Stomatitis is a very unpleasant, but, unfortunately, quite common disease of the oral mucosa. Many people who encounter this problem are wondering: how to treat stomatitis at home? Inflammation affects both adults and children. The causes of the development of the disease are many, symptoms may vary depending on the type of disease. Treatment of stomatitis should be comprehensive and include the elimination of the cause and the fight against symptoms.
Allot several types of stomatitiswhich are most common in adults:
- aphthous;
- prosthetic;
- ulcer-necrotic;
- herpetic
Aphthous stomatitis
Disease affects frontal areas oral cavity: the mucous membrane of the cheeks, lips. It is in these places mucosa injured teeth or coarse food. Chronic aphthous stomatitis rarely there is a violation of the general condition of the body, but still the temperature may rise, the patient feels weakness, drowsiness.
Clinical picture
The first signs of the disease - the appearance of aft oval or round shape on the mucous membrane. Their size, as a rule, does not exceed 10 mm. The formations are covered with a fibrous bloom of whitish-gray color, surrounded by a red rim around the perimeter, sharply painful, which makes it difficult to eat.
Aphthous stomatitis occurs on the background of reduced immunity or dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, may manifest as a drug, food or microbial allergic reaction. Staphylococcus, which is contained in untreated carious defects, dental plaque, sediments, can provoke the development of the disease.
The first thing to do is eliminate the cause. When an aft appears on the mucous membrane, it is worth reviewing your daily diet and correcting it, eliminating allergenic foods (nuts, citrus fruits, chocolate), coarse, spicy and spicy foods. Medicines can also cause allergies, so you need to consult with your doctor about the replacement or discontinuation of the drug.
Treatment of aphthous stomatitis must include several itemsmutually complementary.
- Medication with antiallergic action. This may be Diazolin, Claritin, Tavegil, Suprastin and others.
- Local treatment of affected areas. Rinsing the mouth with the antiseptic drug Miramistin gives a good effect. The surface of the aft is treated with anti-inflammatory analgesics. gels (Holisal). Before applying you need to dry the mucous with a gauze pad.
- Increased immunity is the key to successful treatment of the disease. When stomatitis often prescribed lozenges for sucking Imudon.
- If problems remain in the oral cavity, then the disease is difficult to treat and may flare up again after some time. To avoid this, it is necessary to remove dental deposits, cure carious defects, carry out professional cleaning and in the future more closely monitor oral hygiene.
Prosthetic stomatitis
The disease may be bacterial or allergic origin. Both forms are shown by sharp reddening of the prosthetic bed of the mucous membrane.The cause of allergic stomatitis is a monomer that is part of acrylic plastic. If the content of the substance in the prosthesis exceeds the norm, then an allergy will sooner or later manifest. Treatment of the disease is to change the prosthesis.
Bacterial stomatitis develops on the background of poor hygiene oral cavity. If you do not clean the dentures after each meal, then pathogenic microorganisms accumulate on their surface, which lead to the occurrence of the disease. The first thing to do with bacteriological prosthetic stomatitis is to thoroughly clean the structures. If you can not bring them in order on their own due to the mineralization of the plaque, then you should contact your dentist.
Treatment can only be initiated after the infection has been eliminated. In such cases, Chlorhexidine (0.05%) is often prescribed for rinsing and Holisal gel for treating the internal surface of the prosthesis and mucosa.
Necrotizing stomatitis
Home treatment for this type of disease is possible only with a mild form. Stomatitis develops against bad habits, infectious diseases, reduced immunity and inadequate oral hygiene. They provoke the occurrence of the disease spirochetes and fusobacteria that spread throughout the mucosa.
The first signs of the disease: dry mucous membranes, bleeding gums, fever, headache, weakness and deterioration of health. Then the temperature rises to 40 degrees, the gums bleed more and more, and an unpleasant putrid odor appears from the mouth. A patient feels a lot of pain at the slightest touch to the affected areas, in connection with which oral hygiene and food intake become impossible. The periodontal papillae are covered with a touch of light gray. Recovery depends on the correctness and timeliness of treatment. If you do not cure the disease to the end, then the acute form can become chronic.
How to treat necrotizing stomatitis
Treatment of the disease is carried out only under the supervision of a physician. Otherwise, it is possible to get the exposure of the roots of the teeth and massive necrosis of the gums. Hard dental deposits, microbial plaque and necrotic tissue are removed under anesthesia, after which the mucous membrane should be treated with an anti-inflammatory gel. The doctor may prescribe complex therapy for complete recovery, which consists of several stages.
- Use of antibiotics for 10 days. These can be drugs: Metronidazole, Amoxiclav, Claforan, Lincomycin.
- Rinse with antiseptic solutions. Chlorhexidine (0.05%) is best in this case.
- Local treatment is to use a gel. Apply it to the pre-dried gauze surface of the mucous membrane, where the inflammatory areas are localized. Doctors recommend Metrogyl Dent or Cholisal.
- Mandatory components of complex therapy is the reception of antihistamines (Suprastin, Pipolfen, Tavegil).
As required, prescribe medicinal drugs with antipyretic and analgesic effect. It is also recommended to take vitamins to improve immunity, adjust the diet and monitor oral hygiene.
Herpetic stomatitis
The first signs of the disease: fever, weakness, headache, malaise, swollen lymph nodes. On the surface of the mucous observed swelling and redness, against which appear small grainy bubbles, arranged in groups. Inside the formations is a transparent content that becomes cloudy with time. After three days, the bubbles burst, leaving behind bright red erosion, which quickly become covered with a yellowish or whitish bloom.However, abundant rash may appear on the surface of the lips.
Occurrence of the disease provoked by the herpes virus. Favorable conditions for its development are considered to be lowered immunity, the presence of chronic diseases, stress, allergic reactions, seasonal avitaminosis, lip mucosa injury, and taking certain medications.
Herpetic stomatitis also develops against the background of other problems of the oral cavity: chronic infection of the tonsils, untreated periodontitis or gingivitis, carious defects, accumulation of tartar.
Treatment of herpetic stomatitis
When herpetic stomatitis is prescribed antiviral drugs and immunostimulants, with the first effective only until such time as the bubbles do not burst. Among the most popular antiviral drugs are: Acyclovir, which directly affects viruses. The popular immunostimulants include drugs such as Amiksin, Imudon. An excellent immunity support is considered a three-month course of vitamins, which not only helps to cope with herpetic stomatitis, but also improves the general condition of the body.
With the disease also prescribe rinsing, but the usual antiseptic solutions in this case are ineffective. It is necessary to use those drugs that affect the herpes virus (Miramistin). If necessary, you can take painkillers and antipyretic drugs. During the treatment of herpetic stomatitis it is necessary to monitor hygiene more carefully, because the disease is infectious and can affect a loved one.
Treatment of stomatitis in children
Stomatitis affects not only adults, but also children, especially infants. Infection manifests itself the presence of whitish spots on the inside of the cheeks and tongue. The cause of the development of fungal stomatitis may be infection through breastfeeding, nipple, pacifier.
In order to treat the disease at home was effective, the child’s mucous membrane, as well as objects that may be in his mouth, with a solution of soda should be cleaned. Good help decoctions of flowers calendula, chamomile. They also wipe the mouth of the baby with a cotton or gauze pad. An older child can wipe the wound with peach oil or rosehip oil. If the baby is already able to rinse your mouth, you can cook it solution of egg white and warm water. Children from six years old are treated with onion peel, potato, cabbage or carrot juice mucosa.
Traditional medicine against stomatitis
In most cases, treatment of stomatitis takes place at home. In addition to drugs, you can also use traditional medicine recipes. Oral cavity treated herbal preparations: infusions, decoctions, balms. They are prepared on the basis of plants that have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antiviral, antiallergic action.
Effective against stomatitis are drugs made from oak bark, pomegranate flowers, sage, chamomile, carrot, cabbage, medicinal vervain, kalanchoe, horseradish, garlic. Herbs are used to make decoctions and infusions; plant juices are diluted half-warm with water and used for rinsing the mouth. Solutions should be only warm, they should be treated several times a day until all signs of the disease have passed.
Treatment of stomatitis at home can combine drugs and folk remedies. It is important to select the options that are most effective for a certain type of disease. Treatment must be consistent.: you must first eliminate the cause, then begin to deal with the symptoms.Almost every type of disease has a reduced immunity, so you need to make every effort to increase it. You should periodically take vitamin complexes, eat right, give up bad habits.
You can avoid treatment with stomatitis preventionwhich is very simple at home. Full oral hygiene, timely treatment of carious defects, removal of plaque and stones, as well as periodic visits to the dentist will help improve the local immunity of the mucous membrane, which is the key to the health of the entire oral cavity.