Wisdom teeth in more than 80% of cases develop dystopic, namely, in the dentition have the wrong location. There are also cases when the tooth crown is only partially erupted, this pathology has a name - retention. These irregular "eights" must be removed, as they cause inflammation processes, and at the same time the curvature of the dentition begins.
Impacted and distorted tooth: general information
A impacted tooth is a tooth that has not erupted and, for certain reasons didn't go outsidewhile remaining partially or completely hidden by bone or gum. Impacted teeth spoil the aesthetic appearance, significantly deform the gums, and can also affect the chewing processes, limiting the normal chewing of food. As a rule, they are "wisdom teeth".
Dystopirovanny tooth is a tooth that is displaced or incorrectly located in the dentition. It is dangerous in that it exerts pressure on the others, which as a result can lead to the inclination of the entire dentition, as well as to impairment of the functions of the bite. It is hard to imagine, but sometimes it happens that the teeth are even perpendicular to the natural position of germination.
What to do when teeth grow wrong?
When a person suspects the presence of a impacted or dystopic tooth, he should contact the dental clinic as quickly as possible so that the doctor can identify pathology and give a qualified recommendation regarding treatment or removal.
Only diagnostic measures in the dentist’s office will make it possible to reliably determine whether you have impacted or dystopic teeth. What you need to do an x-ray picture of the jaw. After studying the deformation, the dentist will be able to suggest remedies. It is very likely that removal will be necessary.
What teeth cause developmental problems?
As a rule, wisdom teeth are impacted teeth. Just for the most part they do not have time to cut through and after the development of the jaw apparatus, they are either under the gum or, in more difficult situations, under the bone. At the same time, when the tooth is in the gum, it does not at all mean that it is here in absolute safety and integrity. Even these teeth tend to collapse, which as a result gives a person a lot of anxiety and hassle. To determine exactly where and how they are, you need to perform a CT scan or x-ray. According to the results of the examination, the dentist can make a conclusion about the state of the dentition and the need for removal.
In addition to wisdom teeth, canines are sometimes impacted, in rare cases, the remaining teeth. If orthodontic manipulations do not make it possible to cure the defect, then the person is assigned the removal.
The main thing is to correctly diagnose pathology and consult with doctors who have considerable experience in orthodontics. In some cases, there may be situations where several dentists will advise to immediately remove deformed teeth, but a more experienced doctor unexpectedly recommends removing not a deformed tooth, but already sprouted, without any surgical intervention.
Why it happens? These cases can be if the dentist sees that the impacted tooth has the correct location and is in excellent condition, and it only needs to be given free space. In this case, he painlessly grow, taking the place of the tooth, which was removed.So, for a person it turns out a lot less problems and financial costs, since the usual removal is much cheaper and it takes not as much time as orthodontic intervention to free up space, or a surgery to remove it.
The wisdom teeth treatment procedure is almost always accompanied by complications. Since, first of all, they are difficult to reach, and also, they have a rather complicated structure and often grow several roots at the same time. That is why many dentists advise to remove it right there, not knowing much about the location. But you need to know that there are such diseases, whose manifestations and signs are similar to the symptoms inherent in the wrong development of teeth, but, most importantly, removal in these cases is not at all necessary.
If after diagnosis it turns out that dentition will not be able to save, then you need to prepare for removal. And do not forget, the sooner the dentist does this surgery, the better for you. When a person is still at a young age, the roots of the wisdom teeth have not yet fully formed, and the bone tissue that surrounds them is not very dense. In this situation, surgical intervention will be much easier. Moreover, it is much easier for a young organism to transfer this process, and healing will be much faster.
You also need to remember that not fully sprouted wisdom teeth are much more than others, prone to caries. Most often, they are located under the skin, behind which in large quantities accumulate pathogens. This cavity is not fully cleaned, overgrown with bloom, it results in caries as a result.
In view of the foregoing, it becomes clear that in case of any suspicion of improper germination of the wisdom tooth, during the appearance of inflammation or swelling, you need to immediately contact your dentist. And at the same time, you do not need to refuse to delete when a specialist recommends it.
Contraindications to removal
Contraindications are:
- hypertensive diseases;
- general deterioration;
- chronic heart disease;
- nervous diseases;
- blood disorders;
- neglected infectious or viral diseases;
- 14 days after abortion;
- several days before the menstrual cycle.
Pregnant women need to carefully approach treatment. Removal advise Perform on 2 trimester.
Where are treated and distorted teeth treated: description and technology
Removal of deformed teeth is a serious surgical procedure that only an experienced dentist is required to perform. Often, they have very limited access, this requires tremendous care from the doctor and the jewelry operation, so we advise you to trust only professional surgeons.
Removal steps:
- During the removal of a deformed tooth, an incision is made in the gum near the root. The incision is performed with a special surgical scalpel.
- Part of the gum is removed from the bone surface or retracts to the side to expose the bone, which closes the non-germinated tooth.
- The bone is drilled with a special boron, and the deformed tooth is removed from the bone with forceps.
- The sharp edges of the bone are smoothed, the gap formed is treated with special preparations.
- The incision is sutured with a special material for sutures using sterile needles.
As an alternative way a laser beam may protrude, its main advantage is the minimum bleeding and high speed of the operation. But this equipment, for a start, is quite expensive in price, which, of course, affects the cost of the operation for a person, and its use in the jaw part is very limited, because, as a rule, surgical interventions occur by the traditional method.
Care after surgery
Postoperative care implies periodic check-ups at the dentist and removal of small granulations and bone fragments. For 1-2 hours after the intervention, it is advisable for a person to refrain from eating food and any beverages, and also not to carry out any thermal procedures until the end of the day.
We must not forget that successful treatment will depend on the successful operation, and on the correctness and thoroughness of care after the operation. The basis of postoperative care is individual hygiene. What is its peculiarity, the doctor will tell (and, probably, will correct the list of hygienic manipulations) during the examination.
Removal price
The cost of removal of a dystopic or impacted tooth will depend on the complexity of the operation and is determined individually. It should be noted that, despite the complexity and duration of the operation, it is implemented during one visit to the dentist.
Approximate cost of removal is - 12000-17000 rubles. The separate cost of anesthesia is about 500 rubles, and x-rays are about 600 rubles.
General tips
When you have a suspicion on the formation of dystopic or impacted teeth, do not forget that timely removal is the key not only to an attractive smile, but also to your body's normal health, therefore you should not postpone going to the clinic.
What to do after surgery:
- After the operation, at first it will be difficult for you to even open your mouth, so eating food or fluids will be problematic. Most often, many patients lose their appetite due to constant pain, but when you decide to eat, it is better to give preference to soft foods, chew it only on the other side of the jaw, you can drink water using a straw.
- Do not use antiseptic or painkillers without a doctor's prescription.
- After a little healing, you can rinse your mouth with antiseptic preparations.
- Refuse any hot procedures, for example, a bath or a sauna. In the first days, it is quite dangerous to increase body temperature, it can cause a strong jump in the appearance of a harmful infection to a wound that has not yet lasted.
- Use cold compresses, putting them to the patient's cheek, this will reduce the swelling and also prevent the occurrence of infection.
- Brushing your teeth must be very careful, but first you need to completely abandon it.
- In case of any deterioration of health, immediately contact your dentist. High fever or persistent pain in the head indicates an infection.
It must also be said that sometimes dystopic and impacted wisdom teeth cause inflammation in the gums and mouthTherefore, if you have this problem, we strongly advise you to seek help from a dental surgeon. The faster the treatment is prescribed, the less chance of a negative effect of the pathology for a person.