Treatment of gingivitis at home

Medical description of gingivitis diseaseGingivitis is a common dental disease in which gum inflammation begins. If you do not start his treatment, the formation of ulcers and the development of complications is possible. To cope with the disease and improve the condition of the oral cavity, it is necessary to use special medicines and proven folk remedies. Only complex treatment is considered effective.

Causes of disease

Various factors can provoke the development of gingivitis. The most common are such reasons:

  1. The list of factors for which the disease can beginNon-compliance with the rules of hygiene, because of which a large amount of sediment forms on the teeth.
  2. Taking various medications, including cold medicine and antidepressants. Because of them, the production of saliva is reduced, and this contributes to a more active proliferation of bacteria.
  3. Lack of calcium and B vitamins.
  4. Fungal infections and viruses.
  5. Change hormonal levels.
  6. Burns mucosal injury.
  7. Smoking.
  8. Improper treatment of dental diseases.
  9. Immune weakening.
  10. Diseases of the liver.
  11. Diabetes.

Common symptoms

Description of the main symptoms of gingivitisThe main symptoms of gingivitis include:

  • bleeding gums, which occurs even with a light touch;
  • unpleasant smell from the mouth, disappearing after brushing your teeth for only a couple of hours;
  • redness and swelling of the gums;
  • pain.

Forms of gingivitis

Experts identify several forms of the disease:

  • Catarrhal This is a fairly easy form in which the teeth remain stable. They do not loosen even with time.
  • Hypertrophic. Accompanied by swelling of the gums, which leads to unpleasant sensations. Other common symptoms are bad breath, headache, lack of appetite, fever and redness of the gums.
  • Ulcerative-necrotic. This form of the disease is sluggish, respectively, the disease can be treated for a long time. At the same time, the patient's condition deteriorates significantly, which is why he almost completely refuses to accept food.
  • Atrophic. A characteristic feature of this form of gingivitis is a reduction in the size of the gums.
  • Marginal or regional. There is a defeat of the gums, as well as interdental papillae. The main symptom of this disease is the formation of tubercle, which contains pus.

Differences of gingivitis from other diseases of the gums

Description of the characteristic features of gingivitisIt is known that gingivitis with its symptoms resembles several other diseases of the gums. To make a correct diagnosis, you need to carefully examine all the symptoms and conduct a thorough inspection of the oral cavity. This is very important, because different means are used for the treatment.

  1. Periodontitis is an inflammatory disease that is accompanied by bleeding gums and the formation of periodontal pockets. This disease occurs due to neglected gingivitis. The main difference is the loosening of the teeth and the destruction of bone tissue, which is observed only during periodontitis.
  2. Periodontal disease leads to denudation of the cervical and gradual destruction of the alveolar process. To notice the gap between the teeth, it is enough to carry out professional cleaning.
  3. Stomatitis differs from gingivitis in the localization of inflammation. So, all mucous membrane, including a palate and cheeks swells and reddens.

Gingivitis and pregnancy

During childbirth, a significant change in hormonal levels occurs. So, due to the lack of minerals and vitamins, periodontal weakening is noted, which increases the likelihood of development various diseases of the oral cavity.

Most often, gingivitis is found in the second trimester. The gums swell, redden and begin to bleed. In this case, the disease can be observed even in women who competently and regularly care for their teeth and gums.

There is an opinion that after the birth of the child gingivitis will disappear. In fact, there is a transition to the chronic form, in which the symptoms become less pronounced. To avoid gingivitis while pregnant, should visit the dentist regularly and if necessary, remove tartar. It is also important to use irrigator and flossing.

Treatment during pregnancy is difficult, because some medications may be unsafe for the child. Therefore, at home you can do only rinsing. Also assigned to the removal of dental deposits and receive vitamin-mineral complexes.


If you detect the disease at an early stage, recovery will come very quickly. So, thanks to modern methods, it is possible to eliminate the acute form within 1–2 weeks. You can be treated at home.

The choice of medications and the specific method of treatment depends on such factors:

  • form of the disease;
  • severity;
  • age of the patient;
  • cause of gingivitis.

Ways and means of treating the disease

In any case, first held professional cleaning. Soft plaque and hard stone are removed from the surface of the teeth. After that, patients feel an improvement in their condition, so some of them give up treatment. In fact, it is impossible to do this, because relapses are possible.

It is necessary to remember that in many respects it is from hygiene depends on the success of treatment. Therefore, the periodontist is obliged to teach the patient to properly care for the oral cavity.

Sometimes gingivitis is local, which is caused by the overhang of the edge of the filling. In this case, the treatment involves re-sealing.

Each patient is assigned taking vitamin complexes, because with gingivitis often weakened immunity. Also, treatment involves injections of lincomycin, lidocaine or cyanocobalamin. These drugs eliminate the discomfort. In general, taking antibiotics helps to avoid complications in the acute form of the disease.

To eliminate unpleasant symptoms and remove inflammation, various home remedies are used at home. gels and ointments. The most popular are solcoseryl and metrogil denta. Such drugs remove pain and itching. Ointment is applied with a thin layer on the gums, which helps protect the mucosa from various irritants.

Despite the pain of gingivitis, the patient should regularly brush his teeth with an anti-inflammatory paste. In its composition should be represented by various medicinal herbs, including sage, calendula, chamomile. They remove bleeding gums and speed up treatment.

During the treatment of the disease you should not use bleaching pastes, because they contain abrasive substances that irritate the affected areas.

Treatment of folk remedies

Recommendations of dentists how and how to treat gingivitis at home

It must be remembered that curing gingivitis without the help of a qualified doctor is impossible. However, the use of folk remedies help speed recovery.

For the treatment of gingivitis at home it is necessary to do the baths from herbal decoctions. To do this, one spoonful of chopped sage or chamomile pour a glass of boiling water. Broth insist 20 minutes, cool and filter. Rinsing is performed after each snack.

Not less effective are rinsing with soda solution. For 1 cup of warm water you will need only 1 spoon of powder.

Before treatment and use of such folk remedies must consult a doctor about possible contraindications.

Food for gingivitis

To alleviate the condition, you need to add certain foods to your diet:

  • Citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C, which helps strengthen blood vessels and reduce bleeding.
  • Pears and apples, which contain pectins and various microelements, help speed up the healing process.
  • Blackberries, raspberries and currants increase immunity.
  • Vegetables rich in fiber and antioxidants, namely carrots, cabbage and zucchini.

Experts recommend at least for a while to reduce the use of potatoes, flour and sweets, because these products lead to the formation of a large amount of soft plaque.

Preventing the development of gingivitis

To avoid such an inflammatory disease, it is necessary to devote time to prevention.

  1. Preventive measures for the prevention of dental diseasesTwice a day you need to brush your teeth. For this purpose, suitable brush medium hardness. It removes plaque well and does not injure the gum. It is important to do the right movements while cleaning. After the procedure, the teeth should be smooth.
  2. You must use dental floss and irrigator.
  3. Every six months you need to visit the dentist for professional teeth cleaning, early detection and treatment of diseases of the oral cavity.
  4. In the diet should be a lot of hard fruits and vegetables that will help clean off the plaque from the teeth.

Treating gingivitis is actually quite simple. To do this, it is enough to use special ointments, properly brush your teeth, do rinsing with herbal decoction and review your diet. Thanks to this approach, it will be possible to preserve the health of the gums.


