Candidiasis, or, as it is called differently, thrush, is most often exposed to newborns and toddlers with weakened immunity.
The newborn is infected by the sick mother at the time of passage through the birth canal, or infection can occur due to the negligent treatment of the medical staff with the child and their non-observance of sanitary norms of behavior in the workplace. Therefore, the mother should ensure that the baby is not fed from the common nipples and covered the changing tables with disposable diapers.
Older children may get sick due to weakened immunity and in the multiplication of candida against this background.
So, what is candidiasis, as it is usually expressed in children and what constitutes its treatment, let us find out below.
How does candidiasis develop in children
Candidiasis in children and adults refers to fungal diseases and appears due to the fungus Candida. External manifestations of the disease are characterized by creative manifestations, and internal organs can also be affected.
Candida can appear on mucous membranes in different organs in a person, while it is normal, when it is available in a small amount, it does not interfere with the health at all. The active reproduction of the fungus begins if the person’s immunity is impaired and he does not receive sufficient nutrients and does not have a good blood supply. So, in conditions of a weakened immune environment, the fungus begins to multiply and infect mucosal tissues on the internal organs of a person, on the skin, on the genitals.
Candidiasis in children and adults develops due to the following factors:
- weakening the protection of the human body;
- frequent colds;
- long-term use of antibiotics and hormonal drugs;
- thyroid disease;
- diabetes;
- the presence of hypovitaminosis;
- poor nutrition;
- the presence of chronic diseases;
- HIV or other signs of immunodeficiency;
- dysbacteriosis;
- prematurity
Types of candidiasis
Exists following classification this disease depending on the affected organ:
- lesion of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, genital organs and ENT organs (stomatitis, gingivitis, vulvovaginitis, balanoposthitis);
- skin lesions;
- nail damage;
- lesions of internal organs, including digestive, respiratory and urinary (cystitis, urethritis, laryngitis, bronchitis and pneumonia);
- allergic reaction to candida, which can manifest as urticaria, bronchial asthma and other diseases.
Candidiasis in children: the main symptoms
So, let's consider what symptoms are characteristic of this or that type of candidiasis in children. Many symptoms may not differ from the symptoms of other diseasestherefore, diagnosis of the disease is necessary in order to prescribe the correct treatment of thrush in children.
Most often, children have thrush in the form of lesions of the mucous membranes of the mouth. It is accompanied by itching and soreness. Often parents and even doctors confuse her with aphthous stomatitis, which is a consequence of herpes and prescribe the wrong treatment. However, for thrush characteristic symptoms include:
- dry mouth;
- redness in the mouth;
- loss of appetite or loss of it;
- general deterioration;
- white cheesy manifestations on the gums, palate, lips or cheeks from the inside;
- "White tongue».
Sometimes parents believe that such attacks remain after the child has eaten dairy products. However, if they are too abundant and not similar in consistency to the dairy products that the child consumed - this is a thrush requiring treatment.
Another type of candidiasis in children is fungal tonsillitiswhich may occur due to improper or prolonged treatment of angina in a child. It manifests itself in the following symptoms:
- normal body temperature;
- copious sweeping tonsils;
- sometimes pain and burning in the throat, but not always.
Candida mushrooms can often provoke intestinal dysbiosis, as well as vice versa. Dysbacteriosis is characteristic of both newborns and adult children. To check the presence of a fungal infection, you should pass a special analysis for dysbacteriosis.
If the baby’s skin is affected by thrush, this is manifested. in the form of redness and small lesions, tight spots and sublime blisters on the skin.
And during thrush of the genitals, the girls complain of burning and itching in the genitals of their external parts and the appearance of thick white discharge resembling cottage cheese. In boys, redness of the head and extreme flesh of the penis, as well as creamy discharges in the urethra, are noted.
Treatment of candidiasis in children and its prevention
Naturally, the treatment of candidiasis in children depends on its manifestation and focus, as well as the severity of the disease. In the presence of this disease should be followed in the treatment of diet and take additional measures:
- consumption of sweet, milk and yeast flour products is limited;
- The diet within the treatment is enriched with meat, fish, eggs, fresh vegetables and fruits (all products that are rich in minerals and vitamins);
- products such as cottage cheese, sour cream, kefir or sour milk should not be excluded from the diet, but their use should be reduced to a minimum;
- the child should wear only cotton underwear;
- temporarily stop using diapers.
The fact is that synthetic fabrics and diapers limit the access of air to the body of the child, and excessive overheating during the treatment of thrush can only aggravate it.
Local treatment of candidiasis with a particular lesion
If due to thrush in a child affected skin and mucous membrane, it is recommended to give it a soda-based solution if it is about stomatitis. In this case, you first need to make a solution, take a bandage, wrap your finger on it, dip it in the solution and then treat the child’s mouth like this.
Also, if a mucous membrane or skin is affected, such treatment methods:
- solutions of zelenka, fukortsina for the treatment of the oral mucosa. Babies solution drip on the nipple and allowed to suck;
- mucosal treatment sodium solution and miramistinom;
- Clotrimazole - ingestion or use of an ointment to treat the mucous or skin;
- treatment of the skin and mucous membranes inwardly and externally with herbal, nizoral, pimafucine and other means. Candles are prescribed for vulvovaginitis by prescription;
- for stomatitis and sore throat, hexoral is recommended as a spray;
- for the treatment of skin and mucous membrane is recommended to use tea tree oil.
If a infection affects the nails, then you can apply iodine solution, all kinds of ointments like levorin, clotrimazole, dekamin and mikoseptin. With the defeat of toenails, it is recommended to make a foot bath based on salt, tea tree oil, lavender and other medicinal herbs.
Self-medication can not be prescribed without the participation of a doctor in any case, especially with regard to drugs for internal use and ointments.
If there is a serious defeat candidiasis, the doctor has the right to prescribe antifungal drugs.
Also, general treatment of candidiasis may include Reception of the following substances:
- probiotics (preparations based on living healthy crops);
- vitamins of groups C and B;
- folic acid;
- beer yeast;
- drugs to improve immunity.
Note that if a thrush is poorly treated and takes too long, it may be a sign of immune deficiency. In such cases, you should immediately show the child to the doctor.
Preventive actions
In order to prevent the appearance of thrush newborn a child, a pregnant woman should detect in advance the presence of thrush, examine it in time and, if possible, cure it before birth. Also, the newborn should immediately attach the breast.
In addition, the maternity hospital should strictly follow the rules of sanitation and hygieneThis applies to both young mothers and their visitors, as well as maternity hospital workers.
If, at the birth of a child, he is suspected of reduced immunity, he should be examined and to determine whether the baby has candidiasis or another disease.
With the observance of these rules, the risk of thrush in the child will be minimized both at birth and later.