Hyperdontia: causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention

Hyperdontics PreventionHyperdontia is a very rare pathology of development. of teeth, expressed in the presence of their excess. This anomaly occurs in two percent of people living on the globe. Normal amount of teeth any person - thirty two. With such a pathology as hyperdontics, there are more teeth in several pieces. They appear mainly on upper jaw in the area of ​​incisors and canines. These teeth are different in shape and size from normal.

Causes of hyperdontics

Hyperdontics treatment methodsThe causes of this anomaly are not fully understood. Doctors are inclined to believe that this phenomenon contributes to a failure at the genetic level or the occurrence of pathology during the intrauterine formation of the fetus, which contributed to the establishment of a larger number of tooth rudiments.

Abnormal teeth may be of normal shape and size, and may have an unusual appearance. Based on their anatomical shape and where they are located, the doctor can conclude what defects in the dentition may occur. According to the observations of dentists, abnormal teeth there are mostly cone shaped and smaller than normal. Also, this pathology affects more men than women. This anomaly looks very ugly, which gives a person a certain psychological and physical discomfort.

Symptoms of hyperdontics

Symptoms of hyperdontics have the following:

  • people with an abnormal number of teeth often lisp;
  • their roots are rather small and do not differ in power;
  • additional teeth interfere with the usual, causing them to shift;
  • as a result of the displacement of normal teeth, a large gap is formed between the central incisors;
  • hyperdontia slows down the process of eruption;
  • this pathology makes tooth roots crooked;
  • healthy teeth begin to rotate around its axis;
  • abnormal teeth are mostly shifted, rotated on an axis, having a slope or located horizontally;
  • the bite is broken, which makes the appearance of the teeth very unattractive and, moreover, because of this, the whole system of the gastrointestinal tract fails.

Types of abnormal teeth

In hyperdontia, pathological teeth are of several types, depending on their location:

  • awl-shaped. Appear on the upper jaw, near the dental arch, between the central and lateral incisor. Their shape resembles an awl. The ends are very sharp, because of this often the mucous membrane is severely injured oral cavity. An infection can enter the wound, resulting in inflammation;
  • additional paramolars. Appear in the cheek area, in between normal molars;
  • complementary canines. Occur on the upper jaw;
  • "Extra" premolars. Located on the lower jaw.

In most cases, abnormal teeth are detected when the front teeth begin to erupt. To clarify their location and quantity, take an x-ray in various projections. The result helps to determine the treatment.

Hyperdontics treatment

Symptoms of hyperdontics

Basically, extra teeth are removed and, the sooner, the better, so that they do not cause disturbances in the normal dentition. If they are removed in childhood, then he bounces back pretty quickly due to the self-regulation of the body. Lost time requires orthodontic treatment.

If an abnormal tooth begins to grow in the place where it should be permanent, for a start, clarify its usefulness. If it is stable enough, has a healthy root and a more or less normal appearance, then preference is given to it.

The impacted abnormal must be removed without question, because it will not allow the normal to erupt and become the cause of the deformities. In difficult cases, the doctor conducts special manipulations, such as massage, electrical stimulation, which help speed up the eruption. If this is not enough, carry out surgery.

For a more accurate clinical picture, an x-ray, CT scan, orthopantomogram are done. The operation is performed under local or general anesthesia. After that, you may need treatment from an orthodontist, if as a result of hyperdontics an abnormal bite has formed. To do this, use a variety of removable and non-removable devices and use different techniques.

Hyperdontics Prevention

To prevent the occurrence of this pathology is not possible, because medicine does not know exactly the reason for its occurrence. Need to watch your health carefully and the health of their children. As soon as there are suspicions of this pathology, an urgent need to go to the doctor.

A person with such a pathology should know that the problem itself will not be eliminated. Only qualified doctors, such as a surgeon, dentist, orthodontist, can help. The methods of treatment they select for each individual person individually.


