Stomatitis is a disease of the oral cavity, which is an inflammatory process that is localized on the tongue, gums, inner surface of the cheeks.
The manifestation of stomatitis are small wounds, sores. The disease is infectious and requires treatment.
Stomatitis treatment lasts 4-14 days, depending on the type and extent of the disease. The healing of ulcers, passes, as a rule, calmly, and in place of the wounds practically no trace remains. People who have had stomatitis at least once in their lives have a risk of re-infection. The frequency of occurrence of the disease is very variable. Some patients suffer from this disease 3-4 times a year (a typical case), in others, after the ulcers have not yet fully healed, new ones immediately appear, which allows positioning stomatitis as a chronic disease.
Stomatitis: causes, symptoms and treatment
The nature of stomatitis has not yet been fully studied, but scientists' assumptions boil down to the fact that the disease is a peculiar reaction of the body to certain stimuli. In other words, the human immune system in a similar way reacts to the appearance of alien molecules unknown to it and tries to fight them. The attack of lymphocytes (white blood cells) on these unrecognized molecules leads to the appearance in the oral cavity of ulcers, called stomatitis.
The reasons
There are several main causes of stomatitis.
Mechanical injury. Many patients notice that ulcers in the oral cavity have appeared because of any damage. This may be a scratch caused by a broken tooth, uneven edge of the prosthesis or crown, as well as a wound caused by an accidental bite of soft tissues and damage to the mucous membrane during the use of any solid food (croutons, chips, etc.). As a rule, such minor injuries disappear without a trace in 2-3 days, however, in the event of a complication, ulcers may appear on the wound site.
Oral Care Productscontaining sodium lauryl sulfate. According to the results of the research we can assume that stomatitis outbreaks most often occur in people using toothpastes and mouth rinses containing lauryl sulfate. Patients who do not use such cleaning products claim that stomatitis began to manifest itself much less frequently.
Poor nutrition. Scientists have discovered a link between an unbalanced diet and the occurrence of stomatitis. In particular, the disease may develop against the background of a deficiency of the following substances:
- vitamins A and C;
- group B vitamins: B1, B2, B6, B9, B12;
- some trace elements: selenium, iron, zinc.
Emotional overstrain and psychological stress. Patients suffering from stomatitis note that outbreaks of the disease occur during the period of mental or emotional stress.
Hypersensitivity and Allergy. The development of stomatitis can trigger the use of certain foods that cause an allergic reaction in humans. If an allergy is suspected, it is recommended that the patient take notes on the type and composition of the food taken in order to identify substances that provoke stomatitis.If you can not do it yourself, you should contact the clinic, where you can help determine the cause of allergies.
An allergic reaction can most often be caused by the following products:
- vegetables, fruits and berries: strawberries, figs, apples, tomatoes, pineapples, oranges, lemons;
- cereals: barley, oatmeal, wheat, rye, buckwheat, as well as gluten protein, which is contained in grain products;
- milk and dairy products: cheese, cottage cheese, sour cream, etc .;
- An allergic reaction can also occur as a result of the consumption of mustard, vinegar, chocolate and nuts.
In addition, allergies can cause substances that are part of chewing gum, dental materials and medicines.
As you have noticed, the list is very extensive, so in order to clarify the allergen it is necessary to undergo an examination.
Microbes and bacteria. Experts suggest that microorganisms found in the sores may also be involved in the development of stomatitis. Bacteria themselves are not the causative agents of the disease, as there is a fair amount of them in a healthy oral cavity, however, the presence of these microorganisms greatly complicates the process.
Heredity. Studies of the nature of the occurrence of stomatitis have shown that there is a genetic predisposition to the disease. Children whose parents often suffer from stomatitis may also suffer from this pathology. In addition, a relationship was found between a balanced diet, hygiene of the oral cavity of a pregnant woman and susceptibility of the future child to stomatitis.
Hormonal changes. There is an assumption that certain phases of the menstrual cycle in women directly affect the formation of stomatitis. Also, exacerbations of the disease were observed in women in a state of pregnancy.
Various pathologies. The development of stomatitis, as well as other types of aphthous ulcers directly depends on the presence of certain pathologies. If you have stomatitis quite often, it is recommended to undergo a medical examination to detect any systemic disease (cancer in the nasopharynx or neck).
In addition, the following factors can provoke the occurrence of stomatitis:
- non-compliance with oral hygiene;
- side effect of chemotherapy;
- poor quality or unprofessionally installed crowns and dentures;
- passion for alcohol and smoking;
- dehydration caused by large blood loss, increased urination, prolonged fever, insufficient fluid intake.
Types of stomatitis
Depending on the nature of the origin, stomatitis is divided into several types.
Infectious stomatitis
The main reason for the development of this type of stomatitis is viruses, hence the name. Most often, the disease is provoked by influenza, herpes, varicella, measles, and cytomegalovirus viruses. In general, children and adolescents suffer from viral stomatitis.
Factors contributing to the development of the disease:
- contact with an infected person;
- injuries of the oral mucosa;
- immunodeficiency states, reduced immunity;
- taking glucocorticoids, antibiotics and cytostatics;
- irregular and / or poor oral hygiene.
For the beginning of viral stomatitis is characterized by a feeling of weakness, lethargy, sometimes a rise in temperature. Children refuse to drink and eat, become whiny and complain of pain in the mouth. On examination, the dentist detects swelling and redness of the oral mucosa.
After a few days, a certain amount of round vesicles are formed on the affected areas, filled with a turbid liquid of yellowish hue. Before it the pricking, a burning sensation and an itch can be observed. Signs of intoxication are increasing.
Infectious rashes most often occur in the border areas of the oral mucosa and skin. They can appear on the mucous membranes of the cheeks and lips, sometimes affecting the tonsils and throat.
A few days later, pustules appear on the site of the vesicles, which then transform into erosion. The duration of the disease is from 7 to 10 days.
Its appearance is triggered by various types of bacteria, mainly those that constantly live in the mouth. The mucous membrane of the oral cavity is almost immune to the effects of microorganisms, so the development of the inflammatory process possible with trauma. The causative agent of this type of disease is staphylococcus and streptococcus.
Often, the foci of infection are chronic pathologies of the nasopharynx and tonsils, purulent inflammation of the gingival pockets, and caries-affected teeth. Often, bacterial stomatitis develops on the background of a transferred sore throat, flu or other infection.
The initial symptoms of the disease is a feeling of discomfort in the oral cavity and pain. Acceptance of spicy and acidic foods causes itching and burning in the patient.
On the mucous membrane of the hard palate, tongue, cheeks, lips and gums appear erosion, often merging into a coherent whole. The erosion is round, clean, have a fiery red color and clear boundaries.
Observed swelling and friability gums, the mucous membrane becomes a dark crimson hue. There are signs of general intoxication. People with immunodeficiency may experience generalization of the process with the further development of sepsis.
When bacterial stomatitis may increase lymph nodes. The duration of the disease is from 4 to 10 days.
Candiasis (candidal stomatitis) is an infectious disease that is caused by saprophytic fungi. These microbes, when dysbacteriosis and decrease the reactivity of the organism, become pathogenic. Very often, infants, people of old age and persons with immunodeficiency and diseases accompanying it suffer from candidiasis.
Factors provoking the development of stomatitis:
- dysbacteriosis;
- diabetes (metabolic disorders);
- decreased immunity (primary or secondary);
- long reception of antibacterial agents.
Small children can become infected through a toy, pacifier, dirty dishes, mother nipple, birth canal.
The initial symptoms of candidiasis in infants are spots or a cheesy plaque of white color on the mucous membranes of the palate, tongue, cheeks and lips. Toddlers may refuse to eat because of the burning sensation and soreness in the mouth. In adults, there is also a burning sensation in the mouth and throat, and breathing is difficult. Plaque has a more dense structure, and attempts to remove it lead to the appearance of erosion, which can sometimes bleed.
Allergic stomatitis
As the name implies, this type of stomatitis is caused by allergic reactions of the body.
To provoke the development of the disease can: fillings, dentures, contact and food allergens, antibiotics.
The risk group includes following categories of people:
- women aged 50-55 years;
- persons suffering from bronchial asthma;
- patients who previously had angioedema;
- people suffering from drug or food allergies;
- persons with pathology of the gastrointestinal tract.
Clinical manifestations of allergic stomatitis: edema of the mucous membranes of the pharynx, soft palate, tongue, cheeks and lips, which interferes with the process of chewing and swallowing food, and also makes breathing difficult. Oral mucosa irritated, marked hemorrhage and the presence of erosive sites. The tongue is covered with a touch, increased in size. Salivation weak.
If you are allergic to the prosthesis there is a burning sensation on the place of the set design.
Common symptoms: insomnia, irritability, temperature rise to critical levels.
This type of stomatitis may occur as a result of thermal, chemical or mechanical injury to the oral cavity. Chemical injury can be caused by exposure to acid or other hazardous substances on the oral mucosa.
Mechanical injury occurs when a non-professionally installed crown or prosthesis, and may also be the result of accidental biting. An inflammatory process occurs at the wound site, accompanied by swelling and redness. If time does not take action, there is erosion, and then sores that interfere with normal food intake and causing pain.
There are also The following types of stomatitis:
- Toxic. It occurs as a reaction of the mucous to heavy metals that make up the dental materials.
- Atrophic. Caused by chronic diseases, poor ecology, vitamin deficiencies, unbalanced nutrition.
Treatment of stomatitis: general principles
The choice of drugs for the treatment of stomatitis is determined depending on the pathogen. With fungal and bacterial stomatitis, antimicrobial treatment is carried out, with herpes - with antiviral drugs.
Antiviral drugs can be local (solutions, sprays, gels) and general (suppositories and tablets) actions.
Treatment of any form of stomatitis involves use of antiseptics mouthwash after every meal.
After rinsing, the inflamed areas or wounds are treated with a special gel, which accelerates the treatment of the sores. Traditional creams and ointments in the treatment of stomatitis do not apply, as they do not create the desired therapeutic effect and do not stick to the mucous membrane. Gels are also used for topical treatment.
The use of antimicrobial agents promotes the healing of wounds, which very quickly become covered with crusts. After a couple of days, the crusts fall off and then to treatment. wound healing drugs join (rosehip oil, sea buckthorn, aloe juice, etc.). When treating stomatitis, one should also not forget about medicines for general immunity strengthening.
The general concept of stomatitis combines several different diseases. Correct diagnosis and identification of the pathogen is a guarantee of successful treatment and rapid recovery. Most of the stomatitis in adults is secondary, that is, repeated at intervals of several months. Basically, their development is caused by a decrease in the body's defenses, so people prone to the appearance of stomatitis should constantly monitor their immunity and support it in every way.