Features of the treatment of aphthous stomatitis in children

Prevention of aphthous stomatitis in a childStomatitis in most cases is considered a childhood disease. However, adults can also deal with it. Most often, this disease affects a child at 2 or 3 years of age, when he is most actively studying the world around him and almost always he does it with the help of his hands and mouth.

What is aphthous stomatitis?

Symptoms of aphthous stomatitisThis is the most popular disease in children; its appearance is provoked by streptococci, diplococci and staphylococci.

Aphthous stamotitis is an infectious inflammation of the mucous membrane of the mouth with rashes, which have the appearance of ulcers with a white-yellow color (aft). Most often, aphthae appear on the inside of the cheeks, lips, under the tongue and on it. Stomatitis on the lip is depicted on a photo.

Sores can affect the oral cavity in different quantities, sometimes it is 1-3, and sometimes more than 10. They can merge together and form large lesions.

This disease is often encountered in kindergartens in the form of an epidemic.

Aphthous stomatitis in children
Prevention and treatment of aphthous stamotitis in a childCauses of aphthous stomatitisMedicines for treating stomatitisFeatures of the treatment of aphthous stomatitisHow to cure aphthous stomatitisHow often do children suffer from aphthous stomatitisFolk medicine for the treatment of stomatitisHow to treat aphthous stomatitis in children

Symptoms and causes of the disease

Symptoms of the disease in a child are as follows:

  • high temperature, up to 39 degrees;
  • loss of appetite;
  • salivation increases;
  • unpleasant smell from the mouth;
  • ulcers and redness in the mouth;
  • the child is irritable and often cries.

The reasons, as a rule, the child has:

  • infectious diseases;
  • burns of the mouth;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • weakened immunity;
  • lack of vitamins C and B;
  • traumatic damage to the oral mucosa.

Types of disease

Aphthous children's stomatitis There are two types:

  • acute;
  • chronic recurrent.

Acute aphthous child stomatitis manifested in painful sensations, with the movement of the tongue and it imposes a mark on the speech of a person.

Stomatitis has such problems:

  • high body temperature;
  • lymph nodes are enlarged and sore;
  • headache;
  • mouth odor;
  • worsens the action of the gastrointestinal tract.

In most cases, a child who is older than 4 years will experience chronic recurrent stomatitis. The exacerbation of the disease occurs several times a year and lasts for about 2 weeks.

Factors that can cause aphthous exacerbation stomatitis in a child:

  • mouth injuries;
  • viral infections;
  • overwork.

Treatment of aphthous stomatitis in children

If there is even the slightest suspicion that the child is affected by aphthous stomatitis, then see a doctor right awayto establish the optimal treatment.

Aphthous stomatitis in children is treated with drugs, traditional medicine, physiotherapy. Also for quick recovery you need to drink a lot of water, nutrition must be balanced and gentle, be sure to follow good oral hygiene and do wet cleaning in the room.

Treatment with local treatment

What can cure aphthous stomatitis

For local processing of aft, it is necessary to select drugs that will correspond to a specific stage of development of stomatitis. So, the main tools that are suitable for the local treatment of the disease - Miramistin and chalisal gel.

Miramistin is used in the early stages of aphthous stomatitis to irrigate ulcers. This remedy is antiseptic and has a bactericidal effect. With the help of Miramistina, it is possible to treat a child, regardless of age. This drug is contraindicated only because of individual intolerance. It needs to be consumed four times a day.

Holisal gel can also be used in the treatment of stomatitis in a child in the early stages. It is used as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent. This gel should be applied to sore spots about 4 times a day. Sometimes you can take before meals for pain relief. If the baby is less than 1 year old, then a holisal gel is required. apply extremely carefully with stomatitis.

Common drugs and physiotherapy

Treatment of aphthous stomatitis in a child with generic drugs involves the use of drugs that are antihistamine and antiviral, for example, use of Claritin, Tavegila, Suprastin. Under some circumstances, doctors may prescribe treatment with steroids and antibiotics. In addition, they recommend to use vitamin substances and drugswhich are immunomodulatory.

Treatment of ulcers can be accomplished with ultraviolet radiation. These procedures show a good result. They are made in the office of physiotherapy. Before leading a child there, be sure to take a referral from your doctor.

Traditional recipes for stomatitis

Treatment methods for aphthous stomatitis

Aphthous stomatitis in children is treated with the help of various methods of traditional medicine.

Prepare a special decoction, which rinse the mouth. The decoction should include chamomile flowers, peppermint leaves and sage - in 3 parts, the fruits of fennel - 1 part. Take 2 tbsp. spoons of this mixture and pour one glass of water. Put it on the gas and let it boil for 20 minutes on low heat, then wait until it cools and strain it. Rinse your mouth with a warm decoction six times a day.

Rinse your mouth with tincture of calendula. To do this, combine 1 teaspoon of calendula and 1 cup of warm and boiled water.

Treat aphthous stomatitis with sea buckthorn oil. Spread aphts on them after eating three times a day.

Also use aloe for treating baby. Squeeze the juice out of it and soak them sores 3 times a day.

Homeopathic remedies

Treatment with homeopathic remedies should be performed depending on the symptoms of the disease.

Experts recommend the following drugs for the disease:

  1. Arsenium album. This medication is taken when the ulcers bring sharp pain. The kid is tormented by thirst, thirst for warm water, he is worried and he has an anxious state.
  2. Sulfur is used when severe pain occurs. The child’s face is reddish, the body is warm and he wants to constantly drink cold water.
  3. Natrum muriaticum can be used not only for stomatitis, but also when herpes appears on the lips. The child wants salty, his lips are also very dry.
  4. Borax is used if lesions start to bleed.
  5. Natrum phosphoricum. This drug is used for stomatitis. for quick healing mucous. Use it several times a day until the aphta are removed. If you are not sure which drug to choose for a child, you can take this one, since it is universal.


