As you know, the wisdom tooth is rather hard to undergo treatment because of its anatomical features. Therefore, many people think: should it be deleted? Indeed, they are treated for a long and time-consuming, and their treatment is usually quite expensive. Moreover, with the advent of such a tooth, a person may develop some complications. From this article, you will learn whether it is necessary to remove a wisdom tooth and what problems may appear with its eruption.
Is it worth removing wisdom teeth?
What is a wisdom tooth and why does it have such a name? Why do you want to delete it? In fact he is the most common tooth. He has the same structure as the rest, existing in humans, teeth. Dentists call it the "eight", because it is the most extreme - the eighth in a row on either side of the lower and upper jaw. From this it follows that the maximum number of such eights in humans is four. However, it is not at all necessary that all four eights of wisdom erupt through all people. For some, they do not erupt at all.
What is a wisdom tooth for?
The wisdom tooth has such an unusual name due to the late term of eruption. The very first teeth in humans are milk teeth — they erupt between the ages of one and two years. Dairy change to permanent indigenous from 6 to 12 years, eights erupt the most recent between 18 and 27 years. After 27 years, they can also erupt, but this happens extremely rarely.
From a medical point of view at this age, the human body stops its development and its aging begins. This period coincides with the time of the eruption of eights, hence the name.
Where did the widespread opinion that eights should be removed come from? For all people, they erupt in different ways: some quickly, others long and painful. This is due to the fact that each person has a different structure and size of the jaw. If the jaw is too small, the wisdom tooth may not cut at all or it will erupt for a very long time and slowly move the other teeth back, freeing up space for itself. Thus, the eruption can take up to several years and will proceed with pain and complications.
What is a wisdom tooth for and is it necessary for a person? Despite the fact that eights are considered “superfluous”, they still have there are some advantages. Subsequently, they can serve as a support in the case of bridge prosthetics. Moreover, the wisdom tooth will cope well with chewing functions, if you have to remove the next.
Of course, the advantages can only be talked about when the eight is positioned correctly and has no complications. But as practice shows, in most cases it causes complications and other related problems.
Side effects from teething
A wisdom tooth can cause various complications, the most common of which is inflammation. As a rule, when teething, tissues that are located near it become inflamed. When this occurs, the bump is covered with mucous membranes. Such a tubercle provokes further inflammation due to the gradual proliferation of bacteria. Inflammation can lead to pus, resulting in the development of a disease called pericoronitis. Her symptoms are:
- Gradually increasing pain, pain can be intense, giving to the ears or temples.
- Pain may increase if you open your mouth or yawn.
- The appearance of pain in the cheek or throat.
- Fever, headache.
- The appearance of edema, the appearance of purulent discharge.
- Redness at the site of tubercle.
If you experience these symptoms, you should contact your dentist. Before receiving a doctor, pain can be relieved by an analgesic - analgin, ketorol and others. To rinse your mouth, you can prepare a cold solution: dissolve one teaspoon of soda and salt in a glass of cold water.
With this disease it is not necessary to warm the place of inflammation using a heating pad or any other heat, you can not rinse your mouth with a warm solution. When any heating process of the spread of bacteria accelerates. Do not put a pain pill on the site of inflammation or sore spot, as this may cause an ulcer. The pain in this way you can hardly be relieved.
Such a disease is treated by incising and opening the slimy "hood" formed over the figure eight. Next, thoroughly wash the cavity and prescribe medication with anesthetic and anti-inflammatory action. In the case when after opening a lot of pus is formed, a course of antibiotics is necessary. If the disease recurs, you will most likely have to remove this tooth.
Another common problem is occurrence of caries. The reason for this is the inaccessible arrangement of eights. This prevents their thorough rinsing with daily cleaning of the mouth.
Sometimes eights already when erupting have initial manifestations of caries and damaged enamel. This is due to the fact that they often erupt very tightly with the others, pressing adjacent ones. Therefore, the existing caries easily goes to them. In the case of caries, it is imperative that you treat your dentist. Only the doctor will decide what is necessary in a particular situation: to heal or remove.
The lack of space for eruption is the reason for the development of another complication - malocclusion. At the same time, the eights of the eights gradually move aside the adjacent molars, which, in turn, shift all the rest to the center. As a result, crowding and disturbance of the normal location of all teeth occurs.
In addition, these problems can cause even more serious: a cyst of the jaw, inflammation of the branches of the trigeminal nerve and others. In such situations, the question of the removal of a wisdom tooth is always solved in a positive direction.
Do wisdom teeth be removed?
Should I leave a wisdom tooth or still remove it? If you are tormented by this question, try listen to your condition. If its teething does not cause you problems, and later you did not find yourself in any of the complications listed above, then you have no reason to pull out the figure eight. In any case, the decision of whether it is necessary to pull it out will be taken by your attending dentist. Therefore, if you have any pain at the place of growth of the eight, you should immediately contact a specialist.
However, it should be borne in mind that complications may develop after removal. As mentioned, the treatment and removal almost always occurs with some difficulties. Despite the presence of anesthesia, removing the eight is quite painful. it depends on a combination of the following factors:
- pain threshold of the patient;
- all sorts of complications - cyst, inflammation, suppuration, and so on;
- root structure;
- inaccessibility of the tooth.
As a rule, after removal, the eruption site is healed for a long time and painfully. Some complications may develop, such as numbness in the mouth. This is normal, however, if such sensations do not pass during the week, it is necessary to consult a specialist.
Moreover, at the site of the tooth extraction alveolitis may develop - Inflammation of the hole. To prevent this, it is not necessary to rinse the oral cavity after removal, as this can lead to the appearance of infection and the further development of complications. If this does happen, you should immediately consult a doctor.
After the examination, the dentist will decide: pull a tooth out wisdom. The decision to remove the eight will depend on the following factors:
- wrong location of the eight in the jaw;
- the presence of carious lesions;
- The eight was not cut to the end, but often causes painful sensations in the gums - such a case is called recurring pericoronaritis;
- the occurrence of all sorts of pain in a patient caused by a wisdom tooth;
- cyst detection;
- the presence of injury to the mucous membranes in case of improper tooth placement.