Symptoms to recognize when the wisdom tooth grows

How to be if a wisdom tooth is cutThe wisdom tooth is the very last, the eighth in the dentition. It, as a rule, cuts through much later than all the others, approximately at the age from 18 to 25 years. Each person is different. They call it that because it cuts in when it is believed that the person has already fully developed mentally.

If we believe our grandmothers, the wisdom tooth cuts out when a person has been spiritually fully developed, has gained the meaning of life, has become on the right path. But if suddenly, having reached old age, a person never acquired a wisdom tooth, then he will always remain a child in the soul. Another myth - a man who had all four wisdom teeth, was always chosen on the ballot by the guardian of the family.

Features of wisdom teeth

Interesting fact, eights grow immediately, without preliminary children's non-permanent. If scientists are to be believed, then it used to be for everyone, but in the process of evolution, people almost lost it as an unnecessary, so many are born without the germ of this tooth. This happened due to the fact that people began to eat less solid and hard food.

Another unusual feature of eights are their tangled roots. But this feature is also quite understandable. how growing wisdom tooth? When he starts to cut through, the place in the jaw is already taken by others and naturally, if he has little space, he tries to somehow adapt, so it turns out that his roots are mostly uneven.

Wisdom teeth begin to cut. Symptoms

Symptoms of tooth cuttingAs soon as it is time for him to erupt, the first symptoms appear. But again, it should be noted that the symptoms of all manifest differently, in some it is a whole set of symptoms up to an elevated temperature, while others will not even notice how it appeared.

So you have growing wisdom tooth, symptoms that accompany this:

  1. Painful sensations that spread throughout the jaw. This suggests that the tooth makes its way up, pushing others.
  2. There may still be pain when swallowing, due to inflammation of the gums.
  3. Gum swelling may occur.
  4. Very often, lymph nodes may also increase, which also indicates the presence of an inflammatory process in the body.
  5. If a lump appeared on the gum in the place where the tooth is cut and reddened, then this is also an indication that it will appear there soon. This accumulation of mucous tissue is also called the “hood,” under which food debris can accumulate, which can further lead to the formation of pathogens.

In this case better to see a doctor right awayas soon as you notice that your wisdom tooth is growing. If you do not do it in time, it can be the beginning of serious complications in the future. Often the doctor, when he sees the appearance of such a hood, simply makes an excision, which immediately makes the condition of a person much easier.

There is a possibility that when the wisdom tooth erupts, the temperature may rise, and the inflammatory process will already occur not only in the area of ​​the eruption, but will also go to the cheek. In this case, it is also necessary to urgently consult a doctor, as there is a possibility that under the hood an inflammatory process, called pericoronitis, has already begun.If you do not turn to the doctor for help, there is a high probability that an abscess will appear at the hood, which in turn may lead to further blood contamination.

Features of growth and development of wisdom teeth

As the wisdom tooth cuts throughBy themselves, wisdom teeth should not cause any special anxiety and trouble, but unfortunately, they grow the most recentwhile others have already come out and the dentition is fully formed. That is why often when teething eight arises so many problems.

In the case when it does not erupt for a long time, but at the same time there is pain, the tooth may erupt very little, or it may not crawl out at all. This condition is called retention. An irregularly positioned eight, demanding a place for itself to grow, begins to grow, while horizontally resting against the roots of other teeth and destroying them. In this case, the wisdom tooth is often removed without waiting for it to come out. And this a condition called dystopia.

In some countries, in order to save a person from the problems that he will bring with him, he is simply removed. Although healthy eights, even if not the same as the six with seven, are still involved in the process of chewing food. When installing bridges, they provide indispensable assistance to orthodontists, serving as a kind of support for them.

Pain and inflammation relief

How to remove pain while cutting a toothTo relieve pain and eliminate the inflammatory process, it is first necessary, of course, see a doctor, since it is he who can determine whether you need such help or not, and how difficult your case is.

  1. Immediately after the visit, if the doctor is confident that the figure eight is located, it is true that he can ease her way up by making a small incision on the gum, thereby alleviating the painful symptoms of eruption.
  2. If a inflammatory process already started, you should remember that it is impossible to warm the causal place with warm compresses, warm the cheek, this can lead to an acceleration of the inflammatory process. It should be noted that in no case can any inflammatory process be heated and compresses be applied. In the case of a tooth, the inflammatory process can spread to the neighboring ones.
  3. There are no medication drugs that promote the acceleration of the growth of a wisdom tooth in nature, no matter how you wish, this process is simply not possible to accelerate. With the help of drugs you can only numb the tooth. To do this, you can buy in the pharmacy ordinary analgesic, they are given without a prescription. Such as analgin, nurofen, ibuprofen, you can also try the drug them, which acts as an anti-inflammatory, and antipyretic. And, by the way, in the case of tooth pain, very many people apply a piece of pill to the tooth or into the tooth cavity. In this case, it is strictly forbidden to do this, as you will directly apply to the gum, as a result, a wound may form on it.

Given that the dentists themselves consider wisdom tooth atavismIt is not surprising that they recommend removing it immediately as soon as it begins to erupt, before its root system is fully formed. The fact is that this recommendation is quite explicable, the eight is in a hard-to-reach place, an ordinary brushing of its teeth completely from plaque is unlikely to be cleared. And plaque is the accumulation of pathogens sooner or later, and the beginning of caries. Therefore, the recommendation of the dentist in fact can be considered appropriate.

But it is worth noting that the wisdom tooth optional delete, especially if it easily erupts, without showing any symptoms; in the case when the tooth has a full crown, which is readily available for the implementation of the treatment; Do not forget that it serves as a very good support during dental prosthetics.Therefore, it may be worthwhile to remove it for fear that it will hurt later, but on the other hand, with proper care and timely treatment, it can serve for a long time and not only as a chewing tooth.

Pain relief methodThere is another good method that can help in case of an inflammatory process, this mouth rinse antiseptic preparations. As well as a popular means of traditional medicine, rinsing the mouth with a prepared solution of soda with salt. This solution has a very beneficial effect on various microorganisms, washing them out, as well as the pieces of food that could remain there after eating.

It is clear that it will hurt when teething, you will experience pain during treatment. But do not take hasty conclusions. First of all, in any case, it will be necessary take an x-raywhere you can see that your wisdom tooth may just need time, and there are no obstacles in its path. And modernly equipped dental clinics, if they are not visited in time, will not give rise to unnecessary and unpleasant problems.

You should not be afraid of the removal of this tooth, because with modern equipment, with the best anesthesia, and with the high professionalism of the surgeon’s dentist, this operation does not take long, and your nerves.


