Gel holisal - It is a universal drug that helps with various diseases of the oral cavity and has no age restrictions. Anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antimicrobial effect of the drug allows it to be used for painful teething wisdom, stomatitis, gingivitis.
The composition of the gel is tsetalkoniya chloride and choline salicytat. The popularity of the drug is due to excellent activity against microbes and inflammations, and the shape of the gel ensures good fixation on the mucous membrane and deep penetration of the components inside. Among the shortcomings, users note the high price. The smell and taste of anise oil increases salivation, and therefore the drug should be especially carefully used for diseases of the mucous membranes in infants.
Price of Holisal gel
The drug is available in tubes of 10 grams, the price of which is an average of 300 rubles. There are containers of 15 grams. The price of such a tube depends on the pharmacy in which it was purchased and varies. from 350 to 480 rubles.
For some, such a cost is considered high, but if we compare the effect of Holisala with the effectiveness of other medicines that are more affordable, the difference will be obvious.
Holisal is an analogue of the gel Mundizal drug. The price of the tube is much higher, and the volume is 8 grams, so the majority of patients prefer Holisal gel.
Indications for use
Drug is prescribed with such diseases of the mucous membrane oral cavity like:
- gingivitis of different origin (atrophic, hyperplastic, chronic, ulcerative-necrotic);
- stomatitis of various etiologies (prosthetic, aphthous);
- thrush and cheilitis;
- operative interventions;
- mucosal injury;
- periodontal abscess;
- periodontitis in acute or chronic form.
Holisal gel is for topical use. 2-3 times a day. To anesthetize the affected areas should be treated with the drug at bedtime or after a meal.
Holisal with periodontitis and gingivitis
The gel can be used as a component of complex therapy. Before its use, it is necessary to remove deposits from the teeth and carry out antibacterial therapy for severe inflammations. Also, the doctor may prescribe rinsing with antiseptic solutionThat will help to clean the oral cavity from germs and bacteria.
If you start using the drug without first eliminating the causes of the disease, then reducing inflammation will not mean recovery, but rather a transition to a chronic, sluggish form. As a result of this treatment, bone tissue may collapse around the teeth over time and mobility will appear.
With periodontitis and gingivitis, the damaged surface is treated twice a day. You must first clean your teeth, rinse your mouth with an antiseptic solution, dry a little with a gauze pad, so the gel will fix better. Apply the drug can be a finger or a special spatula, which is much more convenient. After the procedure, it is advisable not to drink anything for 30 minutes, you can eat only after 2-3 hours.
Holisal with stomatitis
The drug is prescribed only for some types of stomatitisnamely if painful erosions are formed.The gel is ineffective in viral herpetic stomatitis. In this case, it is better to give preference to the drug Viferon, which has an antiviral effect, and its price is not much different from the cost of Holisal medication.
When an erosive, aphthous, bacterial form of the disease, Holisal gel helps relieve painful erosion, envelops the surface of the mucous membrane, contributing to the rapid healing of wounds and improving the general condition of the patient with stomatitis.
Cholisal with teething
Teething in babies - This is a test not only for a child, but also for parents who are trying in every way to help their children and reduce pain. Halisal gel can be used, but only by prescription. The fact is that the taste and smell of anise causes increased salivation. For adults, this does not threaten anything, but in infants, discharge from the mouth causes irritation of the skin, the child will often cough, choking on his own saliva.
It is safe and even recommended to use Holisal gel when teeth erupt in older children and adolescents.
The drug helps relieve pain and inflammation in patients who have a wisdom tooth erupting. If the pain is related to the fact that there is not enough space in the mouth for the third molar or the gingival hood interferes, then the medicine can only remove the surgical solution of the problem. Do not use gel Holisal in cases when teething wisdom symptoms such as occur:
- purulent secretions from under the hood;
- smell of pus from the mouth;
- temperature rise;
- pain when opening the mouth;
- painful swallowing;
- swelling cheeks.
Contraindications and side effects
You can use the medicine for different categories of patients. has no clear contraindications. Do not use the drug in patients with severe hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Children under 1 year of age should use this drug with extreme caution; you should first consult with your doctor.
The drug is not contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women, but there is a warning in the instruction that it should be used carefully. Before you begin to use the medication, you should consult with your doctor or choose an alternative.
Patients after using the medication may experience short burning sensation at the place of use. This is a signal to stop treatment of the gel, as allergic reactions may occur over time.
Theoretically, an overdose of the drug is impossible. If, however, the patient has applied a large amount of gel, then you should rinse your mouth with water. If necessary, vomiting is caused, if unusual symptoms occur, you should consult a doctor. Hypersensitivity to salicylates can provoke a skin rash, dizziness, vomiting, nausea, tinnitus.
Gol Holisal - universal medicinewhich helps to facilitate the flow of various diseases of the oral cavity, to reduce the pain of the affected areas, contributes to the rapid cure. The price of the drug - about 300 rubles, but the effectiveness is confirmed by many users and dentists.