How to treat cheilitis on the lips, causes, symptoms, types

Various forms of cheilitisCheilitis is a fairly common disease, but not all patients can really appreciate the danger it poses. The development of the disease occurs against the background of internal disorders of the body and low immunity. The inflammatory process affects the red border and the mucous membrane of the lips.

The most common cheilitis on the upper and lower lip. In some cases, the disease can spread to other parts of the body, especially mucous membranes. The defeat of the lips is associated with a constant negative impact on them, as well as the lack of a protective layer, which leads to the ingress of infections, the formation of microcracks, drying.

Causes of cheilitis on the lips

Lip mucosa exposed adverse effects of various external factorsthat is the main cause of cheilitis on the lips. There are many reasons for the development of the disease. Among the most common are the following:

  • sudden changes in air temperature in summer and winter;
  • systematic use of sour, salty, hot, spicy foods;
  • poor environmental conditions;
  • constant use of lipsticks (as a result, the pores are clogged with animal wax wax, which leads to allergic reactions, irritations, the formation of flaking);
  • exposure to harmful chemical compounds, which leads to the development of contact dermatoses and allergies;
  • acquired or congenital diseases of the endocrine system, immunodeficiency;
  • syphilis, versicolor, skin tuberculosis;
  • complications of diseases of the nervous and digestive system;
  • chemotherapy.

Clinical picture

There are several types of the disease cheilitis, each of which is characterized by its symptoms, causes, method of treatment. General clinical picture manifested by symptoms such as:

  • What are cheilitis on lipspeeling, burning, dry skin of the lips;
  • the appearance on the surface of the lips of small cracks, ulcers, painful blisters;
  • the localization of the inflammatory process on the red border and the mucous membrane of the lips, rarely on the surrounding tissues;
  • the appearance of purulent and painful plaques on the lips with systemic diseases.

Types of disease

Heylita on the lips can be primary or secondary. The first develop as an independent disease, the second arise against the background of other disorders in the human body.

The primary include allergic or contact cheilitis. The factor that provokes the occurrence of the disease may be poor-quality cosmetics, wearing dentures, the use of wind musical instruments or other items that cause allergic reactions. Often, contact cheilitis is diagnosed in those who like to chew on a pen cap or a pencil. External symptoms are severe swelling of the lips, burning and itching. When the form is running, small painful blisters may appear that are left behind by ulcers.

Exfoliative cheilitisThe treatment of which can last for several years, arises against the background of a weak immune system with constant nervous tension. The causes of the development of the disease can be avitaminosis, bad habits, biting, wetting of the lips in freezing or windy weather.Exfoliative cheilitis, if left untreated, leads to the development of dyskeratosis and the appearance of cancerous tumors.

Type of disease cheilitisThe dry form differs in an easier course. The surface of the lips becomes dry and flakes around the edges. When the exudative form of exfoliative cheilitis occurs, the lips become painful and edematous, many crusts of gray-yellow color appear.

Grand Cheilitis characterized by pronounced symptomatology. Dryness, peeling, then wounds and cracks appear, elasticity is lost. The mucous membrane of the lips is covered with red spots, a cyst can form in the glands. The main cause of the disease is a congenital or acquired anomaly of the labial glands. Hygienic problems of the oral cavity (carious deposits, tartar), smoking or injuries can provoke the occurrence of grandular cheilitis.

Meteorological cheilitis occurs as a result of prolonged exposure to cold air, when the sun is scorching or under the influence of strong wind. The dry form does not have severe symptoms; peeling and dryness may appear. When exudative on the surface of the lips are formed small painful sores, blisters, crusts, which are accompanied by itching and burning.

The occurrence of atopic cheilitis in most cases is associated with dermatitis. The condition is characterized by the appearance of small eruptions not only on the surface of the lips, but also on the elbow bends, neck, face. The disease may be hereditary or develop on the background of allergic reactions to products, cosmetics, drugs.

Macrocheilitis is often accompanied by paralysis of the facial nerve, developing due to the presence of infectious diseases or allergic reactions in the body. Not the last role is played by genetic predisposition and the state of the immune system. The main signs: an increase in the size of the lips, itching, skewed face.

Occurrence hypovitaminosis cheilitis occurs as a result of a deficiency of B vitamins in the body. Symptomatology is manifested by burning and dryness of the mouth, bleeding vertical cracks and small scales form on the lips. The condition is accompanied by an increase in the tongue and the appearance of the tongue in the corners of the lips.

Treatment of cheilitis

It is not recommended to start treatment of cheilitis on your own, because only symptoms of the disease can be reduced or eliminated. Proper treatment should be comprehensive and aimed at eliminating the causes. In order not to aggravate the problem, but to get rid of it quickly and safely, you should contact your dentist.

With light forms of cheilitis treated with these drugs, as:

These drugs are effective in case of moderate damage to the epithelium and allergic manifestations. Depending on the type of the disease and the form of its course, the doctor prescribes a certain drug, which will ensure maximum effectiveness in either case.

For certain types of diseases, it is necessary eliminate external trigger factorss, and then proceed to the treatment of damage to the mucous membrane and skin of the lips. For exfoliative cheilitis, a photo of which can be seen above, the entire oral cavity must be carefully processed, and for vitamin A, vitamin oily solutions should be used. Exfoliative cheilitis is treated with vaseline-based ointments containing antibiotics.

Cheilitis on the lips, the treatment of which must be comprehensive and timely, can be the cause of the appearance of malignant tumors. With granular cheilitis, for example, the doctor performs laser ablation of the salivary glands. The treatment of cheilitis Manganotti, the clinical picture of the course can be seen in the photo, is done by an oncologist.

Along with local therapy and taking vitamins, drugs are also prescribed that enhance the immunity of the patient.If the type of the disease belongs to the secondary, then before starting treatment of cheilitis, it is necessary to eliminate the root cause, that is, the disease, as a result of which the lip damage occurred. In especially severe cases, they resort to surgery.

Treatment of cheilitis folk remedies

To speed up the healing process, you can use recipes of traditional medicinewhich also have good efficacy in the treatment of different types of cheilitis.

  • What remedies treat cheilitisOak bark lotions. Pour 40 grams of chopped oak bark into a glass of cold water, mix, bring to a boil and leave on medium heat for half an hour, then strain and cool. Damaged areas of the lips are treated with this infusion with a cotton or gauze tampon up to 7 times a day.
  • Lotions from calendula or sage. A decoction is prepared from half a liter of water and 2–3 tablespoons of herb leaves. The mixture should be boiled for 10 minutes, then filtered and applied to the surface of the lips every half hour.
  • Aloe Juice. This folk remedy is effective not only for different types of cheilitis, but also used in the treatment of other diseases of the oral cavity. Peeled bottom leaves of the pot should be crushed with a blender or meat grinder and squeeze out all the juice. In another vessel, you need to boil a small amount of vegetable oil and mix it with aloe juice. You should get a mixture that resembles the consistency of ointment. It is necessary to treat damaged areas 3-4 times a day. You can not use this recipe for patients who are allergic to aloea.
  • Eggshell. Recommended for use in allergic cheilitis, especially in children. Egg shells that have been peeled from the inner film should be washed, dried and crushed to a state of flour. For one portion of the medicine you need to take on the tip of the knife the resulting flour and stir it with a drop of lemon juice.

The most common lip diseaseFor cheilitis, it is recommended to use folk recipes that have wound healing and anti-inflammatory action. It is important to remember that with neglected forms of cheilitis, folk remedies will not help to completely cure the disease, but will only reduce the severity of the symptoms. Recipes of traditional medicine can be used only as an element of complex therapy.


To avoid such an unpleasant disease as cheilitis, one should constantly monitor the health of the mucosa lips and mouth. Preventive measures include keeping to a diet, avoiding bad habits, eliminating allergens, and strengthening immunity. It is recommended from time to time to take vitamin complexes in order to avoid hypovitaminosis, as well as to monitor the health of the whole organism. An important preventive measure is full oral hygiene and lip skin care (use of high-quality creams, lipsticks, and balms).

Examples of cheilitis lip disease
Heylita in childrenHow to help with cheilitis lipsSore lipsWhat can smear lips with cheilitisStorage cheilitisWhat folk remedies help with cheilitisHow to treat cheilitisInflammatory LipsAffected lipsCheilitis in adultsHow to relieve pain from cheilitisHow to deal with cheilitisWhat remedies treat cheilitisWhat is recommended to smear lipsHow to remove the inflammatory process


