Gingivitis: what it is, symptoms and treatment of the disease

The main cause of gingivitisGingivitis is an inflammatory disease of the gums, manifested by redness, swelling and bleeding. It affects only the mucous membrane, without affecting the periodontal ligaments, so the teeth retain a strong position, therefore gingivitis is considered a mild gum disease. At the early stage of the appearance of gingivitis is easily treated and does not cause much trouble. But if the process of inflammation gets out of control - it becomes chronic, which will be much more difficult to get rid of. This disease is most common in children, teenagers and in persons under thirty years.

If during the meal you feel uncomfortable, and in the process of brushing your teeth you observe bleeding, you should immediately consult a doctor. The development of gingivitis may be associated with diseases such as diabetes, malignant diseases (cancer), AIDS and hepatitis.

Gingivitis Classification

What is gingivitis

Professional dentists classify gingivitis as follows:

  • in terms of prevalence: localized when only a portion of the gum is inflamed. Generalized when the entire mucous membrane of the mouth is inflamed;
  • by severity: light, medium and heavy;
  • by the nature of the course: acute and chronic;
  • in the form: catarrhal, ulcerative-necrotic, hypertrophic, atrophic;
  • separate group: youthful, gingivitis of pregnant women.

Why does gingivitis occur?

  1. Poor or poor oral hygiene;
  2. Low immunity;
  3. Poor dental treatment: overhanging fillings, traumatizing gums, improper installation of dentures and braces;
  4. Congestion on teeth of supragingival and subgingival stones;
  5. Pregnancy;
  6. Adolescence;
  7. The period after suffering severe and prolonged illness;
  8. Lack of vitamins and minerals;
  9. Tuberculosis, AIDS, diabetes, hepatitis and other chronic diseases;
  10. Trauma to the gums.

Why gingivitis occursThe main factor in the occurrence of gingivitis is poor oral hygiene. Soft bloom remaining after bad cleaning in the area of ​​gum contact with the tooth is gradually transformed into tartar. Here microorganisms multiply activelythat start the process of gum inflammation, which is called gingivitis.

The body reacts to the vital activity of bacteria by the inflammatory process. A biological film forms on the tooth, it participates in the appearance of a soft coating. Mineralizing food residues are held on it and become an incubator for the development of bacteria. They penetrate into the gums and release toxins that damage the cells of the mucous membrane. In the place where the toxins have penetrated, there is swelling and redness. The distance between the gum and the tooth (gingival pocket) expands. Then the gum becomes bleeding.

Symptoms of gingivitis

Signs of the disease depend on the form, nature, prevalence, severity of the lesion of the oral cavity.

If the severity is high, it is bright and active. redness will occur and swelling of the gums. A severe form of hyperemia extends throughout the jaw, up to the inflammation of the mucous lips.

All forms of the disease are characterized by painful sensations when chewing food, bleeding, the appearance of bad breath, unpleasant sensations at the site of inflammation, itching.

How to cure gingivitis

Acute gingivitis is accompanied by severe pain and sudden redness of the gums. Chronic disease manifested seasonal exacerbation, that is, in spring and autumn and not as pronounced as in acute gingivitis. Discomfort is observed in the oral cavity, but it is tolerable, bleeding increases.

Each form of gingivitis has a number of specific symptoms, but the general signs appear the same, they are usually enough to pay a visit to the dentist. A qualified periodontist will be able to diagnose the nature of gum disease and prescribe the correct treatment.

For example, symptoms of acute catarrhal gingivitis manifest as follows: sudden acute pain, feeling unwell, and a rise in temperature to 37 degrees. There is swelling, burning, redness of the gums, food intake is difficult because the inflamed gums react to mechanical irritations. In no case can not be treated independently, as in this case the symptoms of the disease are muffled and it enters the chronic phase. If you go to a doctor, then acute gingivitis will pass quickly and without a trace.

Chronic catarrhal gingivitis occurs due to the advanced acute stage of the disease. Symptoms are not so bright and appear only during the period of tooth brushing and eating. But signs such as hyperemia and bleeding indicate the presence of the disease. With a long course of the disease an increase in the depth of the gum pockets is observed, as well as the appearance of blue tint gums.

Chronic catarrhal gingivitis is found when visiting the dentist due to exacerbation of the disease or about the disease of the teeth. The disease in the acute stage, according to the symptoms, resembles an acute form. If catarrhal gingivitis is not treated, it becomes ulcer-necrotic.

Difference of gingivitis from other gum diseases

How to cure periodontitis

Difdiagnosis is performed to distinguish the characteristic signs of gingivitis from stomatitis, periodontal disease and periodontitis, as they have similar symptoms.

Periodontitis occurs as a result of untreated gingivitis, is an inflammatory disease of the gums, manifested by bleeding and the occurrence of periodontal (gingival) pockets. With gingivitis, unlike periodontitis, the teeth are firm, do not loosen, and the jawbone does not collapse.

With periodontal disease, the necks of the teeth become bare, and the alveolar process of the jaw is absorbed (this is the part of the jaw where the roots of the teeth are located). The overgrown dental calculus takes up space that is released when the gums drop. After a professional teeth cleaning, cracks appear and the roots become bare. With periodontal disease as well as with gingivitis, the teeth remain motionless.

Stomatitis distinguishes the place of localization. Stomatitis affects the entire oral mucosa, cheeks, tongue, palate inflamed, with gingivitis, only the edge of the gums becomes inflamed.

A qualified periodontist can easily determine the form, severity and nature of the diagnosis. gingivitis the patient.

Gingivitis treatment

If you diagnose gingivitis at the initial stage, treatment will be quick and effective. Modern methods of treatment cure the acute form of this disease within 10 days. But the chronic stage (untreated acute form) of the disease requires long and time-consuming treatment.

At the moment there are many methods of treatment, and the choice of a particular scheme depends on the factors:

  • from the form of gingivitis;
  • on the degree of neglect and severity;
  • on the age of the patient;
  • from the cause.

How to cure periodontal diseaseBefore starting treatment, a periodontist dentist performs a professional tooth brushing with teeth freeing from non-mineralized and mineralized deposits (soft plaque and tartar). Purified gum improves the clinical picture of the disease. Some patients, inspired by the result, stop treatment at this phase, but this should not be done. If the treatment is not completed, then the relapse will not take long to wait. Oral hygiene plays a crucial role in the prevention of diseases of the oral cavity, the periodontist sends the patient to a special room where the patient is taught proper tooth brushing and oral hygiene.

If a separate part of the gum is inflamed, the cause may be the unpolished part of the filling. Dentist corrects the seal or replaces it with a new onethan relieves the symptoms of the disease.

All treatments include the use of drugs, and if there is a high severity of the disease, then a small surgical operation.


Be sure to include in the appointment of complex vitamins, because gingivitis occurs due to reduced immunity. Vitamin C is especially necessary, as it reduces bleeding and strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

A periodontist prescribes injections of vitamins lincomycin and cyanocobalamin. Vitamins relieve symptoms, and lidocaine soothes pain.

Sometimes antibiotics are required for treatment. They are able to effectively deal with the acute stage of the disease and protect against the occurrence of complications. They take antibiotics only on prescription, because there may be contraindications to them.

Ointments and gels

Locally applied ointments and gels, they reduce inflammation and relieve symptoms. Ointment "Solcoseryl"And" Metragil Dent "relieve itching and pain for a long time. Created by them thin film protects against temperature and chemical irritantsThis prevents the occurrence of discomfort.


No matter how painful and unpleasant it may be, but a sick person needs to brush their teeth twice a day. It is forbidden to spare and injure, therefore, the toothbrush must be taken of medium hardness. Toothpaste should be selected with anti-inflammatory and therapeutic effect, it should include sage, chamomile, calendula, yarrow. They reduce swelling and bleeding, strengthen gums.

Whitening toothpastes do not apply for gingivitis, as they contain abrasive substances that cause injury during cleaning, they should be postponed until the gums become healthy again.

Traditional methods of treatment of gingivitis

Vitamins for the treatment of gingivitisThose who prefer traditional methods of folk treatment, you should know that traditional medicine does not completely cure gingivitis. Although along with the appointment of a periodontist she can speed up the process recovery. It is important to keep the oral cavity clean. To speed up the treatment, you can apply various rinses and baths of decoction of herbs.

Recipes for making infusion.

  1. WITHSterling a spoonful of sage pour 200 ml of boiling water and infuse for 20 minutes. Wait until the broth cools down and after each meal rinse the mouth. You can also make an infusion of chamomile. It has bactericidal properties and accelerates the healing process of the gums.
  2. Celandine and oak bark have astringent properties. They relieve swelling and bleeding when the gums become inflamed. Chopped oak bark and dried herb celandine are used. For the preparation of infusion, they are mixed: two tablespoons each poured two cups of boiling water. After the infusion has cooled at room temperature, it is necessary to rinse the mouth cavity four times a day until the symptoms persist.

If you are using traditional medicine, then discuss your actions with the periodontist. Advice from unenlightened persons should be neglected.

How to eat with gingivitis?

The diet for this disease should contain a large amount of fresh vegetables and fruits, namely:

  • in citrus contains a large percentage of vitamin Cwhich strengthens the blood vessels and reduces bleeding;
  • pears and apples contain trace elements and pectin, they accelerate the healing process;
  • currant berries, blackberries, raspberries enrich the body with vitamins and minerals that enhance immunity;
  • vegetables contain antioxidants and fiber. Zucchini, cabbage, carrots should be present in the diet, they speed up the metabolic processes and reduce the healing time of the gums.

It is necessary to limit the use of fast carbohydrates: flour products, sweets, potatoes, as they contribute to the formation of a soft plaque on the teeth.

How to prevent gingivitis?

Prevention of gingivitis is simple and, if desired, everyone can protect themselves from inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity. Simple hygiene rules:

  1. Oral hygieneIt is necessary to brush teeth regularly in the morning after breakfast and in the evening before bedtime. Average brush stiffness considered the best, because a hard one can injure the gum, and a soft one will not cope with a soft dental coating. Choose toothpaste at its discretion, the range on the market is now wide. You should know that the effect of the paste does not depend on the high cost, but on the correct use of it. Rotational semicircular movements should be made, sweeping food particles away from the point where the tooth neck is in contact with the gum. You can check how effectively you brushed your teeth, walk your tongue over them, if roughness remained, then you need to brush it again to make your teeth smooth.
  2. Use dental floss.
  3. Twice a year check with your dentist and do a professional cleaning in his office.
  4. It is necessary to eat more solid fresh vegetables and fruits, for example, carrots and apples, they are rich in vitamins and well clean soft patina.

These rules will protect your health from many diseases of the teeth and oral mucosa, including gingivitis.


