Impacted tooth: what is it and should it be removed?

Recommendations for the treatment of impacted teethA tooth that is already formed is said to be impacted, but it remains in the jaw or partially erupted. However, there are no obvious manifestations or symptoms. So, inflammation or pain is not always observed. Precision radiography, as well as orthopantomography, will help determine the presence of retention. In general, this phenomenon is considered to be a fairly common eruption anomaly. According to statistics, most often become rendered wisdom teeth, as well as canines, located on the upper jaw.

Retention of teeth

The reasons

The main causes of the appearance of impacted teethIn some cases, this phenomenon is due to embryological features. So, wisdom teeth they do not cut due to too thick walls, thick soft tissue or weakness. Other causative factors include wrong arrangement of the rudiment axis, because of what he encounters with the next tooth, which has already erupted.

Risk factors are:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • complementary teeth;
  • too early tooth change;
  • jaw developmental pathologies;
  • unbalanced nutrition;
  • infectious depletion;
  • somatic weakening.

According to one theory, there is a reduction of the jaws, which is explained by a reduction in the amount of coarse food in the diet, because of which the dental apparatus is subjected to a smaller chewing load. As a result, there is not enough space left on the jaw, which causes retention.

Main types

Experts identify 2 types of retention: full and partial. This classification is considered basic. Confined wisdom tooth covered with soft or bone tissue it not felt when touched and invisible when viewed. In the presence of polyuretic, the coronal part is slightly visible, but its half is covered with soft tissues.

It is worth noting that the position of the crown to the roots is:

  • vertical, that is, the axis has a normal position;
  • horizontal, that is, the tooth can be located obliquely or transversely;
  • angular, the axis forms an angle of less than 90º with the vertical.

In rare cases, there is a reverse retention. So, the roots of the wisdom teeth are directed to the alveolar edge, and the crown - to the jaw.

According to another classification, retention is one- and two-sided, as well as symmetrical.

Signs of

To determine the presence of retention allows partial eruption. So, due to the constant injury, the mucous membrane swells and becomes hyperemic. As a result of this change and the development of inflammation, symptoms similar to those of pericoronaritis or gingivitis are observed.

In the presence of retention in most cases there are no signs. Sometimes a gingival swelling is possible. Accordingly, the contours can be detected with careful palpation. If the impacted tooth presses on the adjacent ones, they can shift.

Other symptoms include:

  • root resorption;
  • soreness;
  • discomfort when chewing food;
  • difficulty opening the mouth.

In the area where the impacted wisdom tooth interferes with normal, pulpitis, chronic periodontitis or cervical caries may occur. Also here follicular cysts often appear. With severe inflammation there is general fatigue and a significant increase in temperature.


To determine the presence of a polyurethinized tooth is quite easy. So, carefully examine the oral cavity to notice the top, and the contours can be determined during palpation.

Sighting radiography is required to detect retention. In some cases, it is advisable to conduct orthopantomography or computed tomography.


Why remove the impacted wisdom toothIf the patient has a tooth impacted, then only the doctor decides on the appropriate measures. Specialist necessarily takes into account the features of the clinical picture and radiological data. In this case, only dentists-surgeons or orthodontists can deal with the treatment or removal.

If there is a delay in changing teeth, removal is indicated. This also applies to supernumerary teeth. With the gradual development of pericoronaritis assigned excision "hood"which is performed under local anesthesia.

In general, removal of the impacted wisdom tooth is shown in such situations:

  • lack of space in the dentition;
  • neck fracture;
  • wrong location;
  • development of various complications.

It must be remembered that the removal of the impacted wisdom tooth is considered to be a rather traumatic operation. So, the periosteal flap exfoliates, after which there is a separation from the bone. This is possible through the use of boron. Then sutures are applied to the mucosa. If adjacent roots were seen during the removal, they are subject to partial resection followed by filling. After this procedure antibiotics are prescribed and rinsing with antiseptic solutions.

If there is no indication for removal, appropriate surgical treatment is carried out. So, the gum or bone is excised, after which the tooth returns to its normal position. For this purpose are established braces.


A impacted wisdom tooth is considered a source of possible complications:

  • periodontal cyst;
  • periodontitis;
  • pulpitis;
  • ulcerative stomatitis;
  • caries;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • pericoronitis;
  • purulent lymphadenitis.

To avoid the development of all these diseases, you need as much as possible start treatment earlier or delete. Choose the best method is necessary only with a doctor.

Unfortunately, modern science is still unknown ways to prevent retention. To minimize the likelihood of complications, it is enough to monitor the development of the jaw in children, as well as to carry out orthodontic treatment in a timely manner.


