Very often, dentists prescribe such a procedure as the removal of a wisdom tooth. The fact is that these teeth erupt in people in adulthood, and often this is accompanied not only by severe pain, but also by unpleasant consequences. The doctor may recommend to remove the tooth, and if it is located on the lower jaw, the procedure can be extremely painful and difficult, which, in turn, affects its price.
Today you will learn why wisdom teeth hurt and when they need to be removed. You will also find out the average price of such a procedure in Moscow and features of its implementation.
The formation of wisdom teeth and possible problems
Wisdom teeth erupt when all other teeth are already formed and are part of the jaw system. Often, for this reason, wisdom teeth do not always have enough space; this is called retention. If a doctor needs to remove a wisdom tooth in the lower jaw, then for people over 30 years old to take the procedure can be very difficult. It is recommended to carefully consider the choice of the clinic, in Moscow there is no problem with this, and the price depends on many factors, including patient sensitivity.
On the lower jaw wisdom teeth often appear at the age of 20-25, from time to time it may begin in adolescence or after 40 years. In the overwhelming majority of cases, the eruption of wisdom teeth is not accompanied by problems.
But if one didn’t do without them, but most often on the background of teething wisdom teeth, a person has observed:
- complications against caries, such as osteomyelitis, periodontitis, periostitis, and others;
- adjacent teeth are shifted, and the bite is broken;
- new growths appear near the roots, cysts and tumors are formed;
- the structure and work of the temporomandibular joints is disturbed;
- due to improper dental inclination, a trauma to the buccal mucosa appears, which can develop into a malignant tumor.
Interestingly, in 10 percent of people they do not appear at all, in women they are mostly absent in the lower jaw, and in men in the upper jaw.
What can be accompanied by the removal of a wisdom tooth in the lower jaw?
Problems often appear not only when wisdom teeth erupt, but right at the time of their removal. After the procedure, this can lead to unpleasant consequences.
If we talk about the lower jaw, then it has a number of features, because of which it is extremely difficult to remove, if necessary, a wisdom tooth, which affects the price of the procedure. So, if the upper eighths in most cases are normally removed using forceps, then this approach in the case of the lower row will not work.
Since the mandible bone is dense and massive, the doctor will not get a normal grip, and shake the cutter fail, especially if, at a difficult eruption, only a small part of it is at the top.
And even if there is a pronounced and whole short, then it will be difficult to shake a wisdom tooth in the lower jaw, placed in a massive bone, especially when there are many roots. Moreover, their turns and bends may have a different position, which is why the doctor it takes a lot of effort, to pull out even a heavily loosened wisdom tooth.
Sometimes before the procedure it is required to perform an X-ray, the price of which depends on the clinic and equipment, so that the surgeon can determine in advance the array of his work and avoid possible errors and prevent complications after removal.
Sometimes when removing a wisdom tooth in the lower jaw, it is required to carry out such activities as:
- physiotherapy;
- rinsing the mouth with antiseptics;
- irrigation using decoctions of herbs and antiseptics, for example, furatsilina;
- the use of anti-inflammatory drugs (chamomile, St. John's wort, sage and oak bark);
- the use of grass-based applications (oak bark or aloe vera);
- taking analgesics for severe pain.
Medical indications for wisdom tooth extraction
There are conditional and 100% medical indications for wisdom teeth removal. This should definitely be done in such cases as:
- the appearance of tumors;
- sepsis;
- destruction of bone tissue.
In addition, wisdom tooth must be removed for such phenomena:
- exfoliate the jaw - when the incisor is removed, the focus of purulent infection closes, respectively, the inflammatory process stops;
- destruction of the crown area - such destruction cannot be cured if the coronal area is destroyed down to the bone tissue. Removal of the incisor to improve the condition of the person;
- periodontal inflammation - surgery is needed to remove acute periodontitis.
How does the cutter procedure go?
Removing a wisdom tooth is both simple and complex. If it is a simple procedure, the algorithm will be as follows:
- patient's sensitivity to medication is determined;
- a local anesthetic is injected;
- removal operation is in progress;
- the wound is washed with antiseptic agents;
- an anti-inflammatory agent is placed in the gum;
- stitched over.
Complicated wisdom tooth extraction has a higher price and is carried out in such cases:
- if the cutter could not cut through;
- if there are deformed roots;
- if the walls of the tooth are completely destroyed;
- if the tooth is impacted.
The actions of the surgeon, depending on the situation, are determined individually, but The general procedure algorithm is as follows:
- the gum is cut;
- the tooth itself is removed;
- wound is sutured.
Sometimes for the purpose of removal it is necessary to drill a bone tissue with a drill. With antiseptic preparations the wound is treated in any case.
When to see a doctor
Naturally, with the pain associated with the eruption of the wisdom tooth, not everyone will go to the clinic right away. But in order to prevent these or other consequences that are associated with both teething, and the wrong position or severe carious destruction, time to go to the dental surgeon. Sometimes the consequences can be very serious.
When teething wisdom teeth can damage the mucous membrane of the cheeks. Due to the fact that systematic irritations occur on the cheeks, erosion appears, and it can turn into ulcers. And if a person is genetically predisposed to cancer, then the eruption may later turn into a malignant tumor.
And so that the removal of a wisdom tooth in the lower jaw does not develop into a tumor, then it is necessary to get rid of the focus that may provoke it. If the treatment was not provided in time, and the education had already appeared, then you need to turn to an oncologist.
Inflammation in the area of the eruption of the wisdom tooth is excellent environment for the development of various infectious diseases. Malicious microbes first enter the blood system, and then they are carried by the lymph throughout the body, and this provokes the appearance of sepsis. And blood poisoning can be extremely dangerous to health.
Sometimes purulent inflammation provokes intoxication of the body. Because of this, the patient may complain of:
- memory problems;
- weakness;
- fatigue;
- apathy.
The disease is not always possible to diagnose, because the body has chronic inflammation, but it does not bother the person.
How to reduce pain and prevent complications
Sometimes the patient complains of oral discomfort even after the removal of a wisdom tooth. To reduce pain and not cause possible complicationsIt is recommended to do the following:
- if two days after the operation the patient has puffiness, then you need to attach a wet tea bag to the alveolar well and keep it there until it dries. The tannins present in tea will help blood to clot faster, and caffeine will help activate blood circulation, the wound will heal faster;
- To restore the damaged area and reduce irritation, rinse your mouth with saline. To prepare it, 10 grams of salt is diluted in a glass of water. The resulting solution constantly rinse the mouth;
- if throbbing pain is observed, then apply ice to the cheek. This will help remove puffiness and reduce discomfort due to vasoconstriction;
- pain usually worsens in the evening, always keep painkillers with you;
- To reduce the risk of edema, sleep on a high pillow that will keep your head up even in a dream;
- the consequences of this procedure can be serious if, immediately after the procedure, you eat solid food or expose your mouth to extremely low or high temperatures;
- after removal of the cutter, you need to exclude at least the recovery period of cigarettes and alcohol. It is not recommended to drink beverages through the tubes, which create a vacuum, but it slows down the regeneration processes in the oral cavity.
Wisdom tooth extraction in Moscow: prices
In Moscow, prices for such procedures vary depending on many factors. The final price depends on the following:
- removal complexity (impacted or distorted tooth);
- surgeon’s qualifications and experience;
- pricing policy of a particular clinic;
- how the bone lies and how the tooth is walled up;
- the number of roots in the wisdom tooth and the particularities of their location.
In Moscow, the price of removing a single turnkey cutter begins on average from 3500 rubles taking into account local anesthetic. In expensive clinics in Moscow, the cost of such a procedure may exceed 33 000 rubles.
Naturally, in a big city, and in Moscow, all the more, choosing a suitable clinic for themselves in terms of prices and qualifications of doctors is not a problem. The main thing is that the procedure took place successfully, and there were no unpleasant consequences. In Kiev, by the way, we recommend visiting Skyklinik, where you are guaranteed to receive expert advice at an affordable price.
Be healthy!