The consequences of wisdom tooth extraction

Wisdom teethWisdom teeth cut much later than the rest and are located at the end of the dentition. In dental practice, they are known as third molars, they grow for 2–3 years and deliver a host of unpleasant feelings to the host. As a rule, they appear up to 24 years.

Features of wisdom teeth

Late teething is not the only feature of third molars. From the other teeth, they differ in location and anatomy. Their growth may be accompanied by the development of complications (pericoronitis). Structure wisdom teeth almost no different from the structure of ordinary molars (chewing teeth).

The complexity of the removal and treatment of wisdom teeth is due to the fact that their roots (3 on the upper and 2 on the lower jaw) can be spliced ​​or intertwined with each other. These teeth can grow in the cheek, bend, move to the side or not erupt, due to the proximity of attachment of the ligaments and masticatory muscles, as well as lack of space at the end of the dentition. What to do if the eighth teeth cause so much trouble?

Problems with third molars

After the wisdom teeth began to erupt, the patient was constantly disturbed by pain and discomfort. In connection with the weakening of immunity, diseases such as stomatitis, otitis, sore throat, cold can occur. And that's not all the complications that can be expect from the appearance of the third molar.

  • Inclination of the wisdom toothThe development of pericoronaritis is associated with inflammation of the surrounding tissue. Above the tooth is formed gingival hoodwhere plaque and food remains, provoking the appearance bad breath and the progression of the inflammatory process. The disease is accompanied by fever, swelling, pain while eating and opening the mouth.
  • With the defeat of caries wisdom tooth is very difficult to cure. The fact is that its high-quality cleaning is hampered by slow eruption, inclination and location. Regular toothbrush can not cope here. It is possible to cure caries only if the tooth is evenly positioned, otherwise the doctor will not be able to process it.
  • When the third molar is tilted in the direction of the cheeks, it is impossible to avoid injury to the tissues by the sharp crown lumps during the meal. Sometimes in such cases resort to smoothing tooth relief by grinding the edges.
  • Often the wisdom tooth is uncomfortable and cramped in its place, so it puts pressure on the neighbors who are closer to it, thereby causing their displacement. During the eruption of the eighth teeth can hurt protruding fangs.
  • Chronic inflammation of third molars can lead to cyst development. This is a rather complicated problem that can only be solved through tooth extraction.
  • If the primordia of the third molars is too close to the nerves running along the jaws, the patient constantly feels: pain, discomfort, numbness of part of jaw.

Indications for removal

Indications for tooth extraction

In some cases, wisdom teeth do not cause trouble to the master. If they are located exactly in the dentition, cut through to the end, they can be cleaned with a brush and treated, then dentists recommend save eights. In such teeth it is possible to treat canals, remove nerves, install crowns.

If wisdom tooth is the source of problems in the mouth, it is recommended to remove it.It can provoke odor from the mouth, brings discomfort while eating. Third molars are difficult to clean, which threatens the development of the inflammatory process. Indications for wisdom tooth extraction are also problems associated with lack of space in the jaw or strong tilt of eights.

The process of removing third molars is a rather complicated procedure. The situation is aggravated by severe pain when opening the mouth, the location in the thickness of the bone, destroyed crowns, purulent inflammation around the tooth. The procedure is carried out only after the introduction of the anesthetic. To remove the third molars, there are special forceps in the dentist’s arsenal, as well as tools with which to extract individual roots. After removing a wisdom tooth painful sensations persist for several more days. Consequences of the procedure can be pain when liquid or food gets in, restriction of mouth opening.

As a rule, the consequences of wisdom tooth removal pass over time. If the patient is worried about severe pain, the appearance of purulent accumulations, inflammation, then you should contact your dentist to avoid the development of complications.

What to do after removal

  • Result wisdom tooth extractionAfter the removal of the wisdom tooth in its place holewhere the doctor inserts a gauze pad. After a few minutes, the tampon should be removed, as it can cause a blood clot to form or infection of weeping tissues.
  • Drinking and eating are not recommended for several hours after the procedure. Liquid or food can cause infection, bleeding from the hole. due to vascular dilation.
  • An increase in blood pressure can lead to bleeding, so you should not engage in heavy physical labor on the same day, drink alcohol, take a hot bath or bathe in the bath.
  • In difficult cases, the dentist may stitch the gums and advise you not to open your mouth wide for the first 24 hours.
  • If the hole is sore, you can attach something cold. In no case can not warm the cheek. Heating tissues contributes to the spread of infection, increases the risk of bleeding, causes vasodilation and increases edema.
  • It is not necessary to rinse your mouth, since the blood clot that ensures the normal formation of bones and tissues is washed out. Instead of rinsing, you can do the bath with herbs or soda solution.
  • After removing a wisdom tooth, do not eat spicy and solid food so as not to irritate the wound area. It is also not recommended to brush your teeth at night. If a patient feels a foreign object in the hole, it is not necessary to try to get it with a brush, toothpick or tongue, it is better to consult a dentist to avoid complications. This may be a medicine that promotes rapid healing of a wound, it resolves itself and does not require removal.

Possible complications

Often patients are worried about the complications of wisdom tooth removal. What to do in the case when the pain does not pass for a long time, the temperature and pressure rises, the edema increases?

As a rule, the consequences pass by themselves and do not require outside intervention or radical measures. But sometimes the removal of the third molar can turn for the patient. serious problemstherefore, it is worth knowing what to do in case of side effects from the procedure.


Edema after tooth extractionAs a result of the removal of a wisdom tooth, the surrounding tissues are injured, therefore the occurrence of unpleasant sensations is natural. The most common consequence is swelling. Appearance of a small fluxcheek swelling, gum swelling is the result of the partial destruction of soft tissue. Small tumors are not a cause for concern, as they disappear by themselves for 2-3 days after the procedure.To reduce discomfort, you can attach a bag of ice to your cheek and hold it for 10 minutes.

In some cases, edema can occur as an allergic reaction to an anesthetic. You can improve the condition with the help of histamine antiallergic drug. If edema does not decrease, then this may indicate about the development of the inflammatory process after the removal of the third molar, which is a good reason to seek help from a doctor.

Temperature and pain

Traumatic tooth extraction can cause a rise in body temperature, and this is considered an acceptable response by the body. As a rule, the patient's condition is normalized within 2-3 days, if you follow the rules of hygiene, take antipyretic drugs and follow other recommendations of the dentist.

After the wisdom tooth is removed, not only the hole, but also the throat, jaw, the adjacent tooth and the gums hurt. A symptom can last for several days, it occurs as a reaction to damage to the circulatory nerves and tissues.


Normally, if the blood comes from the hole immediately after the removal of the tooth. The reason is rupture of blood vessels. The doctor takes the necessary measures to stop bleeding and disinfect the wound. Bleeding may occur several hours after the intervention. You can stop the blood by yourself with a gauze pad, which should be applied to the hole and slightly bite it.


If purulent deposits are formed in the well and the dental-toothed tissues, this indicates the beginning of the infection. The causes of infection can be several:

  • non-compliance with oral hygiene and other dental requirements;
  • a fragment of the tooth that remained in the tissue after surgery;

Suppuration also appears in difficult cases of removal of third molars. For example, inflammation that is not cured in time is the cause of the appearance of purulent deposits, fistulas on the gums, and even cysts. It is not recommended to remove suppurations on your own, as there is a risk only to complicate the condition and cause more severe complications. Be sure to in such cases, you need to contact the doctor, who will detect and eliminate the cause of inflammation.

Dry hole

Consequences of tooth extraction

After removing the third molar in the hole, there remains a blood clot, which plays an important role in the wound healing process. It protects the nerve endings and promotes the formation of bone tissue. That is why you should not take hot food and rinse your mouth for 1-2 days after the procedure to avoid resorption of the clot. If it does not form, then a complication known as the dry well develops.

After the complicated removal of wisdom teeth, the consequences arise very often. In the absence of a blood clot, there is a sensation of pain in the ears; taste in mouth. A dry well is often the cause of diseases such as alveolitis and inflammation of the gums. The first symptom of the inflammatory process is a sharp pain in the hole. What to do in such cases? It is impossible to improve the condition on your own, you need to contact your dentist. The doctor will treat the wound with an anti-inflammatory gel and apply a bandage - a gauze pad.

Paresthesia and alveolitis

Alveolitis after tooth extraction

In the process of removing a wisdom tooth, nerves can be damaged, which leads to numbness of the chin, lips, tongue. A complication known as paresthesia. As a rule, it passes some time after the operation. Serious damage provokes the development of a chronic form of complication. Cases with paresthesia, fortunately, are very rare.

Alveolitis results from the removal of wisdom teeth and is considered one of the most serious complications after the procedure. The cause of development can be a dry hole, chronic inflammation of the tissues around the tooth, remaining after the removal of a fragment of the tooth.

Expressive symptoms of alveolitis appear within 1–3 days after the procedure.The patient is worried about acute pain, there is a peculiar smell from the mouth. Then the hole is covered with gray bloom, severe pain interferes with drinking and eating. It is not recommended to do anything on your own. It is necessary to consult a doctor, he will prescribe a complex of drugs, make an oral cavity cleaning, process the mucous membrane with the necessary means to promote the healing of the hole.


