Ointment Solcoseryl: indications for use, instructions, price

Reviews ointment SolcoserylOintment Solcoseryl - It is a medicine recognized by many patients that helps to get rid of a number of problems associated with metabolic disorders. Ointment process only the outer surface of the body. It contributes to the acceleration of regeneration processes, the normalization of metabolic processes, activation of oxygen absorption into cells. The drug is used not only for medical purposes, but also for cosmetic purposes.

The composition of the drug

The price of ointment SolcoserylOn the pharmaceutical market, Solcoseryl ointment is more than two decades old. During this time, she managed to spread and win positions in different countries of the world. Developed a drug scientists-pharmacists from India and Switzerland almost simultaneously. The tool is considered a breakthrough in pharmacology. For its manufacture is used separated blood of dairy calves. As a result of dialysis and deproteinization, active substances are obtained which promote the activation of tissue metabolismbut do not contain large proteins that are potential allergens.

Preservatives, distilled water, white petrolatum, cholesterol are used as excipients. Ointment Solcoseryl is a whitish-yellow fatty mass, which smell like beef broth. Solcoseryl helps to get rid of serious problems of the skin of the face, vascular diseases of the lower extremities.

Therapeutic effects

Regardless of the dosage form, the drug contains active ingredients that provide an effective therapeutic effect, which includes:

  • acceleration of the intensity and speed of recovery of tissue structure and wound healing;
  • activation of tissue respiration processes and reduction of the consequences of their insufficient blood supply;
  • stimulation of the transport and utilization of glucose in cells in a state of metabolic depletion or oxygen starvation;
  • stimulation of the growth of blood vessels;
  • increased synthesis of collagen fibers;
  • stimulation of intense cell division.

The composition of the paste, intended for use in dentistry, is polidocanol, providing a lasting anesthetic effect. A layer of paste on the surface of the mucous membrane protects it from damage and accelerates wound healing.

Indications for use

Drug Release Form SolcoserylSolcoseryl in the form of a gel or ointment is used externally. Preparations accelerate the healing of damaged tissue with frostbite, burns of various origin (radiation, chemical, thermal, solar), cuts, abrasions, scratches. The tool helps to cope with difficult and long healing wounds (trophic ulcers, bedsores).

Dental pasta Solcoseryl will help to numb, speed healing and protect the damaged surface from the effects of irritants. It is recommended to use under the following conditions:

  • buns and afty;
  • pemphigus-induced damage to the oral cavity;
  • stomatitis;
  • bedsores that appeared as a result of habituation to removable dentures;
  • alveolitis;
  • inflammation in the oral cavity after implant placement, removal of tartar, operations;
  • periodontitis;
  • gingivitis.

Instructions for use

Ointment Solcoseryl, as well as gel, is intended for the treatment of superficial wounds. The drug contributes to their rapid healing. The ointment contains fats that are responsible for the formation of a protective film on the wound surface.It is recommended to treat dried or dry wound surfaces. As for the gel, it can be used to treat wounds, as it promotes the formation of granulations and dries the released liquid.

Before applying the drug, the surface is treated by removing the exudate, pus, dead tissue. Solcoseryl does not have antimicrobial effecttherefore, if it is applied to a dirty wound, an infectious process may begin. The wound should be rinsed with an antiseptic solution with prior removal of infected tissue. The gel is applied in a thin layer on oozing damaged surfaces 2-3 times a day. When the formation of the epithelium begins, the wound is treated with ointment.

Ointment Solcoseryl should be applied with a thin layer on a dry wound. Over it is possible to impose a bandage from a sterile bandage. A drug used until the formation of a strong scar or complete healing of the damaged area. Severe trophic ulcers on the skin and soft tissues are treated with gel or ointment in combination with the introduction of injections.

If redness, separation or painful sensation appears in the area of ​​the damaged skin area, this may indicate the beginning of an infectious process. In such cases use of ointment or gel stop and immediately turn to the doctor. Consultation with a doctor is also needed if the wound does not heal within 2-3 weeks.

Use in medicineThe adhesive dental paste Solcoseryl is applied to the pre-dried oral mucosa. The affected area is treated with a thin layer of funds and slightly moistened with clean water. Pasta recommended to use until complete healing of wounds oral cavity. In the treatment of decubitus from dental prostheses, the drug is applied to the washed and dried surface of the prosthesis in contact with the oral mucosa.

It is not recommended to apply the paste after the removal of teeth, as well as during apicotomy. As well as in other forms of the drug, antiseptic antimicrobial components are not included in the paste. In the event of an inflammatory or infectious process, the affected area should be treated with an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory or antibiotic.

Solcoseryl during pregnancy

The use of the drug during pregnancy is allowed, but only under the supervision of a physician. Specialized studies on the effect of ointment on the development of the fetus, were not conducted, so you should use it with caution.

At the same time for several decades no adverse effects of the drug were recorded on the condition of the fetus or during pregnancy. Nursing women are forbidden to use Solcoseryl in any form.

Ointment Solcoseryl in cosmetology

Side Effects of Solcoseryl Medication

To date, the drug has gained popularity in the field of cosmetology. Ointment Solcoseryl recommend replacing conventional creams to care for your skin or add it to the masks. The effect of the ointment on the skin of the face is as follows:

  • saturation of skin cells with oxygen;
  • activation of metabolic processes;
  • increase collagen synthesis;
  • membrane reinforcement;
  • normalization of blood flow.

Ointment Solcoseryl helps eliminate signs of fatigue and aging skin. As a result of the systematic use of the drug improves the appearance of skin, it becomes more elastic, toned, matte, velvety. The ointment fights fine wrinkles, visibly reducing the appearance of deep ones.

Analysis of consumer feedback suggests a rejuvenating effect of the drug. If the skin of the face is in a rather problematic condition, then the ointment recommended to be applied on the previously cleaned surface once every three days. The composition of the mask to combat wrinkles includes an oil solution of vitamins E and A and one tea false ointment Solcoseryl. At the price of such a mask is much lower than other anti-wrinkle products, and the result exceeds expectations.The effect can be seen after the first application.

Side effects

Use in cosmetology ointment Solcoseryl

Depending on the release forms, Solcoseryl may cause different side effects.

Dental adhesive paste in some cases provokes edema in the application area or a slight change in taste. Edema may indicate the development of allergies. In such cases, you must immediately clean the mouth and consult a dentist.

From patient reviews, it can be concluded that Solcoseryl eye ointment can cause allergic reactions or a burning sensation that passes quickly. The second reaction is considered normal and does not require cessation of the use of the drug, and the appearance of allergies is a good reason to refuse to use the medication.

Edge dermatitis or urticaria may appear as a result of using the gel or ointment Solcoseryl. In some cases, after applying the drug, there is a slight burning sensation, which usually disappears within 15 minutes.

Solcoseryl in the form of a gel, ointment or paste has almost no contraindications. Eye gel can not be used with individual intolerance to the componentsduring pregnancy and breastfeeding, at the age of 1 year.


The cost of the drug depends on the form of its release. Ointment Solcoseryl is available in tubes of 20 grams, the price of which ranges from 160 to 220 rubles. The same gel tube costs about 170–245 rubles. The price of dental adhesive paste (5 g) is on average 300–400 rubles, and the cost of the eye gel is 280–410.


Judging the effectiveness of any medical drug can be based on consumer feedback. Although there is a subjective opinion, and the human body can react differently to one or another means. Ointment Solcoseryl is used for different purposes - to accelerate the healing of wounds, fight wrinkles, signs of aging skin. It is important to note that in very rare cases, the drug has a negative effect. This is caused by individual intolerance to the components of the drug. In general, consumers note the high efficacy of Solcoseryl ointment for a relatively low price.

As a result of the tragic incident at work, my hand was injured. There was a lot of blood, the wound was deep and serious. In the medical center after the damaged surface was treated, Solcoseryl was applied to me in the form of a gel. I had never heard of such a drug before, but the result surprised me. After three days of use, the wound was tightened with a ball of epithelium, after which I changed the gel to ointment. About another week passed with a bandage and only a scar remained from the wound. Now I recommend the drug to my friends.

Irina, 46 years old

I have chronic stomatitis. The weakening of the body or the occurrence of any disease provokes the appearance in the mouth of small ulcers. At one time I used propolis tincture. The sores were covered with a protective film and the soreness temporarily disappeared. Then the dentist advised to try Solcoseryl dental paste. After reading the reviews on the forums, I went to the pharmacy and bought a tube. I am completely satisfied with the result, for almost a whole day I don’t even remember about my problem. After a while the pain returns, but it is no longer so sharp.

Olga, 34 years old

Problems with the skin of my face began as a teenager. I am terribly shy of my many acne and black spots. That just did not try - expensive creams, solutions, masks, drugs. Nothing gave a visible result. Hoping that acne will disappear with age, I stopped the fight against them and just used foundation and powder.

Once on the forum I came across a discussion of the ointment Solcoseryl. Some reviews were about the wonderful properties of the tool and its impact on the condition of the skin of the face. I decided to try, although the hope for the true efficacy of the drug was very low, but the price convinced me.I had to pay only 170 rubles for a tube of ointment. In the evening she applied a thick layer of the product to the skin, and when she woke up in the morning, she was simply surprised by the result. Ointment pulled out almost all purulent accumulations. After a month of using the drug, my face became as clean as ever. Even now I periodically apply ointment for prophylactic purposes.

Alina, 22 years old


