Lips on the lips are very unpleasant diseases that bring not only aesthetic problems and cause discomfort, but also other inconveniences. Unfortunately, the problem is quite common, affects both adults and children. The probability of getting sick increases in spring when the body lacks vitamins and the immune system is weak. In medical practice, a disease known as angular cheilitis.
Lips on the lips are the reason that the patient becomes harder to open your mouth, talk, brush your teeth. If the problem concerns women, then it is difficult for them to make up their lips. Reception of salty, sour and spicy foods causes pain. Problem areas become very sensitive, there is burning and itching. The overall picture is complemented by the aesthetic discomfort experienced by the patient.
Why do lip stickings appear on lips?
The reasons for the appearance on the skin of the lips zade emit several. Most often this is due to impaired functioning of human systems and organs. Healthy people very rarely face this problem. External damage to the lips is already a symptom, so treatment should begin with the removal of the cause, and soon the bumps themselves will disappear.
The most common factorsthat provoke the occurrence of angular cheilitis are considered to be the following:
- streptococcal infection;
- fungus;
- herpes virus.
In these cases, the disease is considered particularly infectious and is easily transmitted through household objects, kitchen appliances, kisses. Also, the development of cheilitis can be the result of internal disorders of the body or external local effects against the background of a decrease in general immunity. The immune system is especially weakened in the spring, when the body has exhausted its forces in the winter period and has not yet managed to restore them.
Appearance of lips on lips due to lack of vitamins (especially vitamin B), poor diet, addictions add to bad habits. The problem may also be caused by other factors: an overbite, an allergic reaction to toothpaste, and certain foods. If the patient is healthy, but he regularly stings in the corners of the mouthThe reasons may be hiding in the wrong diet. You should review and adjust the daily diet, add foods containing sufficient amounts of vitamins and minerals. Vitamin B, for example, is rich in green vegetables (broccoli, spinach), fresh peas, beans, bran, wheat.
Angulite also manifests itself deficiency in the body pyridoxine (vitamin B6). Bits in the corners of the mouth appear as a result of a lack of magnesium and iron. The last element is contained in sufficient quantities in foods such as:
- red meat (lamb, pork, beef);
- eggs, rye;
- offal (heart, kidney, liver);
- buckwheat, oatmeal
- asparagus, parsley, potatoes;
- pomegranates, apricots, peaches.
Iron is better absorbed if it is taken along with foods that are rich in vitamin C (vegetables, fruits), folic acid.
Lips on the lips often appear as a result of taking certain medications that negatively affect the absorption of vitamins. In this case, vitamin complexes should be taken along with medicines.
The key to successful treatment of the disease - timely and correct diagnosis, which will allow to detect the reasons for the appearance of lips on lips, which can only be done in a medical institution. To begin with, the laboratory conducts a study of scraping taken from the affected skin area for the presence of a fungus. If the result is negative, a general blood test should be done to determine the level of hemoglobin, because a reduced blood level may indicate anemia. A blood test for sugar eliminates diabetes.
If the occurrence of angular stomatitis is the result of exposure to streptococcal infection, it can be determined using the Wasserman reaction. The adult streptococcus does not infect as often as children. Externally, the disease is manifested by vesicles in the corners of the mouth, which soon burst, leaving behind erosion with a bloody crust and baked pus.
Bright red erosion, surrounded by a fringe of the epithelial layer, indicates the effect of a yeast-like fungus. In this disease, a crust does not form on the surface of the affected area, but white plaque may cover the wound.
Lipstick treatment
Patients who have been diagnosed with angulitis are primarily interested in the question of what is the treatment of the buns in the corners of the mouth. Treatment of the disease should be complex and consist of several steps: elimination of the cause, relief of symptoms, periodic prophylaxis. After conducting laboratory studies can detect a provoking factor.
If the cause is a fungusThe doctor prescribes antifungal drugs. An important step on the road to recovery is the elimination of problems of the oral cavity (low-quality dentures, crowns, tartar, caries), the rejection of bad habits. If there is a lack of vitamin B in the body, you need to revise the daily diet and adjust it. To get rid of the food in the corners of the mouth, it is recommended to eat nuts, legumes, bran, avocado, cabbage, green leafy vegetables. Vitamin B is also found in cheese, fish products, poultry meat, and egg yolk. Vitamin E, which is sufficient in corn, oatmeal, nuts, legumes, cabbage, and vegetable oil, promotes healing in the corners of the mouth.
To cure the disease, should include in the daily diet dairy products, fruits and vegetables. When angulitis caused by fungal infection, it is worth refusing to use sweets, fried salty, spicy foods.
Oil solution of vitamin E, flaxseed or olive oil is used to lubricate the wounds on the lips, contributing to their speedy healing. It is especially important to protect delicate skin from the effects of frosty or windy air, which can be done with the help of special creams or hygienic lipsticks. The pharmacy can purchase medicationwhich promote the rapid healing of cracks and wounds. The most effective include:
- D-Panthenol;
- Tetracycline ointment;
- Iruxol;
- Levomekol;
- Teymurov ointment.
If at home you can not cope with the disease, the doctor prescribes treatment in a hospital. In particularly severe cases with neglected forms of angulitis, antibiotic medications must be taken, and surgical intervention is possible.
Folk remedies against zade
In some cases, from sticking to the corners of the mouth can quickly and safely get rid with the help of traditional medicine recipes. Well helps lotion of herbs, which is prepared from chamomile, celandine, calendula, sage. Also effective lotion from green tea, oak bark, alder cones. Remove icing will help oil (tea tree, rosehip, avocado), which are moistened with a cotton swab and applied to the affected skin for 5-10 minutes.
When angular angulite effective propolis, which has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal action. To make a tincture from it, you need to take 10 grams of propolis and 100 grams of butter, heat them in one pot and treat wounds several times a day.
Not only effective, but also a tasty way to get rid of the jam in the corners of the mouth is apple maskwhich is prepared with the addition of butter. Improve the condition of the lips will help carrot-cheese mask. Sometimes angulite is treated with earwax. This is probably the most affordable tool. Cotton bathe need to get out of the ear a little sulfur and wipe it damaged skin. The procedure is repeated several times a day.
There are still many other recipes of traditional medicine, which are based on the use of medicinal plants and are effective in eliminating jade. Leaves of plantain, succession, buttercup, celandine, kalanchoe have therapeutic powers. With the juice of celandine is to be careful, since its use in its pure form can cause burns on the skin surface. Kalanchoe juice is used in the treatment of not only angulitis, but also other diseases of the oral cavity (stomatitis, gingivitis). it excellent disinfectant, has anti-inflammatory, wound-healing effect.
Treatment of the child's skin
Children often have snacks in the corners of the mouth, which is associated with the desire of the baby to taste everything. As a rule, the child does not really like the ways to treat the disease. They are not as tolerant as adults for garlic juice, for example, or for lotions of herbs or oils.
Treat buns in the corners of the mouth of a child should begin with a set of hygienic procedures, because the occurrence of the problem may be due to exposure to microorganisms. Care must be taken to ensure that children do not put dirty objects or toys in their mouths, do not eat sand, clay or chalk. If all the same has happened, you should rinse the child's mouth, wipe the skin of the lips and face well and smear it with some kind of pleasant cream.
If you see a jam on the lips of children, it is recommended to contact a pediatrician. Based on the reason, he will prescribe a medicine that will be as effective as possible in either case. In most cases, prescribe ointment, prepared at home. This may be a product based on petrolatum, goose fat, melted beeswax, vegetable oil. A good effect is expected from cucumber juice or honey, if you lubricate or the skin of the lips at night. Much faster, you can get rid of the biting, if you can persuade the child to allow him to process his lips with lotions of essential oils or herbs.
To avoid the occurrence of jade, you need to monitor the health of not only the mouth, but also the whole body, because it is much easier prevent diseasethan then treat it. The slightest peeling of the lips may indicate the beginning of an angulite, therefore measures should be taken at this stage. In order to prevent sticking, it is recommended to treat the skin of the lips with rose oil, honey or wax at night. During the day, you can use hygienic lipstick based on thermal water.
Prevention costs start with professional hygiene oral cavity. It is necessary to cure carious teeth, remove poor-quality crowns and prostheses, which are irritating factors. From bad habits is to give up or limit their use. Food should be enriched with vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. In order to prevent the occurrence of angulitis, it is necessary to periodically check your health for the presence of disturbances inside the body, because most often they become the cause of the appearance of lips on lips.
Lips on the lips anyway bring discomfort and inconvenience, spoil the look and mood. Even if the problem has already appeared, you should not let it flow. Timely and proper treatment of angulite is the key to beauty and health of the skin of the lips.