Gingivitis in children: treatment, photo and main manifestations

Gingivitis treatment methodsGingivitis is a common dental disease that is quite difficult for children. It is accompanied by bleeding gums, pain, swelling and fever. In some cases, inflammation can spread to a large part of the gum. For the treatment of gingivitis in children, safe medications can be used. For this reason, self-medication is not recommended.

The reasons

The treatment of gingivitis and other inflammations of the gums begins with establishing the cause. In most cases it is poor hygiene, because of what is active reproduction of microorganisms. Accordingly, gingivitis may be accompanied by the presence of tartar, advanced caries and severe inflammation of the gums in a child.

Gingivitis in children occurs due to such factors:

  • Symptoms of gingivitisMicrobes. In approximately 90% of cases, the disease arises due to microflora, representing tartar and plaque. Such deposits occur because the child does not properly brush teeth. This is due to his inability or unwillingness. Microorganisms in the oral cavity multiply very quickly, and their metabolic products cause inflammation of the gums.
  • Mechanical injury. We are talking about various violations of the integrity of the mucous membranes, including biting, burns, cuts and scratches. To avoid the development of the inflammatory process, it is necessary to feed the child with not too hot food and not to give him sharp objects.
  • Functional loads. They are caused by improper bite, various chewing disorders and bad habits, namely chewing food only on one side. All this explains the uneven load on the teeth and gums, which leads to gingivitis.
  • Long teething. In some cases, the tooth may erupt for quite some time. Naturally, during brushing teeth there are painful sensations, so the child practically does not clean the affected area. Because of this, microbes that cause inflammation accumulate here.

Other causes of gum disease a child may have:

  • weakening of immunity;
  • unbalanced diet, in which the diet does not have enough micronutrients and vitamins;
  • various hormonal disorders;
  • susceptibility to allergies;
  • oral diseases;
  • sealing defects.

Symptoms of the disease

The main symptom of gingivitis in children is considered bleeding gums. She speaks about the beginning of inflammation. Many parents simply do not notice this. Accordingly, the child gets an appointment with the dentist only with the formation of edema and redness of the gums. Other symptoms can be general weakness and a slight fever.


  • Inflammation of the gums in a childCatarrhal gingivitis refers to the most common diseases in children. Its acute form is caused by accidental injury or burns of the gums. It may also be a symptom of an allergy or some kind of viral disease. Other reasons include changing milk teeth to permanent ones. Chronic gingivitis is quite long and has no pronounced symptoms. The child has no particular complaints, but he often refuses brushing teeth due to unpleasant sensations. The cause of the chronic form is non-compliance with the rules of hygiene. The most prominent signs are swelling and redness of the gums. In rare cases, the formation of several sores.
  • Ulcerative gingivitis often due to infectious diseases or hypothermia. In some cases, it can be a complication of catarrhal gingivitis. The main symptoms are bleeding gums, as well as itching and pain. Over time, swelling and ulcers appear. It is very important to start treatment no later than this stage. Otherwise, in the process of inspection, dead spots with a grayish bloom will be noticed. Other symptoms of ulcerative gingivitis are putrid odor, viscous saliva, a large amount of plaque on the teeth, which causes a strong intoxication of the child's body.
  • Hypertrophic gingivitis provoked by puberty and various hormonal diseases. With such chronic inflammation, the proliferation of soft tissue occurs, which sometimes covers the crown. In most cases, inflammation occurs in both gums.
  • Atrophic gingivitis It is caused by illiterate orthodontic treatment. Also, the cause may be some kind of dentition. This type of disease has a localized character. Most often, inflammation extends only to the lower incisors and canines. In this case, the child does not complain of pain, and his gums do not redden. Over time, the tooth neck is gradually exposed, and painful sensations appear.


Sore gum treatmentWhen gingivitis is very it is important to start timely treatment. This is due to the fact that children are quite difficult to tolerate inflammation. So, they often lose their appetite.

The main task of the treatment of gingivitis is the elimination of the cause. Accordingly, first of all the dentist removes tartar with a special watering roller or ultrasound.

Anti-inflammatory drugs

To eliminate inflammation used various antiseptic solutions.

  • Horhexidine. This means rinsing the oral cavity twice a day: in the morning and in the evening. The duration of one procedure should be 60 seconds.
  • Miramistin is used to treat children from 3 years. Rinse procedure is repeated at least 3 times a day.

Herbal infusions can be used to relieve inflammation. Chamomile, sage, eucalyptus, calendula and nettle are suitable for this purpose. Broth oak bark should not be used, because when ingested it causes vomiting and constipation.

For the treatment of gingivitis in children, often special gels are used. Unlike ointments, they keep well on the soft tissues of the gums and quickly penetrate inside. The tool is applied twice a day, after which at least 2 hours can not be eaten. For such a procedure, the most commonly used metrogil-dent, which can be applied to children from 6 years old, and holisal, does not pose a danger to children of any age.

Home remedies

Relieve the flow of gingivitis in children such methods will help:

  • Rinse with soda solution. So, for 250 ml of water enough 0.5 tsp. powder.
  • Rinse with an alcoholic solution of propolis. To prepare the product, 15-20 g of propolis is mixed with 50 ml of alcohol and infused overnight. Then 2-4 drops of liquid are added to 100 ml of water and used for rinsing. This tool can be given to children over 6 years.
  • Lubrication gums oil Hypericum. So, in 100 ml of any vegetable oil add 1 tbsp. l dried Hypericum. The mixture is brought to a boil several times and then left to stand for 3 hours. When the precipitate separates, the oil is considered ready.
  • Aloe juice with bactericidal effect is suitable for lubrication.


Disease preventionTo avoid the development of gingivitis, you need prevent inflammation in the oral cavity. Every parent should understand that the main problem in young children is non-compliance with the rules of hygiene. Therefore, mom and dad should teach their children the right brushing your teeth. It is also necessary to use a soft bristle brush and a special paste.

It is equally important to monitor the nutrition of children.If the kid loves various sweets, then they can be given only when the child has eaten well before. Immediately after dessert, you must rinse your mouth or brush your teeth.

If you follow all the recommendations of the pediatric dentist and the rules of hygiene recovery comes very quickly. If the treatment of gingivitis is delayed, then inflammation may spread to the jaw bone and soft tissues of the oral cavity. This is fraught with the development of more serious dental diseases.

Gingivitis in children
Gingivitis in a childGum disease in childrenBleed gumsHow to treat swollen gumsGingivitis treatment methods


