Herpes on the lip: features, photos of different stages

Medical description of herpes lipsThe self-satisfied beauty would be terrified of her appearance if the vision allowed her to see her own details: her smooth beautiful skin is only a relief for hundreds of divisions of various microbes. On each square. see the skin of about 80,000 local people spend their short lives in the fight against aliens and for food. From the pores with droplets of sweat comes up new replenishment, and the paratroopers, breaking through the nose, get into the lungs.

If a plump pretty girl could have said, fu, how disgusting, to shake off all this population - it could not fit in a three-liter saucepan. The lips and the crown of love would have horrified the beauty even more: the microflora of the vagina is a bible for initiates only, more detailed than the story of Mark Twain about how he was a microbe for 3 thousand years.

Herpes Zoster

Description of herpes sitesHerpes can even feel lonely and disadvantaged: this virus has only 3 subfamilies, and it has a pronounced tropism to the salivary gland epithelium, where it can replicate for a long time. Translated into human language, this means that herpes are allowed to give remarks about themselves and somehow live normally only in places like the mouth.

Herpes for good reason means to crawl in Greek, and the lips are the first who can feel it on themselves. The results of such outings are clearly visible in the photo. The free life of herpes lips is perceived as a disease.

Among these viruses, herpes type III is something like Alexander of Macedon, it is not without reason that he has a big name: Zoster (leather belt of a Greek warrior), and the area of ​​lesions and the view of the photo are impressive.

People call it simpler: shingles or otherwise, chicken pox or chickenpox. In this disease, a rash can appear anywhere except on the palms and feet: on the face, lips, and even on the eyes.

Herpes 1 and 2 types

These viruses almost identical and the type of disease depends not on the type of virus, but on its place of residence: in the genitals or on the lips (the common cold). The virus itself cannot multiply and there are no vital metabolic processes (metabolism) outside the cell.

Kinds of herpes on the lips
List of conditions that contribute to the formation of herpesDescription of signs of viral lip diseaseClassification of types of viral disease herpes lipsDetailed description of the development of herpes lipsDescription of lesion sites and characteristics of viral disease

The outer sheath of herpes is covered with something like thorns, with the help of which he has a chance (1 out of 1000 collisions with a cell) to stick to the outer membrane of the cell. Attempting a virus to stick can be unsuccessful: it will take it to another place - it will travel, and wait for the next opportunity.

Finally, as an experienced and cunning lover, he is glued to a trusting living cell, merging his membrane with its membrane. Unnoticed changes its structureand having achieved his goal, he leaves the clothes of the unlucky simpleton and, naked, gets inside the cage. Here he starts the second part of his assignment, written in the genetic code - surrounds himself with a new shell (capsid) and in this bubble gets to the cell nucleus.

The capsid not only helps to stick to the core - it dissolves part of the sheath and herpes, having penetrated inside, proceeds to perform the main task. It blocks the production of the cell's own DNA and causes the nucleus to produce the DNA of the virus. Herpes has no purpose: to cause some kind of disease like a pimple on the lips - it’s just a way of life and reproduction. Nothing personal - only the struggle for existence.

During the working day (like everyone else, about 8 hours), the core, enslaved by the virus, gives it a good progeny - several million recruits.A day later, the herpes leaves an unnecessary cell, grabbing someone else's clothes (part of the shell of the nucleus and the cell), he makes of it a decent maskkhalat, supercapsid. In such an external envelope, it, along with blood, can almost unnoticed get into any organ.

When working with nerve fibers, the virus uses a different tactic: having found a convenient place in the ganglia (ganglia), it throws off all clothes and becomes invisible to the immune system. There, in the form of double-stranded DNA, this naked sex maniac is waiting in the wings.

Sensing alcohol or stress signals, he multiplies rapidly and with the axoplasmic current (along the long processes of the nerve cells), it travels quickly to the genitals along the tracks. There, on the lips, in particular, there are external signs of the disease. Those interested can find photos on this topic, and better means for improving immunity.

Herpes on the lips

Only one out of 20 people has the immunity to deal with this master of disguise, the rest of them are latent (hidden) waiting in the wings.

The conditions under which such a moment comes:

  1. Conditions for the development of herpes lipsSupercooling of the body.
  2. Stress or physical exhaustion.
  3. Lack of vitamins.
  4. Poisoning.
  5. Bad habits.
  6. Immunodeficiency of various nature.
  7. Postponed disease
  8. Unsuccessful strict diet.

Winter and early spring is a favorite time for herpes, it is during this off-season that people lack vitamins and reduced immunity. From the salivary glands an invisible disease crawls easily onto the lips. Herpes better than any Siberian suffers frost - minus 70 it does not care. As for high temperatures, information about this legendary punisher for random kisses seems contradictory.

Herpes more like lazybones. The explanation follows from the laboratory data of the same doctor: if for a virus the temperature of 37.5 is dangerous, then 41 should be almost deadly.

From the data of other researchers (and they can be anyone who has a thermometer), it follows that with intensive physical activities the body temperature can rise to 41 degrees, that is, herpes is better combined with drunkenness than with sports.

Despite the warnings on behalf of herpes on disability, announced by the doctor, many regularly go to the sauna without even thinking about illnesses - they just like it. And some even allow random kisses and no diseases.

Treatment of herpes on the lip

Preventive measures to prevent herpesThe sooner the better - this applies to all diseases. Noticing the first signs of herpes on the lips: slight burning, itching, redness, and even more need bubbles take antiviral drugs such as Acyclovir and lubricate with a gel of a similar effect, such as, for example, Panavir.

For the prevention of many diseases and herpes on the lips can and should be strengthen and maintain immunity using simple and natural actions:

  • rest before fatigue occurs;
  • choose a diet with healthy foods;
  • lead a mobile, healthy lifestyle;
  • prevent chronic diseases;
  • temper cold.

Folk remedies

  1. Methods of treatment of herpes at home folk remediesApplying a hot spoon or a soda compress to your lip is consistent with the fact that high temperatures kill the virus.
  2. Lubricate fir ointment.
  3. Aloe juice or colanchoe: a cotton wool dipped in juice can be applied to the lip and taken with one teaspoon of juice before meals with honey.
  4. Moisten the lip with propolis tincture, then soften with calendula ointment.
  5. Get earwax with a cotton swab and smear a sore spot.

The latter advice looks exotic, and even there are studies that largely negate the bactericidal properties of sulfur. It is quite possible that the people and nature are wiser than superficial skeptics, but still it is much easier and safer to buy at the pharmacy, for example, Zovirax ointment. And the best treatment remains prevention and healthy lifestyle.


