Herpes in the mouth: causes, treatment, photo

Herpes virusHerpes is not a very dangerous viral disease that occurs in children and adults. Its characteristic feature is the formation of small bubbles in the mouth and lips. In some cases, ulcers appear on the gums and palate. The presence of the herpes simplex virus, which appears under certain conditions, leads to the detection of these symptoms.

The reasons

The formation of ulcers occurs due to the presence in the body herpes virus type i. It is transmitted by close contact. This is especially true when a person has sores. For this reason, do not touch the bubbles located on the skin or mouth of a sick person. It is also not recommended to share with him food, cutlery and toothbrushes.

Outbreaks of the disease possible under certain conditions:

  • stressful condition;
  • cold;
  • surgical intervention;
  • influence of wind and cold;
  • weakening of immunity;
  • menstruation.

It must be remembered that infection occurs through airborne, contact and sexual contact. Also, the virus is transmitted from mother to child during childbirth.

Main features

The occurrence of herpesThe manifestation of herpes in the mouth is the same as in an adult, and in a child. When activated, the virus enters the nerves into the oral cavity, which leads to ulceration.

The early symptoms of the disease are itching and tingling. After that, the affected area swells, blushes and becomes painful. There may be discomfort during the meal. During the day or the next day, one or more bubbles appear in the baby’s mouth. After 2-3 days, painful erosions form in their place. They eventually become covered with a crust, which sometimes bleeds. Healing usually occurs after 10-15 days. In place of the sores, the scars do not remain.

With acute herpes The following symptoms may occur:

  • significant deterioration;
  • temperature rise;
  • lymph node inflammation.

Herpes and Stomatitis: Differences

These two diseases have common symptoms: the formation of painful sores, which disappear within 2 weeks. To distinguish between diseases, it is necessary to remember that the herpes virus affects almost the entire mucosa, as well as the lips. With stomatitis, the sores usually form only on the inside of the cheeks and lips. Children suffering from herpes first appear small blisters, and only then do they transformed into ulcers.

If anxiety symptoms are found, a doctor should be visited so that he can make an accurate diagnosis and give the child appropriate treatment.

Types of herpes

Varieties of the diseaseExperts identify acute and chronic herpes. The first form is much more common. When the early signs of the disease appear, the child quickly recovers.

Exist 3 degrees of herpes severity:

  • Easy There are no symptoms. In rare cases, tiny wounds form on the oral mucosa, which heal very quickly.
  • Average. Characterized by the presence of pronounced symptoms. Thus, pain and itching occur, and certain changes occur in the blood. Treatment must begin immediately after the discovery of the first sores.
  • Heavy The disease begins suddenly. At the same time, even the patient has no doubts whether it is herpes.

Possible complications

In most cases, herpes has no serious consequences for the child's body.However, under certain conditions, the virus can spread to other organs, including the trachea, lungs, brain, and esophagus. Such complications are extremely rare.


Diagnosis of herpes is based on the symptoms. So, the doctor examines the lips and mouth of the child. To confirm the diagnosis, it is necessary to pass a smear or a biopsy. Such tests are prescribed in cases where there is doubt or the patient’s condition is very serious.


What is herpes cure?To get rid of herpes in the mouth, complex treatment is needed. In addition, you should follow a special diet, take prescribed medications and follow bed rest.

Herpes treatment is carried out using both traditional and non-traditional method. In the first case we are talking about the use of various antiviral drugs, drugs that enhance the immune system, and vitamin complexes. Thanks to this serious approach, it is possible to quickly get rid of ulcers and improve the condition of the child.

For the treatment of herpes, drugs such as zovirax, valtrex and famvir are optimally suited. Only a doctor should prescribe such means, given the contraindications and causes that caused herpes.

Unconventional treatment involves the use of popular recipes. Thanks to them, it is possible to alleviate the condition of the child and strengthen the immunity. The most commonly used decoctions of calendula, celandine, chamomile and lemon balm. In addition, it is shown attaching ice to the mucosa or gently rubbing the ulcers with alcohol.

If the disease is acute or often bothers the patient, internal use of antibiotics and antiviral agents is indicated. Such drugs are really effective in detecting early signs.


If someone from the family has herpes in her mouth, you should follow certain recommendations. The patient himself must also behave correctly to avoid infection of relatives.

  • It is important to avoid touching the wounds as much as possible.
  • For the application of antiviral ointments, it is better to use cotton buds.
  • After smearing the lesions, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.
  • Use only your own cutlery and hygiene items.
  • When healing ulcers, you should not tear off the crusts yourself, as this will lead to bleeding and additional infection.
  • It is necessary to abandon kisses until complete recovery.

How to treat the herpes virusTo avoid the formation of sores, it is necessary regularly strengthen the immune system. We are talking about hardening, respecting sleep patterns and proper nutrition. In addition, during a flu epidemic, you should go to public places as seldom as possible.

The herpes virus does not pose a particular health hazard. Treatment of the disease in most cases is carried out in order to eliminate unpleasant sensations. To avoid relapses, you should follow simple guidelines. it hygiene, proper nutrition and immunity. Naturally, such measures will not help get rid of the virus, but thanks to them it will be possible to avoid the manifestation of the disease.

Examples of herpes disease
Herpes in the mouthMucosal diseaseInfectionHerpes virus on the corners of the lipsHerpes virus in adultsHerpes on the faceInfectious diseaseHerpes on the corners of the lipsHerpes infectionInfectionHow to treat herpesHow to help with herpesHerpes virus


