Stomatitis in adult It has several varieties, and one of them is aphthous. Manifested in the form of small sores in the mouth, delivering a certain discomfort. The treatment can last for a very long time. In aphthous stomatitis, the mucous membrane of the oral cavity is covered with formations in the form of ulcers, forming a small wound. Eating or just talking gives the person pain.
What is aphthous stomatitis
The ulcers that appear in this disease are called aphthas. They can be placed singly or in groups. The form they usually have a round shape with clear contours, having a narrow red border with a grayish bloom in the center.
Treatment of aphthous stomatitis in adults should be under the supervision of a physician, who appoints it, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient, his age, strength of immunity.
Aphthous stomatitis often occurs if a person has weakened immunity as a result of the harmful effects of bacteria, viruses and microbes.
The following infectious diseases can cause the formation of aphthous stomatitis:
- Measles.
- Flu.
- Adenovirus.
- Herpes virus.
- Diphtheria.
- Staphylococcus L-form.
In addition, it oral disease It occurs for the following reasons:
- If the human body is deficient in vitamins.
- In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
- For diseases of the teeth and gums.
- As a result of an injury to the oral cavity, for example, from biting the cheek or taking too hot food.
- With genetic predisposition.
- From allergic reactions.
Symptoms of the disease
In aphthous stomatitis, symptoms are similar to first manifestations of ARI:
- There is a weakness, malaise.
- Body temperature rises to 38 degrees.
- Appetite decreases.
- Lymph nodes may increase.
After that, redness appears on the oral mucosa. As the disease develops on the mucous aphthy are formedthat cover the entire oral cavity. Symptoms such as fever and malaise continue. Conversation, eating, laughing - all this causes pain in the mouth.
Causative agents of the disease
In order for the disease to begin its development, it is necessary that its pathogen enters the body. If the skin or mucous membrane has at least minor damage, then this is enough for penetration of the infection. She hides for some time, and when the right time comes, she begins to multiply.
If as a result of unsuccessful brushing oral mucosa is injuredand then the causative agent of aphthous stomatitis rapidly penetrates through this damage. Weak immunity can not resist infection, and it begins to multiply rapidly.
Infection can enter the body not only from the outside. The oral cavity has a normal microflora, which contains streptococci, bacteroids and fusobacteria that do not cause harm to a healthy person. If your body hasits protective functions are loweredThis microflora may contribute to the development of the disease.
Stomatitis can be caused by viruses and bacteria. Virus pathogen is measles, herpes, chicken pox.Bacteria not only cause diseases, but also contribute to the development of complications. It may be a tuberculosis, streptococcal, and scarlet infection.
Forms of the disease
The following forms of aphthous stomatitis are distinguished from the nature of affection with aphasms of the oral mucosa:
- Necrotic.
- Scarring.
- Deformable.
Necrotic form occurs in adults with any blood disorders or suffering from severe somatic diseases. Hypothermia and respiratory diseases are provoking factors. The sores may not heal for about a month, even if treated.
With scarring form sores form on the palate and pharynx, reaching a size of 1.5 centimeters. Healing takes a very long time, sometimes delaying up to three months. As a result, scars are formed on the affected areas.
Deforming shape It is considered the most severe, in which the connective tissue is subject to destruction. The ulcers heal very slowly, after which the deformity of the lips, palate, and nerve arches occurs.
How the disease progresses, aphthous stomatitis can be acute and chronic.
In acute form, single or multiple ulcers affect the oral mucosa. After 1-2 weeks aphthae disappear, but if not treated, this form becomes chronic.
The chronic form is more prolonged. In the acute form, aphthae can heal after 5 days, leaving no scars. In the chronic form, the ulcers do not heal for a very long time, and if they healed, they tend to recur. As a result, the oral cavity constantly breaks.
This form is characterized by depression of the immune system due to comorbidities, such as AIDS. The body can not cope even with the common cold, as a result of exacerbated all chronic diseases.
Chronic form often has allergic origin, because the mucous membrane reacts sharply to all stimuli. New ulcers form, and old ones do not even have time to heal. This condition is characteristic of people suffering from urticaria, bronchial asthma and migraine. Studies have been conducted during which it was found that a large number of eosinophils enter the blood, and this confirms the allergic nature of stomatitis.
Toxic toxic substances that due to persistent constipation accumulate in the intestine can provoke the development of aphthous stomatitis. therefore must follow a diet and adjust your diet to normalize bowel function. The chronic course of the disease is people who suffer from diseases of the large intestine.
Treatment of aphthous stomatitis
If an adult has aphthous stomatitis, he should adhere to the following rules:
- It is necessary to abandon the use of coarse food, such as chips, which are easily stuck in the cheek and can deepen the ulcer.
- Teeth should be cleaned very carefully, so as not to damage the inner surface of the oral cavity.
- Sour and spicy foods should be abandoned.
- This type of stomatitis is not contagious, so it is not necessary to use separate dishes.
- You can buy toothpaste that does not contain sodium lauryl sulfate and other substances that cause irritation of the tissues in the mouth. It is also advisable to buy toothpaste, which is able to delay the growth of irritating plaque.
For the treatment of aphthous stomatitis use the following effective means:
- To sanitize the mouth, it is treated hydrogen peroxide, furatsilinom, chlorhexidine.
- Then immediately apply clobetasol ointmentto soothe damaged tissues and repair them.
- Additionally, you can use drugs that are intended for internal use. it prednisone, azotopirin and betamethasone. They can be in the form of tablets and injections for intravenous and intramuscular administration.
A popular method of treatment is the burning of aft. To do this, use drugs, drying sores and erosion, and this contributes to their healing. These drugs include:
- Lyugol containing iodine. It can be sold in the form of applications and spray.
- Fukortsin, this tool is made on the basis of phenol. Apply it only in the middle of the ulcer. This drug is a universal remedy, they carry out the treatment of all types of stomatitis.
After the inflammation stops, the ulcers become covered with dense crusts. Their removal causes severe pain and can bleed. To prevent this, dried crusts should be removed during the following procedures:
- Mouth rinse to begin with herbal infusion. This softens the crusts, and they begin to be easier to remove.
- Cotton swab moistened oil solution, for example, sea buckthorn oil. It is necessary to lubricate them sores, slightly pressing on them.
- After all dry crusts will be removed, you must rinse your mouth with a disinfectant solution. For repeated procedures, use new cotton swabs.
- Then carefully rinse mouth with antiseptic and lightly dry using a bandage or cotton wool.
- After completing all procedures damaged areas are smeared with medicinewith wound healing and regenerating effects. This is Vinylinum, Mundizal gel, carotolin, stomatofit, olazol.
In severe forms of aphthous stomatitis, such as bacteriological or infectious stomatitis, the doctor may prescribe the administration of antibiotics in the form of tablets or injections. They are selected taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient, his age, the type of pathogen. Simultaneously with antibiotics, they can prescribe drugs that restore the microflora of the stomach and intestines.
Folk remedies for the treatment of aphthous stomatitis
Treatment of this disease should include strengthening the immune system, taking vitamins, as well as the use of folk remedies.
- Since ancient times mouth rinse use the following solution: take half a teaspoon of salt, a third of a teaspoon of ordinary soda and mix in a half glass of boiled water at room temperature. If the pain is very severe, rinse your mouth every 2 hours. This will relieve inflammation and soothe the pain.
- Very good relieves inflammation pharmacy chamomile. To use its healing properties, you need to take 1 teaspoon of a flower and pour it with one glass of boiling water. The tool should cool at room temperature, then it is filtered and mixed with 1 teaspoon of honey. This infusion should rinse your mouth 3-4 times a day.
- The following tool also helps very well. Are taken burdock seedsgrind them down. The resulting gruel is salted, heated, added butter or pork interior fat. It is necessary that the gruel turned out thick like sour cream. This ointment is smeared oral ulcers.
- For the treatment of aphthous stomatitis apply the following medicinal fee: pharmaceutical chamomile flowers, peppermint leaves, medicinal sage leaves and the fruits of fennel ordinary. All ingredients are mixed, crushed. Then 2 tablespoons of the collection pour water and simmer for about 20 minutes. The broth is cooled, filtered and in a warm form rinse the oral cavity 5-6 times a day.
- Good help oak bark decoction. It is crushed, a tablespoon is poured with a glass of water and boiled over low heat for about 15 minutes. They cool, filter and rinse the mouth cavity. The resulting volume must be used at one time.
- Sores are not bad are treated with the following tincture. The dry grass of mint, paprika and chamomile is taken, all one tablespoon, it all adds up to a jar and filled with a glass of alcohol. The can is closed with a tight lid and infused for 2 weeks, then filtered and 3 drops of mint oil are added.This tincture is necessary to cauterize sores twice a day.
Disease prevention
In order to have aphthous stomatitis as little as possible, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system. For this use immunomodulators and immunomodulators, as well as vitamin complexes, which contain large amounts of vitamins B and C. The diet should consist of a sparing diet, without salt, spices, spicy and acidic foods.
So that the body can actively resist various infections, it is advisable to temper, begin to play sports and quit all bad habits. In addition, do not forget to monitor the condition of your gums and teeth, regularly visit the dentist for treatment and prevention.