inflammation), gingivitis.
The reasons
The frequent occurrence of stomatitis in an adult is considered the reason for the full examination of the body. The cause of the disease in most cases are disruptions and disruptions in the functioning of various systems and organs. Factors contributing to the occurrence of stomatitis in adults have their own characteristics. Among the most common causes are the following:
- bacteria, viruses, fungi and other microorganisms;
- injury to the oral mucosa;
- galvanism - a condition that occurs during prosthetics as a result of the use of metal instruments;
- age over 60 years.
Stomatitis can also develop against the background of other diseases. Disruption of the glandular system leads to xerostomia. This is not an independent disease, but only a symptom of a disturbance in the body, manifested pathological dryness of the oral cavity. The condition may indicate the development of such diseases as: rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes mellitus, cystic fibrosis, iron deficiency anemia, dehydration of the body. Dry mouth is sometimes a reaction to the use of certain drugs.
Inflammation of the mucous membranes often occurs on the background digestive system disorders. Heart disease, malignant tumors, disruptions in the hormonal system, isotope treatment, and chemotherapy can provoke the development of stomatitis. The causes of stomatitis in adults can be the most elementary: periodontitis, the presence of carious teeth, lack of hygiene of the oral cavity, the use of unsuitable toothpaste.
In dentistry, there are several types stomatitis, symptoms and whose treatment will be different. The main symptom of inflammation of the oral mucosa is tingling and swelling. During the meal there is burning and pain. Initially, the pain associated with the action of thermal and chemical stimuli.
In the oral cavity appear bubbles, erosion, sores. Often, when inflammation of the mucous membrane forms a grayish tint, the consistency of flakes or curd mass. When stomatitis mild ulcers appear sporadically, they are small in size, sore when exposed to stimuli. In the severe stage of the disease, one large and very painful ulcer can appear.
The general condition of stomatitis is also impaired. The patient appears sharp bad breath, profuse salivation, headache, fatigue, irritability, there is a pronounced gag reflex and increased body temperature.
Types of stomatitis
Before treating stomatitis in adults, it is necessary to determine its type and shape of the course. They can be caused by various reasons, manifest unequal symptoms.
Catarrhal stomatitis
This type of disease is considered the most common. The course is not characterized by severe symptoms, the only sign is painful and edematous mucosa. During the meal the pain intensifies. On the surface of the mucous and tongue may accumulate grayish or yellowish patina. Most often, the development of the disease is provoked by disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, among other factors: lack of oral hygiene, periodontal disease, deposits in the form of stones, caries.
Treatment of catarrhal stomatitis should begin with the elimination of the causes by a therapeutic way. Periodically you need to rinse your mouth with antiseptic solutions. Dental ointments are applied only according to the recommendations of the doctor.
Ulcerative stomatitis
The disease can develop independently or accompany other disorders of the body. The provoking factors are poisoning, infections, diseases of the cardiovascular and digestive systems. Manifestation of ulcerative stomatitis strong temperature rise, the entire surface of the mucous membrane is covered with multiple or single ulcers, which is accompanied by pain in the mouth, general weakness, difficulty in eating, increase in lymph nodes.
Especially severe form, which is difficult to treat, is necrotizing stomatitis of Vincent. There are several reasons for the development of the disease:
- general decrease in immunity;
- bad habits;
- acute infectious diseases;
- lack of proper oral hygiene.
Aphthous stomatitis
The difference of this type of disease is the appearance on the surface of the mucous membrane of the so-called aphtha - ulcers with a red rim and a coating of grayish-white color, which can be single or spread multiple. Among the reasons that cause their appearance: viral infections, hereditary predisposition, allergic reactions. Symptoms are limited to common symptoms. The patient is disturbed by pain in the mouth, fever and salivation increase.
Do not start ulcerative stomatitis. Treatment in adults at home is to take antiallergic drugs, rinsing the mouth, applying ointments. If the disease is accompanied by particularly contagious severe infections, the patient is hospitalized and treated in a hospital.
Candida stomatitis
The disease is more common in pediatric patients. In adults, the occurrence of candidal stomatitis is associated with damage to other organs by a specific fungus. In elderly patients, the disease is provoked wearing orthopedic designs.
The main symptoms: an unpleasant taste in the mouth, the appearance of a curd coating on the mucous membrane and tongue, burning, bleeding, hyperemia. Candida stomatitis is contagious, sexually transmitted, through cutlery, household items. Treatment of the disease is the use of antiseptic and antifungal drugs.
Herpetic stomatitis
The disease is caused by the herpes virus, it can occur in a mild and severe form. Symptoms of herpetic stomatitis are characterized by the appearance of single bubbles or multiple eruptions, edema of the mucous membrane, a strong increase in body temperature. A few days later the bubbles burst, leaving behind a small erosion.
As soon as the first rash appears, the patient is prescribed. antiviral drugs. After the bubbles burst, the wounds are treated with regenerating agents. In especially severe cases of herpetic stomatitis, antiviral medications are taken by mouth.
Drug treatment
The variety of causes and symptoms of inflammation of the mucous causes an adequate question, how to treat stomatitis in adults. Treatment depends primarily on the type of disease, as well as on the severity of its course.First you need to tidy up the oral cavity: do a professional cleaning, remove the stone, heal carious teeth. To exclude these procedures should be only with candida and herpetic stomatitis, as it is possible to aggravate the course of infection.
- If herpetic stomatitis appears in adults, treatment should be comprehensive and consist of immunostimulants and antiviral drugs. Often, doctors prescribe gel Viferon. Before applying it, the damaged surface must be dry. In order to strengthen the whole body, Amixin and Imudon preparations are prescribed. Vitamin complexes have a positive effect. In case of herpetic stomatitis, the mucous membrane must be additionally treated with antiseptics active for the herpes virus (Miramistin).
- Treatment of aphthous stomatitis will depend on the reasons that caused its development. If it is an allergic reaction, then the irritant should be eliminated first. To cope with the disease in 10-12 days will help desensitizing drugs (Tavigil, Suprastin, Claritin). Locally used drugs with analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. Perfect in this case Holisal gelto be applied on the lesion with a thin layer several times a day. When the affected areas begin to heal, you can use drugs with epithelial action (Actovegin-gel).
- Necrotic stomatitis requires special attention, as a severe form can lead to serious consequences. Treatment should take place in a hospital under the close supervision of a doctor. Improper therapeutic interventions can lead to denigration of dental roots or extensive necrosis of the gums. First, the oral cavity should be treated with antiseptics, then dental gel is applied (Iruksol, Cholisal, Metrogil-dent). Such complex inflammation cannot be stopped only with the help of local treatment, therefore antibiotics and antihistamines are prescribed inside.
Treatment of folk remedies
Mild inflammation of the mucous can be cured at home with folk remedies. The most popular, simple and common way to alleviate the condition of stomatitis is rinsing. Solutions can be very different - herbal teas, alcohol tinctures. One of the most effective means is hydrogen peroxide and water. The mixture is prepared with the calculation of one teaspoon of peroxide per cup of warm water. In the process of rinsing, discomfort is likely to appear, but the result will be quick and stable.
For stomatitis, rinsing the mouth with a mixture of water, aloe and freshly squeezed carrot juice helps. Especially effective in inflammation of the mucous membrane of aloe. It can be used not only for rinsing, the leaves of the plant are recommended simply chew fresh.
It is possible to improve the condition of a patient with stomatitis with the help of vegetable poultices and lotions. Particularly effective in this case are such plants as: fresh cabbage, raw potatoes, garlic. To prepare the medicine, simply grind the vegetable into the mush and attach it to the affected part of the mucous membrane. The best remedy is garlic, but using it in its pure form is dangerous and painful, therefore it is recommended to add a little to it. sour cream.
Treatment with folk remedies is justified only in light forms of the disease. In difficult cases, do not do without skilled care and drugs. It is necessary to treat stomatitis correctly in order not to harm and cause the development of complications.
Preventive measures will help avoid the development of inflammation of the mucous membranes, or at least facilitate its flow. One of the most important preventive techniques is good oral hygiene. We must not forget to brush your teeth, treat caries in time, remove a stone, visit the dentist every six months to diagnose problems with the oral cavity. The next recommendation is to strengthen the immune system. It is not necessary to use drugs, it is enough to eat right, to include fresh vegetables and fruits in the diet. It is important to begin treatment of stomatitis immediately after the first signs appear, this will ensure quick and effective recovery.