Oral candidosis is a fungal disease that occurs due to microscopic yeast-like fungi like Candida. Very rarely, oral candidiasis occurs due to an infection from outside. Oral candidiasis often affects infants. It is considered that in childhood candidiasis or thrush is easier and better tolerated.
But the disease can occur in adults. Especially prone to it are those who are forced to use dentures. Beneath them, there are favorable conditions for the reproduction of fungi. In addition, oral candidiasis in adults occurs as a result of a drop in immunity caused by various diseases.
Causes of oral candidiasis
- Oral candidiasis is formed if a person suffers from serious diseases or malignant neoplasms. This may be HIV, endocrinopathy, tuberculosis, carbohydrate metabolism, stomach and intestinal diseases.
- Long-term use of glucocorticosteroid drugs and cytostatics, which result in reduced immunity, which contributes to the attack of Candida fungi. Many people are engaged in self-treatment with antibiotics, as a result of which the number of patients with this disease has increased dramatically in recent years. If you are treated with antibiotics for a very long time, this violates the microflora of the oral cavity and dysbacteriosis occurs. At the same time, the beneficial microflora is inhibited, which contributes to a sharp increase in the population of fungi, which affects the oral mucosa.
- The use of antimicrobial drugs such as trichopol, chlorhexidine and others.
- Regular use of alcohol, drugs, oral contraceptives.
- Injuries that are regularly applied to the oral mucosa with the sharp edges of dilapidated teeth or low-quality crowns.
- If a person wears a prosthesis of acrylic plastics, then there is a high probability of developing allergic reactions due to prolonged interaction with the mucous membrane, which leads to the occurrence of oral candidiasis.
It is noticed that diabetes mellitus may be asymptomatic, but it is thrush that is its first sign.
Symptoms of oral candidiasis
Symptoms of this disease are varied and can occur for various reasons. There are acute and chronic forms. The acute form is of two types: pseudomembranous candidiasis of an acute type and atrophic candidiasis of an acute type. Chronic form is hyperplastic and atrophic.
These two chronic forms can occur both independently and outgrow one another. It is worth considering all these forms in more detail.
Pseudomembranous candidiasis sharp sight. The most common type of candidiasis, otherwise called thrush. Often observed in young children. The course of the disease is easy, but if you start it, the small plaques will begin to grow in size and merge, leading to the formation of erosions. The surface of the mouth becomes covered with a hard to remove plaque, and gums begin to bleed.
Pain and burning begin to worsen in the process of eating, the child begins to turn away from food. Sleep is disturbed, the temperature rises, in some cases up to 39 degrees.Rarely, but a candidal reflux may occur. It is formed in children who suck their fingers or pacifier.
If this form of candidiasis occurs in adults, then it suggests that there are diseases such as hypovitaminosis, diabetes, malignant neoplasms, blood diseases and others. Lips, cheeks, back of tongue, palate are affected. Oral cavity covered with cheesy bloom.
At first it is removed easily, but as the disease progresses, the plaque becomes more dense and difficult to remove, and the surface of the oral cavity is covered with erosion. It becomes very painful to chew.
Atrophic candidiasis sharp sight. With this type of disease there is a burning and dry mouth. The mucous membrane begins to dry and redden. With the defeat of the language of his back becomes a bright crimson color. There is no plaque, and if there is, it is deep in the folds, is removed with difficulty and is a combination of tissue cells and a large number of fungi in the budding stage.
Chronic hyperplastic candidiasis oral cavity. In this disease, the oral mucosa is covered with a very dense coating, which seemed to be soldered to it. The back of the tongue and palate are also covered with bloom in the form of nodules and plaques.
This type of disease forms papillary hyperplasia in the sky. Due to the fact that the disease lasts a very long time, the plaque is saturated with fibrin, forming a yellow film. They stick to the mucous so much that they are very difficult to remove with a spatula. If the plaque is still removed, under it will be a surface with erosion, which begins to bleed. There is burning, dryness and pain in the mouth.
Chronic atrophic candidiasis oral cavity. Basically, this disease occurs in those who wear removable dentures. The oral cavity becomes dry, there is a burning sensation and pain when wearing a removable denture. The mucosa swells and overflows with blood. Under the prosthesis formed erosion, hyperemia, papillomatosis. Difficult plaque is formed in deep folds and on the sides of the tongue. When conducting a microscopic examination revealed fungi.
General treatment of oral candidiasis
Candidiasis is treated long and hard. For each patient requires an individual approach. The course of treatment is not only medication. It is also necessary to improve immunity, treat concomitant diseases and aching teeth. In addition, you need to fully eat.
Assign antifungal drugs inside after eating 4-6 times a day. This may be levorin or nonstatitis. The course lasts 10 days. Due to the poor absorption of this drug by the gastrointestinal tract, tablets should be crushed, and the resulting powder should be placed under the tongue. Give a good effect Dekamina sucking caramels. They are placed under the tongue or cheek and held until completely dissolved, at the minimum making swallowing movements.
The doctor may prescribe Diflucan. It comes in capsules and has antifungal effects. To relieve dryness of the oral mucosa and affect yeast-like fungi, you can use a 2% solution of potassium iodide. It does not allow fungi to multiply, and iodine increases saliva secretion.
Local treatment
Local therapy puts its main task fungal reproduction suppression and preventing its spread to surrounding tissues and organs. To do this, use antiseptics and antibiotics with antifungal properties.
Antiseptics can be in the form of lubrications, rinses and applications. For lubrication apply 2% solution of methylene blue, a solution of fukortsin, 2% solution of gentian violet. The combination of Lugol's solution and 10% borax solution in glycerin helps very well. Rinse your mouth with a 0.05% chlorhexidine solution and a 0.1% hexorel solution. This procedure is carried out twice a day after meals.
Antibiotics that treat oral candidiasis are divided into the following groups:
- Polyenes (nystatin, natamycin, levorin, amphothecrine B).
- Triazoles (fluconazole, intraconazole).
- Allylamines (terbinafine, lamisil).
- Imidazoles (econazole, thioconazole, clotrimazole, ketoconazole, oxyconazole).
- Echinocandins (caspofungin).
These drugs can be in the form of drops, tablets, gels, caramels for sucking, ointments, solutions, aerosols.
Candida treatment is carried out complex preparations: antibiotics, glucocorticoid drugs and antifungal agents. This may be pimafukort, lorinden C, Candida B, mykozolon, triderm.
Systemic treatment
If local treatment was ineffective, prescribe systemic treatment of candidiasis oral cavity. The greatest effect bring drugs in the form of tablets and injections.
Systemic therapy is used mainly in chronic hyperplastic, granulomatous, erosive and ulcerative candidiasis. Usually they have a chronic form with damage to other organs and are poorly treated with local therapy. The following drugs are prescribed: intraconazole, ketoconazole, fluconazole and their analogues.
If relapses occur very often, pulse therapy with fluconazole is prescribed. As an aid, vitamins of group B, nicotinic and ascorbic acids, probiotics, and immunomodulators are prescribed.
Treatment of folk remedies
Traditional treatment can be supplemented by the use of traditional remedies: decoctions and herbal infusions that have anti-inflammatory and astringent effects.
- For rinsing the mouth apply an aqueous solution of tincture of calendula.
- You can also rinse your mouth with a decoction of a mixture of juniper, celandine, chamomile, birch buds, which are taken in equal parts.
- The affected areas must be lubricated with tincture of juniper shoots.
- Rinse your mouth with cranberry, raspberry or carrot juice.
- Gauze tampons, which are impregnated with a decoction of oak bark, are used for applications.
To remove plaque from the mouth, it is lubricated sea buckthorn or hunting oil.
The following products contain substances that prevent the harmful microflora from multiplying: garlic, yogurt, kvass, tea fungus tincture.
In order to repeat the diseases of the oral cavity as rarely as possible, and the treatment was more productive, follow a strict diet. It is necessary to exclude from your diet sugar, vinegar and foods that contain it, alcohol, foods containing carbohydrates in large quantities. It is better to lean on fish, buckwheat, lean meat, eggs.
Vegetables containing carbohydrates in small quantities are considered useful: green pepper, onion, cabbage, cucumbers, spinach. Useful is a cheese with a low content of lactose. Diet helps to completely get rid of oral candidiasis.
Prevention of oral candidiasis
To prevent this disease, it is necessary visit the dentist regularly for the rehabilitation of the oral cavity, exclude self-treatment with antibiotics, glucocorticoids and sulfonamides, observe oral hygiene, give up all bad habits. This helps the healthy flora of the oral cavity and prevents the occurrence of the disease.
It is necessary to eat foods that contain large amounts of protein, and to exclude foods rich in glucose from your diet. Well protect the body from yeast-like fungi dairy productsthat contain live bifidobacteria.
Should properly care for removable dentures, treating them with special means, and brushing your teeth with toothpaste containing a solution of borax in glycerin.
By following all these rules, you can never know what is oral candidiasis.